What you think?

The last couple posts are on. If you have nasty tren sides, bump that tren to where ever you want it, 500-800/WK even, and lower your test to a trt dose. 150/WK. Would be great. Let tren work its magic especially since you've basically never ran it before. Lower test higher tren helps all those who experience tren sides out an incredible amount.
Joker did a post about test/tren at the other bd should get his comments on this made alot of sense.
jshredz said:
Have you ever tried running the tren higher and keeping your test at 250~300mg/wk
I'm still trying to find my sweet spot, but I have a lot less sides from tren keeping my Test lower and tren higher.

Sent from my Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk2
I tried this with my summer cycle at 500mg/wk of tren a, 400mg/wk mast p, and test at 250mg/wk and to this date the best cycle i have ever ran with gains and little to any sides at all. No nip issues and the least amount of acne ive ever had on a tren cycle. Ran adex .5mg 3x/wk and caber .5mg mwf.

I personally love eq so i would keep that in the cycle but running low test with that in the mix might cause some issues later on in the cycle. I dont like running tren over 8 weeks and have no experience with npp. EQ needs to be ran a minimum of 15 weeks so when the tren is cut out you could taper up your test to match the eq. If your rbc gets high always remember donating blood can cause temporary relief. Rock has got me on to donating blood and i feel amazing the day after the donations. But i feel sorry for the lucky person who recieves my blood 😉 might get a little temper with it!
jshredz said:
Have you ever tried running the tren higher and keeping your test at 250~300mg/wk
I'm still trying to find my sweet spot, but I have a lot less sides from tren keeping my Test lower and tren higher.

Sent from my Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk2
No i have not tried that. I might give it a try but worried about the anxiety lol. Hope i dont get that again.
lith56bigguy said:
With or without the tren thats one heavy ass cycle . Good luck please post updates.
His original layout is pretty moderate. Nothing out of the ordinary. Personally I'd drop the eq since he's never ran a full tren cycle, lower test to 150/WK, bump tren E to 400-500/WK for first run, and enjoy the tren.. worry about stacking shit later at a higher level, tren alone will kill on a first run, trust me.
ajordana said:
His original layout is pretty moderate. Nothing out of the ordinary. Personally I'd drop the eq since he's never ran a full tren cycle, lower test to 150/WK, bump tren E to 400-500/WK for first run, and enjoy the tren.. worry about stacking shit later at a higher level, tren alone will kill on a first run, trust me.
Bro this is another good variation of what I suggested. The key is to have that tren to test ratio 2:1 or 3:1
Make sure you keep that test under 300mg no matter what you decide.

Sent from my Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk2
Every time I ran tren I would run about a gram test. I could never finish the cycle. I am 4wks in right now. 250Test C, 300NPP, 300 tren. 25mg dball day. The dosage is moderate but the results have been awesome. Its the first time I have run tren and not felt like a nut case.
Also 4ES, I have heard of people having anxiety from eq at 700+.

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