Whats everyones current cycle? Whats your Favorite Cycle and Why?

Paulrockr said:
Test e 250 eod
Sust 375 e3
Deca 250 eod
Mast P eod
Started w / 3 wks prop eod
Deca and Mast? Do you think the Deca will overcome the hardness you might get from Mast? Does Deca tend to make you bloat?
Hanzo said:
Deca and Mast? Do you think the Deca will overcome the hardness you might get from Mast? Does Deca tend to make you bloat?
Hanzonever bloat with deca
Tbh I can't even tell I run deca compared to what I always read about it
The gear has always been from bro at the top ischus TMM so I know it's not bunk
right now i'm on 1-dhea (4 pills a day) and trestobol (40 mg/day) w/ formasurge 2-4 pumps a day. gonna bridge into triumphalis/trestobol w/formasurge. too new to this to have a favorite. not even on dark side yet 🙂
bossman said:
right now i'm on 1-dhea (4 pills a day) and trestobol (40 mg/day) w/ formasurge 2-4 pumps a day. gonna bridge into triumphalis/trestobol w/formasurge. too new to this to have a favorite. not even on dark side yet 🙂
Nice, I was also interested in that triumphalis, with some trenazone together. How is that trestobol stuff, suppose ot be test right? how's it compare to pinning some test?
i don't know, i've never pinned test, am new to this. it gives a great feeling of well-being, seems to bloat a bit too. not sure if it's fully kicked in yet, it's only been 9 or 10 days. i seem to be getting some strength and endurance increase tho. it's tough to say since my right shoulder is fucked up tho, so i've been having trouble going all out. i messed it up last week on the fly machine. i shouldn't have even used that stupid machine. i was at the end of my workout and just figured i'd do a couple of sets as a finisher and ended up getting hurt.
bossman said:
i don't know, i've never pinned test, am new to this. it gives a great feeling of well-being, seems to bloat a bit too. not sure if it's fully kicked in yet, it's only been 9 or 10 days. i seem to be getting some strength and endurance increase tho. it's tough to say since my right shoulder is fucked up tho, so i've been having trouble going all out. i messed it up last week on the fly machine. i shouldn't have even used that stupid machine. i was at the end of my workout and just figured i'd do a couple of sets as a finisher and ended up getting hurt.
bossmanWhich Test ester are you running bro?
This is what I was hoping to see buy cranking this thread out.. Good job as this really gives alot of guys a fresh look and spark up the thought process and be creative. Looks like we had some for sure gear loving mothefuckers in the house too I mean some of these cycles are straight to BEAST MODE lol... Hide the wife and kids on some of these, gotta love this.
Currently on 1,400 mg of test c, 700 mg of NPP and 100 mg of Var. The NPP and Var are from AY and are the shit! I'm on Week 7. Just bumped the dose from 1,000 mg of test, 500 mg of NPP and 75 mg of Var. Felt it was time to put this blast in overdrive.
Currently on a cruise you could say
250mg test
100/100 ghrp2 and cjc w/o dac 3x a day

In about 10 days I'm switching to
500mg prop
500mg npp
100/100 ghrp2 and cjc w/o dac 3x a day
Been cruising for a month now..

Going to run: 400 test prop ew
400 NPP ew
300 TNE ew
Love the NPP.. Shit is fire with low sides. The Tne makes me train hard and focused!
Hanzo said:
Hey bro, wondering why you're switching from Aromasin to Adex. I'm getting ready to do the opposite.
Several reasons
Aromasin is an anabolic compound that will lower SHBG and through that increase free test levels
Aromasin is a suicidal Aromatase inhibitor, so when i come off and my test levels might not have dropped i wont have a rebound
I don't mind daily and even twice a day dosing because its worth it to me to permanently bind up the enzyme
misterB said:
Several reasons
Aromasin is an anabolic compound that will lower SHBG and through that increase free test levels
Aromasin is a suicidal Aromatase inhibitor, so when i come off and my test levels might not have dropped i wont have a rebound
I don't mind daily and even twice a day dosing because its worth it to me to permanently bind up the enzyme
misterB Good response. I know all that about Aromasin, that's why it's my ai of choice. I'm switching to Adex so I can review Digitals products, as he provided that for free. Usually when I try to present evidence to Adex users about the superiority, imo, of Aromasin, I receive a lot of flack and misinformation.
Been cruising at about 250mg Test E/EW for about 5 weeks now. planning on starting the bulk hopefully september 1st.

Test E

Ive also been thinking about adding GHRP-6 and MOD GRF and possibly IGF

Ill be running a cut shortly after this bulk as well

Test E
Tren A

and again probably GHRP and MOD-GRF that is unless digis blue top hg comes out to be gtg then ill just run that instead of the peps

for AI i have adex and aromasin and formeron, i also keep letro and nolva on hand as well. will be using clomid and aromasin for PCT and also hiring someone to handle all my nutrition this time around. going all in this time

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