Whats everyones current cycle? Whats your Favorite Cycle and Why?


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
Everyone has different goals and dreams so we all have custom tailored cycles for the most part. I would like to hear what people run on a day to day and the dosages they are taking. So much about more is better and so on lets see if guys here running low doses are getting where they need to be. DIET is the key for sure but a well layed out cycle is def the compliment to it.
Right now I am trying to get more ripped so I switched up 3 weeks ago to Sust 650 EW( all my long Esters pin Mon Thur half total mg's per week) Mast E 900mg( may drop to 600mg next week) NPP 100mg EOD, 4iu Hyge ED morn and Post Wo, I also run HCG mon Thur 500iu total EW.. I am currently sitting at 221lb 6' 12-13%BF. Still got a little BF in the mid section where it always hangs on till last. But everywhere else is hard to pinch.
im running a bulking cycle and letting BF rise a bit
Dbol 25 mg twice a day
600 mg test E split Friday Morning Monday Night
225 test phenylpropionate every 3 days
225 NPP every 3 days
Adex .3 to .5 Eod until my aromasin arrives then Aromasin 12.5 mg ED

current stats 5' 10" 188 lbs BF around 17%
Favorite- test, mast, tren

Currently running 600mg test, 600mg tren, 750mg mast
Starting soon:

CURRENT CRUISE: 50mg phenyl prop and 100mg cyp E4d


Test Phenyl prop 50mg Test Cypionate 200mg E4D

Masteron E 250mg Primo E 100mg E3D (should be more primo but that shit is $$$$)

Tbol/Var 40/40 first 7 weeks


TEST BASE 200mg Cypionate and 250 Sustanon every Tuesday and Friday (ENTIRE
RUN)=900mg week
16 WEEKS= EQ @ 750mg week (Mon/Thur injection)
16 -18 WEEKS = Masteron Enanthate 600mg week (Mon/Thur injection)
FIRST 10 WEEKS= Tren Enanthate 400mg week (Wen/Sat injection)
First 6 WEEKS= anadrol 50mg day
Last 6 WEEKS=androl 50mg day

192aa chain growth hormone 2iu am and 1.3 iu post workout
AI= Arimidex .5mg ED or 1mg EOD
Insulin, Humalin-r post w/o until you get used to it, then switch to Humalin-n
for pre morning meal and post w/o (before post meal)
start with 4iu, then 6iu, work you way up to 8....We want to minimize
possibility of any excess storage, so no sat fats are consumed 6 hours after insulin
(with humail-r)


Weekly totals= 900mg week test 20 weeks
750mgweek EQ 16 weeks
600mgweek Masteron E 16-18 weeks
400mg week Tren E 10 weeks
50mg week oxymethelone

Now, as many of you know , I really don’t go by “weekly doses” especially with
short esters, but I have laid out injection times based on day to keep it easy
and user friendly since so many compounds are used.

BEFORE YOU SAY...."THATS NOT ENOUGH"...I BEG TO DDIFFER...230-235 lbs 6.5%-7% arms right under 20, quads 31-32, and HES shredded as fuck. WE RELY ON NUTRTION AND TRAINING, HORMONES ONLY ASSIST!

JUST A COUPLE CYCLES I HAVE DONE. Theres mine (for me) and my main mans
Favorite cycle : Test E @ 250-350mg's/week
Tren A @ 350mg's/week
Primo @ 350mg's/week
Anavar @ 60-75mg's/day

Currently cruising @ 125mg's Test E/week. Going on a blast starting Monday. Going to include TestP for kickstart, pharma Test E 250mg/week, Winny and maybe 1 more compound like npp. Working doses out later today. Might throw in Anavar.
cruising on test @ 300mg.

favorite cycle - test, tren, mast, bold. test p to jumpstart.

contains one anabolic from each of the 3 major families: testosterone, DHT, 19-nor. the bold is thrown in to increase appetite.

three completely different pathways. doesn't get better than that. the mgs differ depending on what I want out to the cycle. sometimes tren is the primary focus with the test helping and at other times, it is just the opposite. just depends.

all long esters except for the prop.

tren - 750mg ew
test - 500mg ew
mast - 600mg ew
bold - 800mg ew

Monday / thur inject schedule.

test prop - 150mg eod - dropped after week 5.
Current cycle:

600mg Test E every week
400mg EQ every week

Favorite cycle:

Not exactly sure. I am still pretty new to the game and still have some experimenting to do

Current Stats:

5'9" 200lbs 10%bf
squat 510 deadlift 525 bench 350


morrey said:
Current cycle:

600mg Test E every week
400mg EQ every week

Favorite cycle:

Not exactly sure. I am still pretty new to the game and still have some experimenting to do

Current Stats:

5'9" 200lbs 10%bf
squat 510 deadlift 525 bench 350


Nice morrey. You need to get taller tho. Just sayin'.
Hanzo said:
Nice morrey. You need to get taller tho. Just sayin'.

lol tell me about it!! i just turned 23 and my growth plates haven't completely fused so maybe some GH would help haha
Getting ready for this after next blood donation

Already cyp cruising @200mg a week going to add this on top.

Tesp p 400mgs a week

Tren a 750mgs a week

Mast p 600mgs a week

Var 100mgs ed for 8-10 weeks

Going to be using tek labs cut blend mastoprop ace. 100/100/100 per ml

Also some purity source labs tren a, some digital tren a , some tsunami mast p, alpha var and AMA var....lol...ive got a mix of everyones gear to run.

Going to go keto the whole run with carb reloads every 10 days. Weights 4 x a week, cardio 5 or 6 x a week untill desired bf%.

After that is attained going to run a nice bulk in December/January. Looks like this for at least 16 weeks maybe 20.

Test @ 1000MGS a week

Tren e @ 750mgs a week 12 weeks

Mast e @750 a week

Eq @ 600-750 a week

Abombs @ 75-100mgs ed for 5 weeks

Finish off with 5-7 weeks of tbol @75-100mgs ed.

This is all dependent on lab work results ect... should be a good run!
misterB said:
im running a bulking cycle and letting BF rise a bit
Dbol 25 mg twice a day
600 mg test E split Friday Morning Monday Night
225 test phenylpropionate every 3 days
225 NPP every 3 days
Adex .3 to .5 Eod until my aromasin arrives then Aromasin 12.5 mg ED

current stats 5' 10" 188 lbs BF around 17%
Hey bro, wondering why you're switching from Aromasin to Adex. I'm getting ready to do the opposite.
2 cycles a year.
Currently on nothing for the last 5 weeks. Have a blood draw next Monday then starting TRT with 400mg test blend.

Starting next cycle ~mid to late October on a custom JDB3 cycle. Not sure what it will be yet.

Favorite is a 1k test blend a week and NPP
Just finished up running a 14 week cycle of:

Test E 250mg E3D
Mast E 200mg E3D

This was by far my favorite cycle, got the best results with minimal gear, I love Mast E!

Start my PCT next week with Torem. at 120/90/60/60

A month after my PCT is done I will start running a 12 week cycle of:

Sust 300mg E3D
DECA 200mg E3D
Dbol 50mg ED for first 6 weeks
Prolactrone for DECA
Adex on hand just in case but never had estrogen issues but you never know
(Thinking about adding ANADROL as well)

PCT 2 weeks after for 4 weeks

4 weeks After PCT

Gonna run

Test E
Mast E

Not sure n dosages

Current stats
Test Prop- 700mg EW
Test Enan- 1750mg EW
EQ- 800mg EW
Var- 60mg ED
HGH- 5 ius ED
Adex- 1mg E3D
Caber- 1mg EW
Main two ingredients in current blast: Superdrol and Tren-A 8)
Test e 250 eod
Sust 375 e3
Deca 250 eod
Mast P eod
Started w / 3 wks prop eod
Pin schedule mon thru fri
When Rico gets back gonna throw in superdrol fo sho

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