Guys this doesn't look good. JDB3 was taking over for Rhino on all boards. he was given passwords to bop on Monday and had already setup here as White Rhino for future business as such. JDB3 got screwed over royally. This guy set him up to take the fall after disappearing. the deal was JDB3 would handle business and the original WR would brew and ship. Now he is MIA, not even contacting his new business partner. JDB3 is pissed to say the least. We don't know if it's a LE issue or just straight up scam, but it's looking like a scam for the most part.
I don't know what to say. I don't think anyone here placed orders through EG. I know KK did on BOP. This was a friend of JDB3's so he his livid that the guy did this to him and cost him a ton of money in getting setup and almost cost him his reputation.
I'll report as I have more. JDB3 may get on here and explain. Please realize the screen name here of White Rhino is actually JDB3 not the scammer who went MIA. He was just setting up for business not knowing he was getting effed.