Who takes a Flu Shot?


Iron Killer
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How many take a Flu Shot every year? I have never had one and have never had the Flu (yet).
I'm afraid of needles!
I don't take one. I feel like if your an elderly or a toddler then it's smart to get one. But I'm fairly young and healthy. Never needed it and haven't gotten the flu.

Plus it's really just the govt injecting microscopic tracking devices In u...🙂
With 3 kids I always get one...why not even if it only helps 50% it's better than nothing.
Problem is finding a spot to let her inject me! Got knots of oil in most common locations lol
smoove said:
Problem is finding a spot to let her inject me! Got knots of oil in most common locations lol

LMBBAO! I had the flu 1x when I was 9 or 10. No issues since. 2 kids and still
no issues. Knock on wood mane! :-\
I never use to, but I have the last3 years. The wife has a very weak immune system so she insist we get one every year.
Never. If your immune system is that weak, then why inject the virus in you in the first place?? I'm a man I don't get sick............and when I do, I wine like a little man bitch so my wife can take care of me!
I got one when I had my strokes in the hospital.
Only time I believe
TSizemore said:
Never. If your immune system is that weak, then why inject the virus in you in the first place?? I'm a man I don't get sick............and when I do, I wine like a little man bitch so my wife can take care of me!
TSizemoreExactly what I was thinking TSize ......Why inject the virus in your body if you don't need too??
The hospital where I work requires ALL employees and contractors to take the Flu shot. I don't mind taking the shot because it is a dead virus (won't hurt; might not help, but won't hurt), unless you get the nasal spray, but I just don't like them telling me I HAVE to take it!! Communist!
TSizemore said:
Never. If your immune system is that weak, then why inject the virus in you in the first place?? I'm a man I don't get sick............and when I do, I wine like a little man bitch so my wife can take care of me!
Her rational is if I get sick for one then I'll make her sick for 3 or 4. I tried arguing with her logic. It's a no win battle
jshredz said:
Her rational is if I get sick for one then I'll make her sick for 3 or 4. I tried arguing with her logic. It's a no win battle
No harm in getting one! I was doing alot of work in health care and they required us to get one...the new strands can get you pretty sick the vacine helps keep the down time reduced.
So sleeper, It's a non active virus they inject? How would that even help in developing antibodies? Not being a smart ass, just trying to understand. My chiro is huge against all vaccinations. My 5yo son, no vaccines and he's the healthiest of all of us. has a milk allergy and that's it.

The only time I got a flu shot, I was sick all damn winter with the flu. So It's a no for me.
The virus injected into your body is dead and therefore cannot multiply. Your body doesn't know that the virus is dead. It attacks that bitch just like it would if it were alive, making antibodies against the virus. Once the antibodies are made they are stored, and the next time your body is exposed to that virus, you have the antibodies there to fight that particular virus.

The reason that you can feel bad after an vaccine is that your body is mounting a full out attack on that dead virus. Like I said, your body doesn't know it has all the time it needs to make antibodies because the virus does not multiply. It just goes into high gear attack mode. This makes a lot of people, including me, feel like crap for a couple days.

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