What primo e brand was your fav

Nobody just used primo, primo is show time only and only if your bf is low, other wise it’s not doing shit. Waste of time and money if you ask me, but if your gonna be going away, nothing like a tren ace, primo, winny, and halo run!!
Nobody just used primo, primo is show time only and only if your bf is low, other wise it’s not doing shit. Waste of time and money if you ask me, but if your gonna be going away, nothing like a tren ace, primo, winny, and halo run!!
RocNever used primo, just cause of cost. Back when I competed I just would go low on the test with short esters and then heavy on the tren and hit the wjnny with that and then some DNP and diuretics.
By no means was I a beast like some of you but for my local events where I use to live it worked great.
Never used primo, just cause of cost. Back when I competed I just would go low on the test with short esters and then heavy on the tren and hit the wjnny with that and then some DNP and diuretics.
By no means was I a beast like some of you but for my local events where I use to live it worked great.
GoProHow low on the test is typical leading up to the show?
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How low on the test is typical leading up to the show?
puff88I would use 350 of prop a week till about a month to 3 weeks out from the show then swith to test base only, would use 75-100mgs test base a day, then drop everything but the winny 3-4 days out from the show depending on what I was looking like.
I would use 350 of prop a week till about a month to 3 weeks out from the show then swith to test base only, would use 75-100mgs test base a day, then drop everything but the winny 3-4 days out from the show depending on what I was looking like.
GoProAnd this is due to bloat and water retention?
And this is due to bloat and water retention?
puff88you are exactly right on that. With the DNP and diuretics its got rid of most of the water weight. I would drop all test a couple days out so that the tren and winny really shined through. Then would carb load with French fries usually 45mins to a hour out from the show. Would just fill all the muscle in nicely.
But then again, I only compete for 2 years. There are alot better programs out there then mine lol. I just was really experimenting with my body really. Didn't compete long enough to really get a true and tried method for me.
Not sure how much Arnold took but since he was known for making fast gains and Robby Robinson said Arnold could get in shape in no time well then I would think it was closer to a gram. I read where Arnold would throw a handful of D-bol into the blender for his protein shakes...Breakfast of chanpions!!!!
There’s a video out there where they say that they only took one shot a primo a week and f4 Dbol pills a day
There’s a video out there where they say that they only took one shot a primo a week and f4 Dbol pills a day
halfnattyOne shot sure.....how many mg in that ONE shot?

I just find it very hard to believe Arnold, Zane, and some of the other physique masters only used a couple hundred mgs of primo a week.
One shot sure.....how many mg in that ONE shot?

I just find it very hard to believe Arnold, Zane, and some of the other physique masters only used a couple hundred mgs of primo a week.
01dragonslayerSo much truth in that. Im sorry but I do not believe the old schools say they barely took anything. Even with incredible genetics you don't get to the top on such low doses, you just don't. I use to know and hook some guys up that were freaking hermits and all they did was lift with full home gyms and had amazing genetics and didnt compete but still took alot of gear.

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