Who takes a Flu Shot?

The nasal spray flu vaccine that you can get instead of the injection is not dead. It is "weakened". I do not like a weakened virus. That virus CAN multiply and give you the same flu that you are trying to avoid.
RockShawn said:
So sleeper, It's a non active virus they inject? How would that even help in developing antibodies? Not being a smart ass, just trying to understand. My chiro is huge against all vaccinations. My 5yo son, no vaccines and he's the healthiest of all of us. has a milk allergy and that's it.

The only time I got a flu shot, I was sick all damn winter with the flu. So It's a no for me.
Do you home school? Our kids can not even register for school if they are not vacinated.
I never get one and never get sick as well my wife gets it at her work and always gets it right after I fear it's government trap
Wacker said:
Do you home school? Our kids can not even register for school if they are not vacinated.
WackerNope. Pub school. There is no written law forcing vaccination. I'll buck the mother fuckers till the day I die LOL. Hate government telling me what's best for me and my family. They can't even wipe their own ass, but that's a whole nother thread.
RockShawn said:
Nope. Pub school. There is no written law forcing vaccination. I'll buck the mother fuckers till the day I die LOL. Hate government telling me what's best for me and my family. They can't even wipe their own ass, but that's a whole nother thread.
RockShawnOh, I definitely hear you there!!! My wife took my son with her to Dallas one year for a week long trip. I got a call from the school telling me they were gonna have me arrested for Contributing if I didn't get him back in school!!! Funny thing is, she made him write a report on the Kennedy assassination while they were there because they visited that site. Damn, was I pissed!
Vaccines are prohibitively contaminated. My children have never had a vaccine, and have never been sick.
Hanzo said:
That's right. Homeschooled. They were also all born at home.
HanzoOh....that explains it. "Never" is an absolute...but, being born at home, would have avoided the common immunization shots. (I count those as vaccinated) Were they born in the bathtub? That was a pretty big thing for awhile there, something about the warm water was soothing and avoided the sudden shock of birth for the baby.
TSizemore said:
Oh....that explains it. "Never" is an absolute...but, being born at home, would have avoided the common immunization shots. (I count those as vaccinated) Were they born in the bathtub? That was a pretty big thing for awhile there, something about the warm water was soothing and avoided the sudden shock of birth for the baby.
Born on the living room floor brother. I almost had to deliver my oldest son, the midwife was late getting there, as she lived 1 1/2 hours away! My youngest was the midwife's 500th delivery.
Hanzo said:
Born on the living room floor brother. I almost had to deliver my oldest son, the midwife was late getting there, as she lived 1 1/2 hours away! My youngest was the midwife's 500th delivery.
Neat!!! 8)
My wife made me get one because I am with the kids most of the time and she don't want them getting sick and neither do I, it sucks when little kids are sick. I didn't get a shot last year and I got the flu and was sick for along time, so she had me get one this year so hopefully I don't get sick and if I do she will get razzed about it, she thinks it is the best thing in the world to get the flu shot. We will see.
I do now that I'm an old fuck. (41) I got bronchitis for the first time a couple years ago. I never want that shit again!!!!!
I do but Mrs Lith advised holding off till mid Nov at least. The late flu hit in Feb last year and many were susceptible cause it was no longer potent enough to fight it off. shes a nurse in a very big hospital
lith56bigguy said:
I do but Mrs Lith advised holding off till mid Nov at least. The late flu hit in Feb last year and many were susceptible cause it was no longer potent enough to fight it off. shes a nurse in a very big hospital
Wasn't there a new strain of flu last year or maybe it is this year that they have a new vaccine for. I thought I read somewhere like yahoo news or something about it and the old shots it is resistant to.
flu shot only good for people with weak immune systems - elderly and infants. hospitals do it as a procautionary. dont you remember when all those nurses got pissed because .gov was telling hospitals to take the shot because of the bird flu? ahahaha no one got it in the US.
My wife gets on me to get all these shots they come out with because I am home with our little children all day and she don't want them to get sick from me. I had to get all those h1n1 shots and flu shots and whatever else she thinks we should get. But if they say it keeps the kids safe then I will get them no problem. If I don't she nags and makes comments and if the kids got sick it would instantly be my fault...even if Im not sick, so instead of hearing all that Ill take the poke in my arm.
just so you guys know the flu shot is not a live virus. Only the flu mist is a live virus. If people are getting flu like symptoms it is not from the flu shot. Now if you get those symptoms after the flu mist that is understandable.

I personally don't understand why we get it other than the fact it is making some body a shit ton of money.. I don't see either the flu shot or mist preventing anything. I have seen people still get the flu after having one or the other given to them... I think if you are going to get it your going to get it.. Now if you are a relatively healthy person I don't think you have anything to worry about.

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