Useless Facts

Giraffe's horns are called ossicones​

They're not hard and sharp like goat's horns, though. These little horns are made out of cartilage, and both male and female giraffes have them, as well as other similar animals like okapis. As a giraffe grows older, these eventually connect to its skull.


The world’s first animated movie was made in Argentina​

In 1917, an animation called El ApóstolThe Apostle in English – was directed by Quirino Cristiani and produced by Federico Valle. The story is about Argentina's president at the time, Hipolito Yrigoyen, who wants to make Buenos Aires a better place and has a dream about visiting Greek gods to seek advice.


Two people named Alan have walked on the moon​

And there have been 10 others not called Alan. Between 1969 and 1972, 12 people in total have set foot on the moon. They are: Neil Armstrong, Edwin 'Buzz' Aldrin Jr., Charles 'Pete' Conrad Jr., Alan L. Bean, Alan Shepard, Ed Mitchell, David Scott, James B. Irwin, John Young, Charles Moss Duke, Jr., Eugene A. Cernan, and Harrison H. Schmitt.


Lobsters use their feet to taste food​

These crustacean legends have taste buds – which are actually hairs – in their feet. It's only once they tested it they'll decide whether it needs a pinch of salt. Sorry.


Flamingos don't use their knees to bend their leg​

When you see these majestic birds bend their legs, they're not actually using their knees. The bendy bit is actually their ankle, while their knee is hidden away. So now you know.


It would take 19 minutes to fall to the earth's centre!​

This is something that scientists have worked out using sums, rather than get a brave person to dig a very deep hole and time them using a stopwatch.


Humans spend ages brushing their teeth​

If you brush your teeth for a few minutes after meals, it soon adds up. In fact, the average human will spend around 40 days brushing their teeth during their life.


Hippopotamus means 'river horse' in Greek​

The word 'hippopotamus means 'river horse' and is often shortened to 'hippo'. Want another hippo fact? OK, then. Even though hippos have numerous collective nouns, 'bloat' is the most common.


There's a name for the phobia of bananas​

If you guessed that it's called bananaphobia, then you'd be right. How did you guess? Some people don't like to touch them and the smell is enough to send people out of a room, but this banana drama is an uncommon phobia.


Ice is stronger than a rock​

If water falls into a crack in a rock, it will expand as it freezes and could eventually split it! This is called frost wedging. Like an icy wedgie for rocks.


Cumulus clouds are really heavy​

We've often gone for a walk on a nice day and paused to appreciate the fluffy clouds, but the truth is, they weigh a lot! Because they're so big and made of water, scientists have calculated that they weigh 1.1 million pounds on average! Do not try to pick these up under any circumstances or you'll hurt your back.


Toilet paper was first sold in 1857​

While humans have always wiped their bums with leaves and moss, the first toilet paper to be sold in shops was thanks to a man in America called Joseph Gayetty. His product was named 'Medicated Paper for the Water-Closet' and charged grateful New Yorkers just 50 cents for a whopping 500 sheets.


There's a type of frog who can hold a wee in for months​

Next time you're on a long car journey and bursting to go to the toilet, think of the wood frog, who can hold in a wee for 8 months! The amphibian doesn't use the toilet during the winter – part of the urine known as urea is turned into nitrogen which helps it survive while it hibernates.


The Hollywood sign used to say something else​

In 1923, this iconic sign originally said Hollywoodland and was used to advertise new housing in the area. The 'land' part of the sign was removed in 1949 after local residents complained that it looked like "an eyesore".


he grizzly bear is the state animal of California...​

The early version of this flag was created in the 1800s, but this big beast hasn't been spotted in the state since it was witnessed wandering around Yosemite in 1924.


The bowler hat wasn't invented to be fancy​

This hat was originally intended to protect people's heads from branches when they rode on horses. It's called a Bowler hat because the prototype was designed by Thomas Bowler in the mid 1800s.


The giant squid has the biggest eyes of all​

Both giant (and colossal) squid have the biggest eyes in the animal kingdom - up to 25cm across, so about the size of a frisbee! The reason they have such big eyes is to help them see in the pitch black of the deep ocean.


You tend to breathe out of one nostril at a time​

Don't worry, it's part of the nasal cycle. Some scientists say that this is to keep each nostril from drying out and make it easier to detect different smells quicker. Teamwork makes the nose work. Putting your finger up your nose is gross, though.


Michelangelo hated painting the Sistine chapel​

While it's regarded as a masterpiece, Michelangelo hated painting the Sistine chapel in Vatican City so much, he wrote a poem about it. In a letter to Giovanni da Pistoia, he moaned: 'My brush, above me all the time, dribbles paint so my face makes a fine floor for droppings!'


Avocados are social media stars​

In the summer 2017, over 3 million photos of avocados smashed into a piece of toast were uploaded onto Instagram. Every day.


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