update on my HGH frag peptide use


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
some of you may remember a while back.. 6 months,.. maybe a year... i had a thread where i was trying to cut...added cardio ...count cals and macros ... and the scale did not move.. maybe a couple of pounds over the course of 8 weeks.

well on this run with HGH frag... i'm doing pretty much the same as i was then except actually working out less and less cardio (some weeks the same cardio)..counting cals and macros... and i have dropped 10lbs on the scale in just about 3 weeks!!!!

no way to scientifically state that the HGH frag is the main culprit... but i am convinced it is a big help.

i do intermittent fasting ...only really eat lunch and dinner... so if i'm doing any exercise in the morning ..or if i have more activity than just sitting at work i have been doing the HGH frag before... and then i do it before my afternoon workout and then eat later...

i'll try to get some recent pics soon. don't know what my bodyfat is (don't care really..just want to look good) but it is dropping to a level close to my ideal
so you're on Mod GRF(1-29) ? with ghrp-2 ?

i know ive recently seen that at our age elevating HGH / IFG is seriously noticed cause we're low and bumping it even to a good number had real permanent affects
i do Mod GRF(1-29) with ghrp-2 ... only the pre bed dose.

this is the HGH frag 171....that i am using during the fasting periods
awesome, i will start peptides next year after this HGH run, a good source of real stuff can restore you to your 20's
Are you losing muscle mass with only 2 meals? Could that be where some of the loss is from? Or is it mostly bf you're losing?
blasson.. meal frequency has been proven to be not a big deal... total cals and macros are the most important

i got strong as fuck on the same plan with more cals and no HGH frag... and can also drop weight with the same plan.

but i don't think much muscle is being lost...no way to scientifically know 100%... but i haven't lost any strength ... really just want to get down to 200lbs ..so a slight muscle loss is not a big deal
Roger that. Was just curious if you noticed anything in that department. I know about the cals in vs cals out deal and meals really doesn't matter much as long as you're hitting your goals food wise. I tend to forget not everyone is like me, haha. I couldn't eat my daily intake in 2 meals. I don't eat fast enough to be able to eat a lot and not be full. I have to spread them out and also I have hypoglycemia pretty bad. I can't go 3-4 hours being active and have no food intake. I start getting dizzy, confused, etc but 10 lbs in 3 weeks is awesome bro. Keep it up!
i enjoy the 2 meals especially on a cut... get to eat more with more freedom and cals when you do eat... if i were very active at my job and required tons of calories i don't think i could do it.

blasson... it's my theory that the not being able to go without eating for more than a few hours without feeling hypo... its a bad sign... means you are use too chronically high glucose levels and also not really good at taping into your stored fat.

i was like that before i started fasting... and my fasted glucose was regularly at 100... after the fasting program i no longer have hypo issues and fasting glucose is 85 ... i'm no doctor ...lol... so my case may not be the same as yours....
Yea. Maybe I should start doing some trial and error with fasting. It literally sucks, my life revolves around me having to eat or making sure I have enough food to last for the day when I'm on a hunting/fishing trip etc. I did some testing at the doctors office and they drew blood every 30 min for 4 hours and when my body's glucose dropped.. it was instant (which is always is.. literally in seconds I go from fine to being confused on everything and light headed). I honestly forget my number I was at since it was almost 2 years ago or longer but it was borderline coma low is what they told me. If I had to guess it was in mid 30s but I can't remember. I never got tested before or after that and don't know where numbers should be. Ever since then I just eat little meals non stop through out the day and it works for me. Never put more thought into it. Every now and then I get the episodes about 2x a week but I'm always prepared with food/juices.
literally in seconds I go from fine to being confused on everything and light headed). I honestly forget my number I was at since it was almost 2 years ago or longer but it was borderline coma low is what they told me

please don't listen to me and my advice... i might get you in serious trouble.... just figure out what works for you friend.. that sounds scary
Hypoglycemia isn't anything to play around with. Definitely take it slow and steady if you're going to fiddle with intake levels. Krustus has been doing this intermittent fasting for a little while now, and as he stated has a pretty sedentary job. Just take one of your meals (say the mid morning) and try splitting that into the prior and post meals. Then eventually, do the same for your mid afternoon meal. You'll be down just 4 meals, and you can adjust from there. It generally won't take long to get accustomed to it, and you'd be surprised at what kind of results just making a little change might yield.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a 6-7 meal a day guy myself. But, change ups are always good, especially after long periods of the same thing.
good advice Tsize.... thanks for jumping in.... don't want to endanger anyone's health
Definitely agree. I wouldn't endanger myself. Was just gonna do basically what was said and go slowly. Greatly appreciated on the advice as well.. and sorry I kinda hijacked this thread. Back to you sir. Haha.
down almost 20lbs now.... was 201-202 fully clothed ... wanted to get below 200 and naked i would be... so feeling great about that.

been doing the frag before morning exercise ...when i do morning stuff.... and i only eat a small lunch...so i do the frag before afternoon exercise too. like i said no scientific evidence that it's working, etc... just that i did have anywhere near these results doing practically the same diet and exercise plan.

i only do the frag when i haven't eaten in 4-5 hours or more.... and not everyday
krustus said:
down almost 20lbs now.... was 201-202 fully clothed ... wanted to get below 200 and naked i would be... so feeling great about that.

been doing the frag before morning exercise ...when i do morning stuff.... and i only eat a small lunch...so i do the frag before afternoon exercise too. like i said no scientific evidence that it's working, etc... just that i did have anywhere near these results doing practically the same diet and exercise plan.

i only do the frag when i haven't eaten in 4-5 hours or more.... and not everyday

misterB said:
awesome, i will start peptides next year after this HGH run, a good source of real stuff can restore you to your 20's

Where do I sign? Lol
What I wouldn't do to feel 20 again!
some pics... weight is flucuating between 200-205 fully clothed.... started around first of year at 220

the biggest difference has been in my face... lol... thank god... as i got a boyish look for an old guy and chubby cheeks make me look very average or below.... with this leaner face my confidence has skyrocketed...

i did black out my face....so you'll have to take my word for it....lol

you can also see that one pec is torn.... kinda dents in
[KRUSTUS BATHROOM MIRROR feb 2016 2.jpg expired]


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Who is that guy. Damn keep up the good work krustus. Have you noticed a lot of muscle loss with the peptide and low dose of test while in such a deficit.
i don't think i've lost much muscle...as my lifts are pretty much the same... and i haven't got to the really ripped stage ..where it's hard to hold onto the muscle.

imho... don't need a lot of juice to retain muscle while dieting at my size... only thing i have noticed is not as vascular and not granite hard muscles i would have with some more juice.

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