Venting time


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
Inhave no idea whos still member her but ive been gone for over a year i think..... Any ill try and keep this short cuz its long as fuck. I moved back to bay area met the girl of my dreams fell in love got her pregnant. I was there for her the whole pregnancy talking to my unborn child everyday. Once we had our beautiful baby we decided to move back to the city where i own a house wich my parents live in and cost of living is way cheaper.

So i have a great job downfall is i work very long hours little did i know my chick is unhappy and going through lots of hormonal changes. So now my baby was 8 months we had just come home from visiting her family up north wich i could tell she was home sick. Next day we get into a huge argument i blame myself for losing my temper and tren made it worse. I said alot of bad shit and made the mistake of saying "its over im getting custody of the baby" inswear to god i never put hands on the woman i love!

So just like any fight i take off cool down and come home 1 hour later to my chick on the phone with 911 she tells me cops are on the way that my older daughter called. I walk outside and the swat team had shotguns and hand guns aiming at me yelling for me to put my hands up and turn around. Turns out her family member made the first call and said i had a gun on 911 she said i didnt have weapons. I had a unloaded pistol in my vehicle wich we took witb us to try and sell to her family. Cops tore up my home looking for the guns my dad told them hes in back of your car just ask him. I told them where all of them were i cooperated 100%

So now im sitting in jail landed on a weekend so i have 4 days to stress out with 2 felonies and 1 misdemeanor. While im locked up my chick took everything i mean everything with no intent to come back. I waited 4 days so they can reduce my bail it dropped drastically and everything reduced to misdemeanor so it was a good sign. I got out she refused a restraining order and 1st cout date i knew my public defender wasnt gonma do shit for me and the DA ordered a stay away order. Turns out on police report she made some disgusting insulting accusations i call it that because i love her and my baby and to accuse me like she did hurts me beyond belief.

So its been 2 months now inhad to spend $4000 just on lawyer miss a bunch of work and pay for bail every month. To add insult she slapps me with a restraining order now 4 hours away from where i live. I read the report and omg! Thank you god is all i thought she had a super twisted different version of what happened that day. I had 5 days to prepare to go contest on my own without lawyer. Lets just say i fucken smoked her in court pointed out her lies inwas equipped with original police report 911 call transcripts and her new thought out story on her restraining order. It wasnt long before the judge chewed her out and told her she has no credibility and her restraining order was rejected!!

I have been through hell last 2 months absolutely devastated im so attached to my baby and i was such a good dad for once in my life. Almost everyday i had to work with shit on my mind crying all the time nightmares. Im literally days maybe weeks before my attorney gathers everything and all this gets dismiss i cant wait to see my baby and there is nothing stopping me now from getting joint custody. This chick had the nerve to put down no visitation for me wtf! Well it all backfired on her jist goes to show a woman can destroy your life sad part is she probably is gonma want to work things out since it didnt go her way. really sorry to read that you went through all this. That sounds like a hell of a put it lightly.

It's amazing how still even today, with all of this 'equality,' that is fought for, men are treated like criminals until proven innocent and women are treated like they can do no wrong.
At least in the end it looks like she will be stuck with the consequences of her actions, and not you.

Not saying that she deserves to, or even should, "get what she wants" if she tries to work things out with you since things didn't go her way...but I think it might be a good idea, for the sake of the child, to consider if a marriage with her after all of this could be viable. Women going through pregnancy are dealing with some of the things we do while on steroids, psychologically speaking. You know how easy it is to fly off the handle when using tren...or when your e2 gets high. It might be worth it to see how things could go in the long run. Raising a kid by yourself is definitely something to feel accomplished about, but the kid won't necessarily see it that way. There's really no comparison between the quality of life for a child between a good set of parents, vs one good parent.

I hope the best for you bro...and I really hope you can get those lawyer costs back from her because she is absolutely responsible for that mess. Anyways...glad to see you back around here bro. Stick around.

Thx Erik.... Ya that has been on my mind absolutely kills me to imagine life without 2 lovimg parents raising my baby. Part of me understands i scared her and threatend to take custody and i understand mood swimge all to well. Im mkre hurt than anything and just wish i could read her heart and knlw if her intention was to destroy my life i have alot of thinkiing to do
My ex brother in law just went through same. Ex wife actually had the balls to call me and ask if I could help cause I went to school with the cop that handled the investigation. So. I did what I could. He also made an ass out of his gf in court and walked away no charges
My homie had something similar, he paid for absolutely everything in the household... He is a cash type of dude. They got separated, he still handed over bills and mortgage money to her... She never paid, pocketed or wastes the money. I always kept telling h8m to make her cks or money orders... He never did!
One day, he was out of town and told me to cover the bills with his ex, I went to the currency exchange amd made the bitch a money order, he kept handing her money.
House went on foreclosure, car repo... Gas, water, electrical disconnected, she filled for divorce amd sold the story that he never paid for anything, I still had the copy of the money order froms months before, his lawyer made her swear he never paid for nothing or handed her anything... Then he pulled out the MO and her face dropped! Credibility went to the floor, she was uncovered as the POS she was!

For all you guys that tell your ladies where your illegal steroid stash is... Be careful... They will call tje cops on you and turn you in as soon as something bad happens....
They need to arrest the woman for false statements. That's bullshit. Make her do the time for the crime she lied about. What will stop women from doing that shit with no consequences? . Nothing. I would never get back with her bro. Just me, but I've been on tren at high doses.. high test with elevated e levels etc.. and I've been livid and extremely angry at times, but I still knew what is right and wrong while in those episodes.. Doesn't matter that you said you'd get custody, what happened is NOT your fault what so ever. Love is a powerful thing and it's hard to walk away but what will happen next time tall argue and get heated? Do you want to worry this will happen again for the rest of your life? She could have RUINED your life bro. You get charged with domestic abuse you can't own a weapon even if it's misdemeanor. You have a violent crime on record. Could lose jobs or not be able to get one. That's no joke man. I hope you make the best decision for you and your baby. Only you will know that answer. Good luck bro.
BRO!!! I have seen some really good dudes go through this same thing and its BULSSHIT! It seems like when it comes to domestic disputes the courts still favor women over men, Especially when children are involved. From the sounds of it this girl will do anything she can to keep you from your kid. Get a good lawyer and keep yourself out of trouble during this process. If she has lost credibility in court already you might have a fighting chance. Sorry you had to go through this. You will come out of this situation a stronger person for sure. The kids are all that matters in a situation like this so represent bro!
I forgot to mention the day i embarrass her in court i also had pictures the police took of her. Not only did she say in the 911 call that i didnt hit her she also said i didnt have weapons yet in the other reports says i did. Judge also asked why she waited 1 hour to call 911 that she admitted i was gone 1 hour when i arrived and she was talking to dispatch. Im very shes a idiot and couldnt remember her lies the truth never changes i think god was looking out for me i really did not deserve what could possibly have happened to me.
mig139 said:
My homie had something similar, he paid for absolutely everything in the household... He is a cash type of dude. They got separated, he still handed over bills and mortgage money to her... She never paid, pocketed or wastes the money. I always kept telling h8m to make her cks or money orders... He never did!
One day, he was out of town and told me to cover the bills with his ex, I went to the currency exchange amd made the bitch a money order, he kept handing her money.
House went on foreclosure, car repo... Gas, water, electrical disconnected, she filled for divorce amd sold the story that he never paid for anything, I still had the copy of the money order froms months before, his lawyer made her swear he never paid for nothing or handed her anything... Then he pulled out the MO and her face dropped! Credibility went to the floor, she was uncovered as the POS she was!

For all you guys that tell your ladies where your illegal steroid stash is... Be careful... They will call tje cops on you and turn you in as soon as something bad happens....
A women Scorned is the reason a Lot of our bro's get busted. I finally found a Filipino girl that would literally die to protect and take care of me if something goes bad. 2 divorces with rich spoiled white girls ruined my life twice. this girl I got now is Ride of Die bro! If you need to meet on down ass girl like her let me know. She has cousins. All cute and come from an organized family.
AkProGuy said:
A women Scorned is the reason a Lot of our bro's get busted. I finally found a Filipino girl that would literally die to protect and take care of me if something goes bad. 2 divorces with rich spoiled white girls ruined my life twice. this girl I got now is Ride of Die bro! If you need to meet on down ass girl like her let me know. She has cousins. All cute and come from an organized family.
AkProGuyWhat are you waiting for?? Hook it up! Lol
damn man all i can say is im sorry, feel free to vent anytime bro
AkProGuy said:
A women Scorned is the reason a Lot of our bro's get busted. I finally found a Filipino girl that would literally die to protect and take care of me if something goes bad. 2 divorces with rich spoiled white girls ruined my life twice. this girl I got now is Ride of Die bro! If you need to meet on down ass girl like her let me know. She has cousins. All cute and come from an organized family.
AkProGuyLove Filipino girls. Why you think I go to Hawaii all summer !!!!!!
So she walked away with no charges with all these false accusations? ! Unbelievable man. That's so fucked up its not even funny. Yeah god was on your side for sure, but the devil has her side and the battle is tied or not over yet. It's bullshit a women can lie like that and just have charges dropped and maybe get a little lesson verbally from the judge.. she should be doing some time behind bars, community services, kid taken away for being mentally unstable, fined for wasting the police forces time and money, pay your lawyer fees, etc. Pussy ass America and their fear of being called racist and sexist for standing up for what is RIGHT.
So i been talking to my dad and were trying to reason i know she fucked up and i know for a fact.cps is on her ass because of the stupid shit she said. I knew better than to talk to cps i told them my attorney advised me not to speak on a open case, i have experience and knlw they twist stories. No doubt they are threatening to take our baby if she doesnt follow through.

I dont knkw jist wish shed be reaching out to my dad by now and shes not. What do you guus think should i give her a taste once this clears? My dad said i can take her to court for purgery putting me in jail falsely accusing me and lawyer fees lost time from work ect...
That completely sucks ass, 9'er!! Real sorry to hear it.... Stay strong and never give up, just document the hell out of everything!

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