Whats your PCT?


NextGen Freak

No PCT posts yet so I figured I'd get one started. Whats your favorite post cycle set up and why?

I've used clomid by itself for all of my oral cycles.

I've ran clomid/nolva at the same time for a test e cycle. (I know, some people say not to do it...others swear by it...)

I ran nolva's cousin this last time...toremiphene and my post was absolutely horrible.
anything but clomid....
it's not a compound to be used willy nilly..
Clomid 100/100/50/50
Aromasin 25/25/12.5/12.5

Ask HH what he uses his is the best I've ever heard.
Duhh I use Tren for pct. Not really but really. I don't use pct. If you don't need it don't use it. Of course I blast and cruise. Mostly blast.
Lol awesome!! He also has 15 kids...so you know it works!!
Nolva 40/30/20, if it's a long cycle or real heavy, I'll add aan extra week at 40
What's pct? Oh, and Grim...willy nilly? Is that a technical term?
Wabbitt said:
What's pct? Oh, and Grim...willy nilly? Is that a technical term?
highly technical, got it from the big bang theory
Not recommended for the newbis here's gators pct after a good cycle
350mg of TestE and 200mg primo or EQ I just tapped down the compound I have when that compound runs out I tapped my test down to 250 mg a week than after a while I Cruz on 200 mg every 10 days sorry shitty pct but that's what I do after cycle
Used Nolva and Arimidex my first cycles,
looking at Clomid + Aromasin, with an HCG jumpstart for the gonads for the upcoming one, though will be refining what I decide to do over the next few weeks.
I wanted to bridge with Proviron, but my hair started hella thinning this year, so I'm staying the hell away from anything DHT.

I like the idea of running a suicide AI to keep estrogen rebound in check, and I'm not 100% on the Clomid -- I keep hearing conflicting anecdotes and studies. I didn't have any negative sides from it the first time, though I felt like shit after my cycle and it turns out I was dumping my estrogen way to low by taking far too high a dose of the 'Dex. After I dropped the Dex and just went with the clomid I didn't feel nearly as badly as I had expected to.
If running an AI, I would always start on the min dose and work up. But, I'm a buy the book kind of guy
I am first hand experience that clomid can FUCK YOU UP!
If you are gonna use it, be sure to watch it...
Was just doing some research on the Clomid and cardiovascular problems. That IS a little scary. Strokes and DVT, not common, but still occurring. I guess I'll keep up on the research, and If I do run it be conservative with the dosage, take baby aspirin, and If my BP is looking too high at the end of cycle just scrap it for something else. We tend to focus so much on the side effects of AAS and Prohormones and forget that some of these ancillaries are hardcore drugs with their own risks and precautions to take.
jurgensplurgen said:
Was just doing some research on the Clomid and cardiovascular problems. That IS a little scary. Strokes and DVT, not common, but still occurring. I guess I'll keep up on the research, and If I do run it be conservative with the dosage, take baby aspirin, and If my BP is looking too high at the end of cycle just scrap it for something else. We tend to focus so much on the side effects of AAS and Prohormones and forget that some of these ancillaries are hardcore drugs with their own risks and precautions to take.
jurgensplurgendepends what you call common, shit gave me 6 of them
Holy crap Grim! I meant not common as in reported in less than 1% of patients taking it long term.
But that gives me something to think about. There are other products that work, and if their risks are lower then I'll take it.
I'm willing to risk plenty of side effects, but Heart Attack, embolism, and dvts aren't things I want to fuck with.
jurgensplurgen said:
Holy crap Grim! I meant not common as in reported in less than 1% of patients taking it long term.
But that gives me something to think about. There are other products that work, and if their risks are lower then I'll take it.
I'm willing to risk plenty of side effects, but Heart Attack, embolism, and dvts aren't things I want to fuck with.
jurgensplurgeni seriously think they are more common than reported, many of the sides peeps complain about are in fact warning signs of mild strokes....

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