what are you guys doing....


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once the gyms open back up? i'm thinking test-400 with some EQ. Try and pack on some dry mass and do a long cycle. or should i do a quick hitter with some shorter esters first? decisions, decsions....
Hmmmm...good question. I think I'll be running some test e, npp, 1-test cyp, and mast prop....maybe throw in some var or winny.
I'm thinking test e, npp, liquid superdrol and dbol. After that plan on running sust and tren hex for
10 weeks x 300mg or
15 weeks x 200mg?
Which one would you guys use for the hex mg wise? 200 or 300mg a week.
After this is done I'll do prop and tren a 40 days
.....or....15 wks 300mg.😉
once they open and done with this bridge debating test/deca/gh

kinda dumb for summer but just ended tren...

either that or order npp
i have some gh too but not sure i want to use it yet.
i'm just wondering if we're really gonna have a summer. I don't want to get a beach body and not be able to go to the beach lol. might be better off just bulking up
Kinda my thoughts...
Summer be short/limited..
I want to do a test and deca cycle to I was thinking of using test as a base since I don’t like high test so like test 200 and deca 300 and some dbol, Iv looked at a few things from old school guys and they would run it like that to
Imo 2 low that youve done cycles b4 for any real gains

Most would come from the dbol
I still have 6 weeks left on test tren mast tbol. Then ill be cruising at 150mg test e a week n s23 35mg a day. Atleast for 8 weeks. I have more tbol. Dbol. Test e tren e mast e sitting around for my next?blast.
I like the shorter cycles with higher dose blast, then cruise on low dose of test.
Im just doing g 500mgs test e a week, and 20mgs superdrol a day split dose.
One that I love and works great is only 2 items, 200mg eod of test prop and 200mg eod of NPP, going to start throwing a couple orals in it like winnie and var and boom, great lean mass cycle.
I also like just a simple run of 800mg of sustenon, throw in some dbol and shit that is great, dbol is just a plus since good sustenon works great on it's own if your diet is dialed in.
I don't like to put to much stress on my system now days and can make good gains from cycles like these.
That is not written in stone but that has been it on average, thing is I have new items in like MENT, SUPER FREAK, TNE is going to be in the mix more, Sustenon 300mg with 50mg of TEST BASE, 50MG TEST PP, 50MG TEST DECANOATE AND 150MG TEST CYP. and other items but I will post them up on the stash thread..LOL
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I have alot of lethargy, and I get painful pumps in my upper back muscle throught the work day. Besides that not much. My liver values are good and I have been on superdrol for about a week and a half.
I may get a lil grumpy sometimes, but i can't decide if that's from the lack of sleep though haha. I get up at 4am for work and dont get to bed till 10pm or later most nights monnday through saturday.

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