What does LE consider Major?

Where I live gear is hard to find and supply and demand is on my friends side. Gear can easily be doubled in price for retail. 🙂
My "friend " has thought about brewing but would need to move to larger town in with more post offices before that would be an option. Until a move is made this business model seems to be the best. Thanks for everyone's input.
My personal experience. There's not a size or amount of personal use. So that a help if it went to court, one of your caught with one vial or 50. It's still a class c felony in the state I live in. 2 they ain't really into juice. Not like meth, heron, crack drugs that reunion people's life's. It's like tKascho said its really up to the local le. I've never had a pack get snagged by le. I've had several seizer a letters from Chicago customs lol. So I've gotten where anything over seas I have sent to other houses, an domestic I still have it sent to the house or a buddy's. Someone I trust that's not many. I'll just tell u this story of how crooked are small bs town is, okay the mail man fucked up put his pack in the wrong mail box simple usps mistake. Well the guys neighbors were meth heads. Yes I'm from the Midwest meth is fuckinh everywhere it's crazy. Anyways the (crack heads) meth heads lol. They told my buddy they want this amount of money for his pack. He was like fuck u guys I'm prescribed that an it's my medication, this was the old school quality vet gear sure everyone got a bottle of it back in the day, we'll make it short, they told him he could get his pack, when he went get the pack. His neighbors had him setup, the task force came flying down the stairs as soon as he claimed the pack was his. It was a biggo order. But this is what our local le did, they just told him to stop getting roids in the mail, took all his shit an he never heard anything else about it, then we noticed a lot of cops started going the gym. Them dirty punk bitches. But yes it's different in any location on how they will treat you of your caught. I'd say in big city's they would book ya an make a big deal outta it. But as far as battling in court you can argue it was all for personal use. If there was nothing in your residents that could be used as a lab. They have to have beon reseasonable doubt that u were making or producing or or waking the product, so be careful who u sale to. If they got one rat that can kill your case. I've never been court over roids they have never popped me. But I've been over other things, Been to trial cases. An beat them, I do know a lot about the judical system also, an it's really just how ever much u pay, u pay enough they will just make some charges disappear. My 2 cents on this. If u have nothing there that shows u been producing it yourself. U can easily say 1000 bottles was for all personal use. They gotta have real proof like someone wired up buying from u, just my experiences with the law. I hate them. I think there all a bunch of lazy punks. That pin whip
People an cost us a ton of money, they never go after the whale always go after us the fish. I won't call the cops for shit. I'll handle it my own way street justice. But ya they gotta have proof. An if they ever get U. Don't talk don't say shit. Cause they will play that good cop bad cop bull shit an try get u tell. Or tell on yourself never talk, till u speak with a attorney, they a scare u like u can get 20 years for this huh no I can't bud your trying scare me, max punishment on roids in my state is a class c felony max is 7 years. An it a be poss of a controlled substance.
Sorry for the book brothers just my input if it's worth anything to any of you all I've dealt with le before there punks
AkProGuy said:
Where I live gear is hard to find and supply and demand is on my friends side. Gear can easily be doubled in price for retail. 🙂
My "friend " has thought about brewing but would need to move to larger town in with more post offices before that would be an option. Until a move is made this business model seems to be the best. Thanks for everyone's input.
Are those hand grenades in your AVI? I think LE would be a little more interested in those.
LittleTom said:
Are those hand grenades in your AVI? I think LE would be a little more interested in those.
Yeah but only for home security. Doesn't everyone have a few grenades? 🙂

And DirtyJoe. Thanks for the response. I grew up where you live. And yes the Gym I worked at was full of Juiced up cop's and firemen that probably would rather steal your stash then book you for it. I was a trainer at the Gold's Gym in Westport..
Speaking of trainers.. I'll take a free online coach to put on 15lbs lean muscle.. just saying 🙂
AkProGuy said:
Yeah but only for home security. Doesn't everyone have a few grenades? 🙂

And DirtyJoe. Thanks for the response. I grew up where you live. And yes the Gym I worked at was full of Juiced up cop's and firemen that probably would rather steal your stash then book you for it. I was a trainer at the Gold's Gym in Westport..

U from the stl? That's what's up. So u no how this state works really man I've never heard of a big bust in 12 years over gear. In Illinois. About a year ago this dude was a dumb ass. I dunno if he was on a board. Or he had his own site. But the Feds popped him. This is what they did. They bought from him 4 times before. Big orders. An he was shipping it to California. Using his address always good have a po box persoanlly of your big boy doing it. But he sent a 5th pack to the same people an he should of new 5 packs within a small frame time is fishy, like 2000 dollar orders they had get enough evidence make it federal ya no? Or for it to actually make it look like they did something punk ass lames. When he sent the 5th one out they was waiting on him at the post office. How I no this he used be one my highschool football coaches. So it made the front page in my town. Why I always preach about just getting anyone a invite code. But really they ain't after roids for real. If anything ya they a take your shit then use it. ya stl is fun brother I'm down in the bootheel. I sound country lmao. Yesterday actually the Missouri state highway patrol busted 400 pounds of marijuana???? I was like wtf. It's damn near legal now so what was the point in that? They never busy the herion dealers or meth makers. But I don't hate on anyone's hustle, I just looked at it like really you pussys? Think ya did something by snagging some grass, witch a prolly just be resold by them. Ya if your from MO you no how it works lol. More u pay more you'll get it swept under the rug. I no how it works. K the judge he used be a lawyer (liar) the prosecutor he used be a lawyer before he became a prosecutor. An then u got your paid lawyer. There all for the same team. U give them 10 grand the split that shit up 3 ways an get u a deal as they call it. I learned tell em no u ain't taking a deal let's go trial. Cause trial costs the state least 60 grand they will back down give u a better deal just with my experiences with the LE judges bitches is what they are.
Sorry fellas I'm a libra So I go into detail about everything. Sorry for the books. An I just hate cops period an are judical system all Together. It's all a money scam for the state. Thanks AK for reading it. Sometimes my auto type fucks up but you guys understand what I'm saying most the time. Thanks
There was a vendor a long time ago that had a few rules to live by. One of the first rules was just because you found a cheap source for gear dosent mean you should resell to make a profit because eventually it will catch up with you.. Iv stood firm by this rule since i joined the darkside over 8 years ago.. Loose lips sink ships it's just a matter of when not if.
dirtyjoe said:
U from the stl? That's what's up. So u no how this state works really man I've never heard of a big bust in 12 years over gear. In Illinois. About a year ago this dude was a dumb ass. I dunno if he was on a board. Or he had his own site. But the Feds popped him. This is what they did. They bought from him 4 times before. Big orders. An he was shipping it to California. Using his address always good have a po box persoanlly of your big boy doing it. But he sent a 5th pack to the same people an he should of new 5 packs within a small frame time is fishy, like 2000 dollar orders they had get enough evidence make it federal ya no? Or for it to actually make it look like they did something punk ass lames. When he sent the 5th one out they was waiting on him at the post office. How I no this he used be one my highschool football coaches. So it made the front page in my town. Why I always preach about just getting anyone a invite code. But really they ain't after roids for real. If anything ya they a take your shit then use it. ya stl is fun brother I'm down in the bootheel. I sound country lmao. Yesterday actually the Missouri state highway patrol busted 400 pounds of marijuana???? I was like wtf. It's damn near legal now so what was the point in that? They never busy the herion dealers or meth makers. But I don't hate on anyone's hustle, I just looked at it like really you pussys? Think ya did something by snagging some grass, witch a prolly just be resold by them. Ya if your from MO you no how it works lol. More u pay more you'll get it swept under the rug. I no how it works. K the judge he used be a lawyer (liar) the prosecutor he used be a lawyer before he became a prosecutor. An then u got your paid lawyer. There all for the same team. U give them 10 grand the split that shit up 3 ways an get u a deal as they call it. I learned tell em no u ain't taking a deal let's go trial. Cause trial costs the state least 60 grand they will back down give u a better deal just with my experiences with the LE judges bitches is what they are.
dirtyjoeYeah bro I'm born and raised a "Show Me Gangster" I just moved to Alaska to try to get out of the game. Didn't work. Basically brought Mob culture to the last frontier. Problem is the cops up here are starting to get seasoned and I need to tighten up security on all of my money making ventures.. I will hit you up next time I'm in the Mo.

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