What primo e brand was your fav


fuck diet tren hard bitch
Jacked Immortal
Shout Master
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
i know longer run anything but test but i was thinking of adding some primo in this year so whos primo on here was pretty good?
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puff88Definitely i here its amazing other then cost but its so mild and gives you that nice look like the golden area days, they say you need atleast 400 to 600 but lee and golden ara guys only use 200 a week but who knows iv never tride it
I have the hardest time believing that these guys used just 200mg primo a week.....had to be couple with nice doses of test and deca. Primo is so mild that upwards of 6-800mg/WK for a standard run would only put on just several pounds.
Nobody just used primo, primo is show time only and only if your bf is low, other wise it’s not doing shit. Waste of time and money if you ask me, but if your gonna be going away, nothing like a tren ace, primo, winny, and halo run!!
Nobody just used primo, primo is show time only and only if your bf is low, other wise it’s not doing shit. Waste of time and money if you ask me, but if your gonna be going away, nothing like a tren ace, primo, winny, and halo run!!
RocNever used primo, just cause of cost. Back when I competed I just would go low on the test with short esters and then heavy on the tren and hit the wjnny with that and then some DNP and diuretics.
By no means was I a beast like some of you but for my local events where I use to live it worked great.
Never used primo, just cause of cost. Back when I competed I just would go low on the test with short esters and then heavy on the tren and hit the wjnny with that and then some DNP and diuretics.
By no means was I a beast like some of you but for my local events where I use to live it worked great.
GoProHow low on the test is typical leading up to the show?
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I would use 350 of prop a week till about a month to 3 weeks out from the show then swith to test base only, would use 75-100mgs test base a day, then drop everything but the winny 3-4 days out from the show depending on what I was looking like.
GoProAnd this is due to bloat and water retention?
And this is due to bloat and water retention?
puff88you are exactly right on that. With the DNP and diuretics its got rid of most of the water weight. I would drop all test a couple days out so that the tren and winny really shined through. Then would carb load with French fries usually 45mins to a hour out from the show. Would just fill all the muscle in nicely.
But then again, I only compete for 2 years. There are alot better programs out there then mine lol. I just was really experimenting with my body really. Didn't compete long enough to really get a true and tried method for me.
I just ordered a bunch of bayer primo im gonna run in the spring.
For what purpose??
RocReconditioning for spring. Plus with my health conditions all the harsher compounds had to go. Nitrogen retention, enhanced protein synthesis and anti catabolic effects. All steroids offer us this. The trick is to cause the least harm while achieving it.
bayer primo sounds pricey lol
Roc and dragon are 100% correct. Primo in an anabolic. should always be run with deca/npp, or tren. Running primo at 800mg is absolutely stupid because I’ve done it. My hair started falling out and I wasted money. Pinning upwards of 10ml of oil a week is not something I’m interested in again..... that’s for sure. Results were just okay and absolutely not worth my hair, the oil volume, and money.

Currently running 400 test cyp, 500npp, 480primo, and just added Anavar at 40mg. Cheaper and more effective. Deca and primo are magic together........and primo with tren is the best I’ve ever looked no question. Going over 500mg of primo really isn’t worth the money in my honest opinion and that’s coming from a person who has run primo for as long as 25 weeks straight. Always stack it and you will thank me later.
Roc and dragon are 100% correct. Primo in an anabolic. should always be run with deca/npp, or tren. Running primo at 800mg is absolutely stupid because I’ve done it. My hair started falling out and I wasted money. Pinning upwards of 10ml of oil a week is not something I’m interested in again..... that’s for sure. Results were just okay and absolutely not worth my hair, the oil volume, and money.

Currently running 400 test cyp, 500npp, 480primo, and just added Anavar at 40mg. Cheaper and more effective. Deca and primo are magic together........and primo with tren is the best I’ve ever looked no question. Going over 500mg of primo really isn’t worth the money in my honest opinion and that’s coming from a person who has run primo for as long as 25 weeks straight. Always stack it and you will thank me later.
RicnixonYou think running primo at close to 1000mg/wk along side Test E, NPP, and Mast prop worth it?
You think running primo at close to 1000mg/wk along side Test E, NPP, and Mast prop worth it?
I think 1g is too much primo. 800 is the max I feel with primo. And that was too much for me. NPP and primo have a special way of being synergistic. Both heavy anabolics with different mechanisms of action. Run them both high say 500 each and you will have a nice little run. You wanna push it then run both at 800 each.

I feel mast is better with tren. But I have run tren with mast and primo and was very very dry looked great but then again I dropped the primo and still looked great. Hard for primo to shine thru the other compounds because mast is a stronger dht than primo and tren is well..... tren.
Roc and dragon are 100% correct. Primo in an anabolic. should always be run with deca/npp, or tren. Running primo at 800mg is absolutely stupid because I’ve done it. My hair started falling out and I wasted money. Pinning upwards of 10ml of oil a week is not something I’m interested in again..... that’s for sure. Results were just okay and absolutely not worth my hair, the oil volume, and money.

Currently running 400 test cyp, 500npp, 480primo, and just added Anavar at 40mg. Cheaper and more effective. Deca and primo are magic together........and primo with tren is the best I’ve ever looked no question. Going over 500mg of primo really isn’t worth the money in my honest opinion and that’s coming from a person who has run primo for as long as 25 weeks straight. Always stack it and you will thank me later.
RicnixonHave you run primo with NPP? If so what how much NPP, Test and Primo did you use?
Have you run primo with NPP? If so what how much NPP, Test and Primo did you use?
It’s there brother!!! You quoted it!!! Currently on 400 test cyp, 500npp and 480 primo. Very very good too
i know longer run anything but test but i was thinking of adding some primo in this year so whos primo on here was pretty good?
Unfortunately, it’s not sold much from the sponsors here. My favorite brands were hutech and dline at 200mg. Still have about 10 left. Same lab/brewer from what I know. but they are long gone now. Currently my favorite primo......is my own homebrew.
Unfortunately, it’s not sold much from the sponsors here. My favorite brands were hutech and dline at 200mg. Still have about 10 left. Same lab/brewer from what I know. but they are long gone now. Currently my favorite primo......is my own homebrew.
Ricnixondownload (1).webp
I haven't run primo high but I have read that if you want to see the changes take place to run 800mg to 1000mg a week but again not everyone is the same as some people loose hair with masteron and some don't.

I would think 800mg would be just about right for those that don't get anything from a lower dose.
Iv seen dudes grow and get lean on only 300 primo lol but it was real primo you never know what your getting unless you test it yourself

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