What does LE consider Major?


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
So, say I have a friend that has slowly built up a nice little income in reselling gear. What does LE use to measure dealer or personal user. Say a stash spot was to get searched? What quantity is considered minor operation? What is the turning point that makes them pursue sales charges? anyone have experience? Just interested so I can help out a friend!
Is your friend akproguy? Lol my last run in umtelated to aas jad cops all in my room and completely ignore maybe 8 bottles and a few packs of tabs that were labeled. I was worried as fuck im the car no doubt guess it just depends what else your involved in i think i had someine looking ober me or the cops just sympathised with me cuz they knew exactly what was goimg on that day
I'd like to hear some answers also actually on this (sorry AK).. Like all signs of having 50 vials, personal use needles/syringes but no sign of mailing packs or reselling. How police treat that if it was all personal use?
Depends on the state and local laws of course and how they enforce them.... but if you're selling you are probably gonna be considered a dealer... most bust are hand to hand sells as that is a easy case to make. .. and in my area a steroid bust of any size would make the Cover of the paper.. lol. ..so they would be gung-ho to make the case
Some states may not even have a distribution law....possession is all they can charge?
there is NO fixed law that states under certain amount is personal use and above its dealing. no such things. this leaves you wide open to personal feelings of the cops that bust you to charge you with pretty much whatever they like. ofcourse if you have hundreds of vials its clear but cases are plenty where person has few vials and few tubs of tabs and they are charged with intent to sell. this is a grey area and its wide open to get fucked by a cop who just thinks you are little too big for his liking. in sweden cops have legal right to arrest anyone on the street or anywhere else if they suspect you are on gear. yeah, define suspect. means basically the cop doesnt like you and you will get messed up

usually its always linked with other stuff too, real hardcore drugs. and sadly all too often guys mix gear and coke and other drugs and thats how they fall. guns also lots of time. hormones can and a lot of time are used in a very responsible way, these guys dont have issues, but the media always and only hears about the bad cases
Intent is always the issue. Or actual sale
They make the rules as they go really. Lol. If your going to take the risk, why not make it worth it and make your own. Your making peanuts reselling compared to if you made your own
Much more risk naming your own...
tkasch30 said:
They make the rules as they go really. Lol. If your going to take the risk, why not make it worth it and make your own. Your making peanuts reselling compared to if you made your own
It depends on what the going rate in your area is for gear. I know guys who are regularly getting over $100 a bottle or more and have a decent order volume. If you can pull in that kind of margin, it's not worth brewing your own.
Ctstrength said:
It depends on what the going rate in your area is for gear. I know guys who are regularly getting over $100 a bottle or more and have a decent order volume. If you can pull in that kind of margin, it's not worth brewing your own.
Youd have to be selling to some real newbies to get $100 a vial. Ever heard of the internet guys? Lol
Shit, before I was brought to the Internet on these boards I was paying 150 a bottle at times lol.. I didn't know any better.
blasson said:
Shit, before I was brought to the Internet on these boards I was paying 150 a bottle at times lol.. I didn't know any better.

lol I was paying 100 for a bottle of geneza test E. When Rock brought me over I still remember the first time I logged on..... It was like the holy grail...
I actually got scared to buy anything.. thought it was too good to be true. My buddy straight up said "the first few orders just ship to my house. . Idc if I get arrested"... deal! Haha

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