
Augustwest said:
wanted to throw in. I did Carb Cycling to drop 47 lbs of fat in 5 months last yr without any gear at all. Started Jan 1st at 249 finished June 1st at 202. Also have kept the weight of, highest ive been since is 210.

It is a lot of work up front, but once you get into the routine its GREAT for steady healthy fatloss, that will also prevent a lot of muscle loss in comparison to faster more drastic methods.

Id love to run that cut cycle you layed out Tsizemore with some carb cycling. maybe this summer. would be some great results
Augustwestwow great results!
Thanks, it was the single largest transformation Ive ever made in my life. I also did it while not being able to lift upper body due to a rotator injury.

Since May I have basically been a medical science experiment with the none-stop medical issues. Heres to hoping I can stay healthy in 2013 and now add some sizeable mass while staying lean.
Augustwest said:
Thanks, it was the single largest transformation Ive ever made in my life. I also did it while not being able to lift upper body due to a rotator injury.

Since May I have basically been a medical science experiment with the none-stop medical issues. Heres to hoping I can stay healthy in 2013 and now add some sizeable mass while staying lean.
AugustwestOnly way to add Mass while staying lean is to absolutely have your diet spot on! If you're gonna run Gear and keep the mass lean, you can't over do it.!
as in, cant over do the gear?

im also ok with getting a lil soft while bulking but yes will def be doing some carb cycling.

Im thinkin 4000cals steady. and cycle down carbs, high day 40%, medium day 30%, low day 20%. and make up the difference in cals with fat and protein.

M,L,M,H,M,L type deal for 6 day cycle.

hows that look and sound?
Augustwest said:
as in, cant over do the gear?

im also ok with getting a lil soft while bulking but yes will def be doing some carb cycling.

Im thinkin 4000cals steady. and cycle down carbs, high day 40%, medium day 30%, low day 20%. and make up the difference in cals with fat and protein.

M,L,M,H,M,L type deal for 6 day cycle.

hows that look and sound?
AugustwestNaturally it would all depend on your weight and goals you're trying to achieve. But, the carb cycling looks good. Carb cycling is a proven and effective way to control gains and losses. It's a great way to periodize your metabolism, much like you might a workout. I personally like to keep my carbs at 30% and will take them to 40% on high load days.

I meant Gear and Diet. You can't load up on gear and then eat tons of food for mass. Physiologically it is impossible to gain weight and loose fat at the same time. One actions requires a calorie surplus (mass), while the other requires a calorie deficit (leaning). But, you can gain lean mass by keeping you diet in check with the appropriate amount of calories relative to the work load you are producing.
I did my cut that I mentioned above at 3000 cals, but didnt adjust protein or fats on medium and low carb days.

so on low days i was down to 1800 cals.

Mainly I was curious if you think keeping cals steady at 4000 (bmr is 3700) and cycling the carbs would allow me to gain size while staying "relatively" lean due to the cycling of carb energy.

Also would it be more beneficial to keep High days on high load days such as leg days and back days? my idea was to always keep my body guessing.
Augustwest said:
I did my cut that I mentioned above at 3000 cals, but didnt adjust protein or fats on medium and low carb days.

so on low days i was down to 1800 cals.

Mainly I was curious if you think keeping cals steady at 4000 (bmr is 3700) and cycling the carbs would allow me to gain size while staying "relatively" lean due to the cycling of carb energy.

Also would it be more beneficial to keep High days on high load days such as leg days and back days? my idea was to always keep my body guessing.
AugustwestKnowing your BMR is the first step, knowing your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) is the second step. If your BMR is 3700, then your TDEE is most likely 5730.....Whoaa! So, knowing that, 4000 calories is extremely light. (But, damn,...that's a lot of calories. You must be a real big guy!) I'm just guessing, are you around 240lbs? Ok. back on track. Yes, the carbs should be higher on the heavy load day, usually heavy legs or back (if it's a deadlift day) when big volume is moved. Carb cycling is a great way to keep your body guessing. And it works exceptionally well when done in cycles. I even like Carb back loading as a tool for lean mass gains.
You're on the right track with what you want to do...the only thing I would hesitate on is, not knowing your stats, what your caloric intake should be.
Damn man not even close. BMR must be quite off (it was the BMR calculator on but using that 3700 as my platform, dieting has worked thus far.

anyways im 209 6'1"
Augustwest said:
Damn man not even close. BMR must be quite off (it was the BMR calculator on but using that 3700 as my platform, dieting has worked thus far.

anyways im 209 6'1"
AugustwestThen it sounds like what happened is your BMR is actually your TDEE.
BMR = 66 + (13.7 * weight in Kg) + (5 * height in Cm) - (6.8 * Age) This is for men.
To get TDEE multiply the result by 1.55 (if you're moderately active, gym/workout 3-5 x a week)
My TDEE came out to 2956.

ok so basically as long as I stay above my TDEE I will have enough calories to grow?
Augustwest said:
My TDEE came out to 2956.

ok so basically as long as I stay above my TDEE I will have enough calories to grow?
AugustwestIn order to grow you have to have a surplus of calories. Assuming your activity level is moderate or lighter than you should add 15-20% (or roughly 500 total) more calories to your TDEE for growth. This only works if your current caloric intake is close to your TDEE now. For example if you are currently eating, say 1900-2000 calories and you suddenly jump up to 3000 calories, your bodies metabolism will go ape shit on you. The result would be storage. So, if you have a big gap between current calories and where you need to go, then step up your calories until you get there. Hope this helps.
thanks for the post Tsize I learned something I did not know.. well I knew it but not like I should have I have a better grasp now I should say.. very easy to understand what you are laying down.. maybe you are not so bad brother.. ;D
thanks for the post Tsize I learned something I did not know.. well I knew it but not like I should have I have a better grasp now I should say.. very easy to understand what you are laying down.. maybe you are not so bad brother.. ;D
ODINSBLOODUhmmm....Thanks.?! And, maybe I won't have to Ban you now!! lol (I still ain't clicking on your links anymore 😉 )
TSizemore said:
thanks for the post Tsize I learned something I did not know.. well I knew it but not like I should have I have a better grasp now I should say.. very easy to understand what you are laying down.. maybe you are not so bad brother.. ;D
ODINSBLOODUhmmm....Thanks.?! And, maybe I won't have to Ban you now!! lol (I still ain't clicking on your links anymore 😉 )

ahh that was a one time thing you dont have to worry about that again.. lol
TSizemore said:
Tren A is highly Anabolic and Androgenic. It toxic to the Kidneys more so than other gear. And moderately affects the HPTA. More than 10 weeks is extremely hard on the kidneys.
I was on week 12 or so of my tren a cycle when I did something stupid and took couple drinks... That was enough to make my liver mad at me and make me go yellow.... My kidney values were great but my liver was swollen internally and the bilirubin build up into my blood stream making me yellow. I have I get no side effects from tren... No sweats... no craziness... Great sleep.... So if easy for me to just tren longer than most... Just don't drink guys!

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