Whats your current weight?

i lost all muscle again and got fat constant sickness to transportation extreme cold bahhh
excuses yet truth and hating it!
5'8" 205 lbs. belly, no shoulder muscle, worst shape of my life. What I went through recently has destroyed all my muscle mass. I am hoping to get cleared from my doctor this friday then its time to hop on the gain train again
5'5 and 230lbs, but have gone from lean to carry to much BF, caring extra weight since my accident and being more sedentary.

I stay between 220lbs and 230lbs weather I am lean or carrying to much BF, my body just recomps itself, LOL.
measured in at dr today 6'1" I SHRUNK and 245
5’6 currently fluctuating between 190-195. Trying to get down to 170-175 but not easy with health problems i have going on
I was 180 and 22 percent body fat before my cycle now I’m 200 and 16 percent body fat. I still have six weeks cycle left want to remain at 200 and drop another 4 percent in fat. Just increased the mast to 600 a week and adding var for last three weeks
I also struck but I had two back surgeries I'm sure that had a lot to do with it. Not to mention being old I hear when you get older you start shrinking LOL hopefully not everywhere. 5'8 197 lbs.
weighed myself today on same dr scale did not even week ago
was 236 today 250! YIKES
lmfao well went from 8 hours day gym to lucky to get hour and half PLUS eating more now because of boredom
A lil heavy right now. Haven't done any conditioning for 3 weeks so weight is up to 248lbs @ 6'1. Should be sitting around 242lbs.
5'8" and probably around 165 right now
253 before bed, scale 2 different 1s yesterday 1 a dr scale confirmed it
dr scale today 242 WTF
5 foot 10 inches at 245lbs. Would like to finish this blast at 250lbs. Then start my cruise with s23 n test e at 150mg a week.
holding steady at 241ish

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