

Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
need some info in the sub forum.. I dont know much about cutting. But will be wanting to do a cutting cycle or more of a recomp cycle here in a few months. would really like some helpful info.
some good'ol ripp blend will get you cut up more than nicely (mast-p/tren-a/test-p) 😉
goodfella said:
some good'ol ripp blend will get you cut up more than nicely (mast-p/tren-a/test-p) 😉
goodfellaThis is my favorite cycle and most effective!! 100mg each of Tren A, Prop, and Mast. Use Anavar as an oral and midstream throw in so Primobolan. Towards the end start cutting with T3 and Clen. This is a 12 week cycle and is quaranteed to remove at least 12-15lbs of fat without cardio. If you're interested in it, I'll lay it out for you.
TSizemore said:
goodfella said:
some good'ol ripp blend will get you cut up more than nicely (mast-p/tren-a/test-p) 😉
goodfellaThis is my favorite cycle and most effective!! 100mg each of Tren A, Prop, and Mast. Use Anavar as an oral and midstream throw in so Primobolan. Towards the end start cutting with T3 and Clen. This is a 12 week cycle and is quaranteed to remove at least 12-15lbs of fat without cardio. If you're interested in it, I'll lay it out for you.

Chit those extras you mentioned makes it all the more tempting man! I may just start a early cut instead! Never thought to throw some primo in, but that would be something perfect for primo to work it's magic!
goodfella said:
TSizemore said:
goodfella said:
some good'ol ripp blend will get you cut up more than nicely (mast-p/tren-a/test-p) 😉
goodfellaThis is my favorite cycle and most effective!! 100mg each of Tren A, Prop, and Mast. Use Anavar as an oral and midstream throw in so Primobolan. Towards the end start cutting with T3 and Clen. This is a 12 week cycle and is quaranteed to remove at least 12-15lbs of fat without cardio. If you're interested in it, I'll lay it out for you.

Chit those extras you mentioned makes it all the more tempting man! I may just start a early cut instead! Never thought to throw some primo in, but that would be something perfect for primo to work it's magic!

I run prop,tren and mast. I also carb cycle and I have carb loaded were I do very low carbs a couple days then have a high carb day. What works best for me since I work construction is cycle my carbs as the day goes I lower my carbs. I don't crash like that and most important cardio bro lots of cardio 45-60 min 7 days a week and not that BS walking on a tread mill you need to get the heart rate up. Every summer I cut and I can get down to 6% with lots of cardio and a dialed in diet.
I am not looking to get below 9% BF I have no need to be that low.. AS I wont be competing or anything..

really my goal is to do a complete transformation in a sense. I DON'T want to run tren. Not yet at least maybe a few years down the road.. Right now what I am thinking for my next cycle. is test E/C, EQ , Mast E, and if I can find a place that has REAL Primo E then all four of those for about 18-22 weeks.

I will have to look into the carb cycling stuff never done it.. I just eat healthy and I eat what my body asks for.. right now I am at about 13%BF.
Run tren, you'll like it 😉
CROSS80 said:
I will have to look into the carb cycling stuff never done it.. I just eat healthy and I eat what my body asks for.. right now I am at about 13%BF.
Carb cycling is pretty advanced as far as cutting. It's easier to pick a set calorie mark, hit it every day while maintaining low carbs, and then reduce that mark by 100-200 calories every week to 2 weeks until you get to about 1500-1800 calories.

The benefits of carb cycling would only be noticed if you were a competitor/model and looking for the specific advantages of bloat, flatness, and heavier lift days while maintaining extremely low bf.
NextGen Freak said:
CROSS80 said:
I will have to look into the carb cycling stuff never done it.. I just eat healthy and I eat what my body asks for.. right now I am at about 13%BF.
Carb cycling is pretty advanced as far as cutting. It's easier to pick a set calorie mark, hit it every day while maintaining low carbs, and then reduce that mark by 100-200 calories every week to 2 weeks until you get to about 1500-1800 calories.

The benefits of carb cycling would only be noticed if you were a competitor/model and looking for the specific advantages of bloat, flatness, and heavier lift days while maintaining extremely low bf.
Carb cycling is advanced. Takes extreme dedication, but, is a very powerful tool for both weight loss and gain. It will also let you maintain a lean, cut look year round. I could write a paper on the benefits of Carb Cycling and the different types.

Stick with what you're doing. At 13% BF all you need to do is adjust your Macros to suit your goal and then eat well. Cardio is completely over-rated and will actually hurt your metabolism if done to extremes. Keep your calories just below your TDEE (if your calories are within 500 of it), and your Macros at 40 %pro, 30% carbs, and 30% fat. You'll lose BF at that rate. Don't let anybody tell you that you can burn fat and build Mass at the same time! Can't be done! It takes a calorie deficit to loose weight and a calorie surplus to gain weight.

Uhmm...did I go on a rant there? .......Sorrry
Re: Re: ummmm

TSizemore said:
goodfella said:
some good'ol ripp blend will get you cut up more than nicely (mast-p/tren-a/test-p) 😉
goodfellaThis is my favorite cycle and most effective!! 100mg each of Tren A, Prop, and Mast. Use Anavar as an oral and midstream throw in so Primobolan. Towards the end start cutting with T3 and Clen. This is a 12 week cycle and is quaranteed to remove at least 12-15lbs of fat without cardio. If you're interested in it, I'll lay it out for you.

I personally would love to see this all layed out T. I have always done the bulk deal and could stand to lose about that much. I'm currently 5'9 and sitting at 225 and no idea on bf. Would guess between 15 and 20%?

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Week Compound Dose
1-10 Anavar 75mg ED
11-12 Anavar Taper down to 50mg ed
1-10 Blend (prop, mast, tren a) 100mg each (or 75, whichever your happier with) EOD
5-12 Primobolan 300mg week

At week 6 Start Clen/T3 cycle (these doses are every day)
Week 1 (of clen/t3) 40mcg clen gradually inreased to 80mcg by end of week, T3 - 25mcg graduated to 100mcg by end of week
Week 2 No CLEN!!! T3 -- 75mcg graduated to 100mcg.
Week 3 100mcg Clen up to 120mcg Clen, T3 --100mcg up to 120mcg .
Week 4 No Clen!!! T3 -- 125mcg daily.
Week 5 120mcg Clen, T3 -- 100mcg and start tapering this down to 75mcg
Week 6 No Clen!!! T3 -- 75mcg and taper down to 25mcg

Nolva can be started at beginning of week 11 at 40mg (if needed, and you haven't already put it in earlier)

This cycle is a great lean mass builder that finishes off with awesome cutting results. The dosages and durations can be played with to suit the user, but using Tren A for more than 10 weeks is asking for trouble. As far as PCT, goes....use what you're most comfortable with. This cycle isn't very heavy and Nolva might be all that's needed for you. (if at all)

Don't worry about using an ECA stack on the Clen off week. Beta receptors will not clear if you use Caffeine and/or Ephedrine. Just make the off weeks, off weeks.
On a side note, I used 75mg of each compound.
TSize why do you say if you run Tren A longer than 10 weeks you asking for trouble?
Tren A is highly Anabolic and Androgenic. It toxic to the Kidneys more so than other gear. And moderately affects the HPTA. More than 10 weeks is extremely hard on the kidneys.
very good info TSize thanks i guess that was something i was over looking when at Tren A for a cycle but now know.....see learnt something new today.
Re: ummmm

That's looks like a solid cycle right there T! May have to start building my stash for next spring. I'm three weeks away from having to clear the system so I can get Doc's approval (B&C) and then it's off to the races again.
Much appreciated brother!!

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Re: Re: ummmm

CROSS80 said:
I am not looking to get below 9% BF I have no need to be that low.. AS I wont be competing or anything..

really my goal is to do a complete transformation in a sense. I DON'T want to run tren. Not yet at least maybe a few years down the road.. Right now what I am thinking for my next cycle. is test E/C, EQ , Mast E, and if I can find a place that has REAL Primo E then all four of those for about 18-22 weeks.

I will have to look into the carb cycling stuff never done it.. I just eat healthy and I eat what my body asks for.. right now I am at about 13%BF.

Complete transformation I've got similar opinion to others.

I've got a stack called +10/-10 plus ten muscle minus ten fat in ten in eight to ten weeks. Tren is intense and i dont recommend for beginners so I would suggest two options:

Test/primo or test/primo/anavar


Okay that's three options lol


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