water retention


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hey bros,

Im in 4th week of a sust 800mg week/ npp 400 mg week t-bol 50 mg daily cycle

up until this week all was well. I was up 9 lbs and just loved looking in the mirror. I was becoming very vascular and pretty cut for a bulk cycle due to the npp.

I am using aromasin for the first time. It is Alphas(not to pick on, just mentioned in case anyone is familiar with it) I started with 12.5 mg a day as I read everyone uses. Early this week my nips were burning and starting to hurt a lil so I think I know what I did wrong. I doubled it to one cc which is 25 mg a day. I did this for 2 days. The probs with my nips immediately ceased However, I blew up with water that my cheeks were shaking and my physique and vascularity started to diminish. Now today, Im gonna try cutting back to .6 which is a small increase from 12.5 to 15 mgs a day of aromasin and go from there. I've used high amounts of test E before but always used anastrozole at .5 EOD and never had a prob even forgetting it sometimes. However this is sustanon and aromasin. I had abs Monday and gone Thursday lol. Dick wasn't getting as hard either. What do my bros think????

Bloods are not an option right now due to schedule and cash flow so I need some advice on adjustments estimating.

well without blood work you are just trying to shoot at shit in the dark with a blindfold one without ammo. It could be any number of things.. As why people should acccount for blood work in there budget while uising gear. But I know, I know what sence is there in that.

Well I would say 1 Get some money and get your blood drawn.

2 xstane is very popularly faked as it is very expensive MG/MG compared to adex.

3 do some more learning as nolvadex could very well help in this situation. Most will say you cant run nolva with 19nor's but that because 99% of people just regergitate what some other person tells them. SO EDUCATE YOURSELF?

4 Caber could work

5 bromo could work.

I mean I could keep going and going with possabilities and there is a very good chance one of the few thing I have mentioned will work. But well we dont know which one exactly because we dont know whats going on in your body.. SO Pick your poisin dude. Maybe next time you wont half ass your cycle and you will do it right so you dont have to fuck wuth this type of shit... But you wiil probably be sitting in your chair saying this dude is a fucking prick or what ever choice of words you decide to use. But its not that I am a prick its just the fact that I am right and you know it. But broscience is top shelf brother
I was on up John pharma aromasin 12.5 a day and estro was in 7oo's for me aromasin has to be split am pm to work. I find it alot easier to control with arimidex .5 eod on a decent amount of test works even twice a week is probably enough.
I agree ods but due to running test e at same volumes with deca I didn't see there would be an issue. Im gonna go back to anastrozole where I had no issues to start
aromasin xstane examastane whatever we want to call it.. Has a roughly 24 hour half life they say its longer but lets just say 24 for this example.

If you take 12.5 mg of said compound in 24 hours you will have 6.25 mg of compound in your system another 24 hours you will have 3.125 you see how this goes??

so if you took said compound E 12 hours you would cut the mg in 1/4 vs 1/2. If you took the time to do this you would find the best time to take said dose to help keep your levels saturated with said chemical. But in reality it would be best to take E4-6 hours in smaller doses to keep better control over said chemical.. Much in the same way the MD gives you an RX they usually put on the bottle how offten to take said chemical. Same shit here.. I just cant get it why dudes take shit and eat it like its a multi Vit rather than respect the compound and take it how it should be taken.. Even though even with breast cancer they say to only take one pill ever 24 hours but then again they are taking 25mg and they are fighting breast cancer. ANYWAY yeah
well NPP can sneak up and fucking bite u in the ass that is for sure... Without going into a bunch of detail .. You dont have to run NPP as high as deca due to the fact it saturates you blood system much much faster. so you could stand to drop you dose down to 400 mg a week. i used to use exmastane before but I have forgone it due to pharma prices and research is so expensive, adex is what I think you should use. Also nolva and 19nors will not hurt your against modern belie..

But if you are to worried about it caber again expenisve and can take about 15-20 days to even start working in your system well worth your moey but only if you are having prolactin issues or prone to prolactin.

Othher than that adex and nolva should work just fine for just about anything. again unless it is prolactin related.
well NPP can sneak up and fucking bite u in the ass that is for sure... Without going into a bunch of detail .. You dont have to run NPP as high as deca due to the fact it saturates you blood system much much faster. so you could stand to drop you dose down to 400 mg a week. i used to use exmastane before but I have forgone it due to pharma prices and research is so expensive, adex is what I think you should use. Also nolva and 19nors will not hurt your against modern belie..

But if you are to worried about it caber again expenisve and can take about 15-20 days to even start working in your system well worth your moey but only if you are having prolactin issues or prone to prolactin.

Othher than that adex and nolva should work just fine for just about anything. again unless it is prolactin related.
thanks od I ran caber with a deca cycle and also ran same cycle without. no milky tits or loss of sex drive. my npp is at 400, sust at 800, 50mg t-bol daily

I think you hit the nail on the head. Going back to anastrozole where I had no issues. Order already placed maxim pep

Thanks again
,u bad I though it had said 600mg a week of npp... I know when I gave my gerbil npp his nips got real sensitive on 600mg a week and I dropped his dose to 400mg a week and he had no issues.. But one thing to remember test has a higher affinity of converting to estro than most any other compound and at a much high rate than nandralone. Usually the sides come from the test not the nandralone.

I am kind of the mind set that if its not broke don't fix it.. If you have ran other things before with a certain cycle and had no issues, no reason to change things up. if the ana worked before do the same thing again.

Hope it all works out for you bro.. but next time keep some cash aside just in case you need to do an unscheduled blood check.
,u bad I though it had said 600mg a week of npp... I know when I gave my gerbil npp his nips got real sensitive on 600mg a week and I dropped his dose to 400mg a week and he had no issues.. But one thing to remember test has a higher affinity of converting to estro than most any other compound and at a much high rate than nandralone. Usually the sides come from the test not the nandralone.

I am kind of the mind set that if its not broke don't fix it.. If you have ran other things before with a certain cycle and had no issues, no reason to change things up. if the ana worked before do the same thing again.

Hope it all works out for you bro.. but next time keep some cash aside just in case you need to do an unscheduled blood check.

Thank you sir. great knowledge
no problem brother... I appologize if I come across as a dick most will tell you that I do lol.. but I realy am not.. I am just passionate about this life style and i wish others would be just as passionate about it. Not saying your not or anything. I just get excited easialy and my words have a bit off spice to them. I just want everybody to be healthy and have a great time and grow beyond their expectations.
no problem brother... I appologize if I come across as a dick most will tell you that I do lol.. but I realy am not.. I am just passionate about this life style and i wish others would be just as passionate about it. Not saying your not or anything. I just get excited easialy and my words have a bit off spice to them. I just want everybody to be healthy and have a great time and grow beyond their expectations.
you are a dick but a smart one so we ll just have to deal with it..... ha ha
Update: Getting bloodwork done. Even after switching to anastrozole. Still having serious water/bloating issues will post bloodwork when I receive it
Just to put my 2ccs in, Your going to hold water at that amount of Test sust. NPP is going make you hold some water. As for the nipples nolva or adex would have help with that during cycle.
So in all your going to hold water on both of those compounds. Drink more water and watch sodium intake is my little bit of help.

Buck said:
Just to put my 2ccs in, Your going to hold water at that amount of Test sust. NPP is going make you hold some water. As for the nipples nolva or adex would have help with that during cycle.
So in all your going to hold water on both of those compounds. Drink more water and watch sodium intake is my little bit of help.

Goin for bloods on Fri bro

lith56bigguy said:
thanks od I ran caber with a deca cycle and also ran same cycle without. no milky tits or loss of sex drive. my npp is at 400, sust at 800, 50mg t-bol daily

I think you hit the nail on the head. Going back to anastrozole where I had no issues. Order already placed maxim pep

Thanks again
It's the dbol! Only thing for dbol that safe guards nipples on dbol is nolva 10mg ed pharm grade 20 UGL. And adex e2 or 3 days...strait from JDM!
lith56bigguy said:
thanks od I ran caber with a deca cycle and also ran same cycle without. no milky tits or loss of sex drive. my npp is at 400, sust at 800, 50mg t-bol daily

I think you hit the nail on the head. Going back to anastrozole where I had no issues. Order already placed maxim pep

Thanks again
It's the dbol! Only thing for dbol that safe guards nipples on dbol is nolva 10mg ed pharm grade 20 UGL. And adex e2 or 3 days...strait from JDB!!

Its T-bol im taking and I shouldn't be getting it from that like I am its almost done so we 'll see if thats it in the meantime Im getting bloods done Fri
lith56bigguy said:

Its T-bol im taking and I shouldn't be getting it from that like I am its almost done so we 'll see if thats it in the meantime Im getting bloods done Fri
lith56bigguyMy Bad I thought I read dbol...keep us posted.
I only use Pharma AI's and thus...I never have probs...

aura pharmacy ....thats the hook up

I ralrely use AI though...I an run 1000mg test week with no AI and no probs...I usually go with .25mg Adex E3d (name brand) and never had issue
I never have issues like this. I've never had gyno, no sore nips or leakage. Nothing. Is there something wrong with me.
Yea, I take anastrozole EOD, but there are times I forget and still dont have any problems.

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