Useless Facts

  1. Since 1978, 37 people have died by Vending Machine's falling on them. 13 people are killed annually. All this while trying to shake merchandise out of them. 113 people have been injured.
  1. Half the foods eaten throughout the world today were developed by farmers in the Andes Mountains (including potatoes, maize, sweet potatoes, squash, all varieties of beans, peanuts, manioc, papayas, strawberries, mulberries and many others).
  1. The 'Golden Arches' of fast food chain McDonalds is more recognized worldwide than the religious cross of Christianity.
  1. Former basketball superstar Michael Jordan is the most recognized face in the world, more than the pope himself.
  1. The average talker sprays about 300 microscopic saliva droplets per minute, about 2.5 droplets per word.
  1. The Earth experiences 50,000 Earth quakes per year and is hit by Lightning 100 times a second.
  1. Every year 11,000 Americans injure themselves while trying out bizarre sexual positions.
  1. If we had the same mortality rate now as in 1900, more than half the people in the world today would not be alive.
  1. Researchers at the Texas Department of Highways in Fort Worth determined the cow population of the U.S. burps some 50 million tons of valuable hydrocarbons into the atmosphere each year. The accumulated burps of ten average cows could keep a small house adequately heated and its stove operating for a year.
  1. During a severe windstorm or rainstorm the Empire State Building sways several feet to either side.
  1. In the last 3,500 years, there have been approximately 230 years of peace throughout the civilized world.
  1. The Black Death reduced the population of Europe by one third in the period from 1347 to 1351.
  1. A full-loaded supertanker traveling at normal speed takes at least 20 minutes to stop.

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