Whats out there?

I think both PH and tren are toxic and should not be fucked with until you have exhausted every other route. Not so much PH but yes to the tren. As to PH they are very liver toxic more so than any other aas except maybe anadrol, methltest or how ever you spell it.. I think guys just take way to high of a dose for even regular gear not just pH.. I think most people are lazy and they dont want to work nor eat enough so they take MORE gear to get bigger when it really dont work that way.. I aint directing this at you PJ.. this is just my general opinion.. I think low to moderate doses along side real hard work and the right food will get you more than taking a gram of test a week and what ever else you can throw into your stack. Although I do not condone the use of steroids. or anything I am just saying there are safe ways to use them and most people do not use them in a safe way.. ALL I am saying and PH suck.. badger cock juice is where it is at.. Ever met a man who sucked a badger off if you did you would not want to fuck with him... TRUST ME... lol ;D
Tren is the second most toxic steroid behind anadrol, and I only said tren bec u said ud never do tren, most pro hormones are more toxic than even anadrol, and there is info out there to back it up but I don't have Internet at this cabin :/
Second most toxic that's common *** methytren and halo and some others are more toxic but not very common
MAX LMG clones can still be found, very mild on the body 'sides'....
i am thinking of running a stack of epi/1dhea/4dhea in the fall.
^^^ 3 different PH's? Yea shit like that totally gives them a bad rep. I dont even know how people manage to get food down with that many methlyated compounds...
goodfella said:
^^^ 3 different PH's? Yea shit like that totally gives them a bad rep. I dont even know how people manage to get food down with that many methlyated compounds...
goodfellaepi is very mild, part of the reason many like it.
The others aren't harsh, or even methylated are they?

I'm taking 3 orals atm myself..
goodfella said:
Ha wutever you say man...
goodfellawell Epi is VERY mild, it's why many like it.
The others aren't even methylated :/

Not getting your point tbh.
Yeah I couldnt squat or deadlift while on it. I have only taken 3 PHs: epi, sdrol, and xtren and i got back pumps from all of them
Oddly enough i havent had back pumps from adrol or dbol
morrey said:
Yeah I couldnt squat or deadlift while on it. I have only taken 3 PHs: epi, sdrol, and xtren and i got back pumps from all of them
Oddly enough i havent had back pumps from adrol or dbol
morreyyou supp taurine?
I took 4 grams preworkout with the sdrol and it didnt work so i didnt bother when i took epi or xtren
morrey said:
I took 4 grams preworkout with the sdrol and it didnt work so i didnt bother when i took epi or xtren
morreyI take 1 gram with each pill.
No pumps...
I used to get pumps when i took pwo.
The charm seams to be with the dose
I will try adjusting the sdrol dose. I got crazy strong on that stuff. I think i was taking 20 or 30 mg
1-dhea and 4-ad aren't methylated. i think i have found a source for the original 4-ad 🙂
Hi, I'm jbry, I'm a newb here but if any of you ever visit other public, well known aas forums, you'll most likely know who I am.

I look forward to expanding the users knowledge of androgenic/anabolic steroids, as well as expand the options of oral anabolic steroids for all you enhanced fellas to use in you're arsenal of getting da gainz.

So, most pro hormones available on the market are not methylated compounds, there are still a few, and as well as some with methyls in other spots, such as 2a position, 7a position, 18 position, etc. (i'll make a thread on this later)

If you want to get down to specifics, a pro hormone is a compound you take, with the intention of having it convert into another compound, specifically a more potent 3 ketone steroid hormone.

for example, 4-androstenediol, will convert into the beloved 3-keton compound, testosterone.

most on this board, will have no reason to use pro hormones, as they have access to their specific target hormones. no reason to use bold 200 (boldione) if you have access to boldenone. no reason to use 1-dhea if you have access to 1-test cyp, etc. (unless you don't want to, or can not inject for w/e reason)

Now that that is cleared up, most of the popular compounds on the market are 17aa methylated steroids, already containing a 3-ketone body.

most have been researched to some degree, and set aside for one reason or another. and most of these compounds can be found in Julius vida's androgens & anabolic agents, with info on them.

now, superdrol has finally, after years of dodging the controlled substance act, finally joined it's fellow oral steroids in the list of class 3 controlled substances.

superdrol is di methylated dht, aka methylated masteron. this is by no means a pro hormone, just like bolasterone is not a pro hormone.


to answer the ops question, he mentioned he was looking for something along the lines of spawn.

I'll tell the op off the bat, winstrol and trenbolone is a much more potent version of spawn.

spawn contained an oral anabolic steroid, and a pro hormone to dienolone .

epi is a pretty nice compound, but dienolone is powerful stuff.

I cant comment on the injectable comparison of the two compounds, on paper, trienolone (trenbolone) should be more potent than dienolone (dienbolone if you want, two compounds are both nor androgens, an differ by one have an extra ene molecule).

but, pro dienolone aka dienedione is much more potent mg for mg than pro trenbolone (trenadione) from what users are experiencing.

100mg of the old "tren" pro hormones (pro dienolone) brought some wicked gains, but also the risk of some wicked sides.

anyways I digress, the closest thing on the market to spawn legally available now would be epistane (methepiostanol), and trenazone (topical dienolone).

being that topicals are limited in how much your skin can absorb, one may want to go with either max lmg (methoxy gona diene, a pro hormone to 13b ethyl nor testosterone, think "norbolethone and b.a.l.c.o.) or pro trenbolone aka trenavar (trenadione)

but if winny was too ruff, a better option would be epistane and trenbolone. though, epistane doesn't have the progestin receptor blocking effects that winstrol has.

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