When gym's reopen? .

They keep postponing opening dates here more and more (in Massachusetts) earliest now is june 29, but yet they opened churches today 😡 This is making my mental state even more than it usually is.
I have to disagree here. The purpose of mask is to prevent you from transmitting it to the others as easily: The mask works by making sure if your nose is running or if spit a little when you talk or sneeze by keeping those particles contained, within your mask. Instead of being airborne and landing on something someone touches or being in the air and breathed in. Let's say you sneeze. The spit droplets that have the virus in them are now inside your mask, keeping others safe. Should droplet burst upon hitting mask the virus is still contained within the mask. Should the virus escape it would slowed down, when traveling by way of the sneeze, as the fibers of the mask works like speed bumps. This would not allow it to travel as far as an uncovered sneeze. Infecting less people if any.

The inside of mask facing you can get warm and damp creating a breeding ground. But that is facing you, again keeping everyone safe form the germs you may have.

For fitting the mask. Try putting the top straps above your ears and lower ones lower down you neck. If you need to adjust adjust the straps to avoid touching your face.
A church, in Virginia ignored the stay at home order. Bishop got the virus and died.
His wife got it too. She lived. It’s directly traced to his church.
Another church, I believe in Texas, did the same thing. 180 out 200 people now positive.
Some gym owners are saying fuck it and opening here as of yesterday and being threatened with fines by the cities they are in. I hope mine opens up, I’d be in there.
If it’s bio weapon it’s one of worst. A good one kills quickly and doesn’t contaminate that area preventing you from securing the area. Think nerve gas. Kills very fast. Then dissipates. You come in and take the land.
Unless it’s bio weapon that was being developed.

My guess. Someone was studying virus and got lazy and it got out.

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