WTF did i do


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
Hey fellows maybe yall can help me here. I took a shot of test enth 300mg 1.5ml last wed in right quad then another 1.5 test enth 300mg in right quad sunday. Forgot which leg I hit until I pinned. Now I can hardly fucking walk or bend my knee. Its heisnburg oil and I have never had a problem with it before when I do delt shots. Is it I just loaded to much up in the quad to fast or what? Been doing this awhile and have never had this happen. But holy hell does it fucking hurt.
I don't think it was to soon. I believe you just hit a bad spot. It doesn't happen often, but it does happen. I've had the same issue. The quad can hold a lot of oil
It's possible with that kind of dosage, the oil was absorbed quicker than the compound, which left it to crystalize in the muscle. Happens when you have high doses of compound. More than likely though, it just got in between the muscle and the oil has migrated.
I used to get crippled with any quad injection not just prop. Someone here said to shot higher up and sure enough it feels so much better. I shot npp first time after years of not doing quads because of previous experience and no day of pip and only a little sore the next day.
quads always cripple me
This has happened to me once. I was using questionable oils at the time tho. Think it's just a bad spot. Mine hurt so damn bad I could barely walk or get out of bed but it faded after a week or so.
I Know the oils gtg as I have done delt shots with the same bottle. But this shit is damn near crippling me. I can barely put weight on my right leg. I can say that I am done with quads shots now. Holy fuck batman!!!!!

By the way by no means was I saying it was bad heisenburg gear as I know its good shit for sure.
I have this issue with quads, my body just doesn't heal my quads Super fast like delts. If I hit the same leg in a week I bruise up, it hurts to walk, idk why that's just what happens, just make sure you don't do it again haha
Theres a couple of possibilities, you may have hit the exact same spot to closer should be moving around some on the quad not hitting the exact same spot. This will help detour problems. Also it's possible you injected In between the muscle Or went through it by going to deep and the oil fell to your knee..I'm not 100% sure if that's possible but I've has a few darts that seemed to do this , I mean the muscle all across the top of my knee both inside and out was hurting bad! and I had inject in outer quad.
You only need about 1.25 inches depth in quad.
Some things that will help: get a heating pad and put on it for 15 minute intervals, massage th area and do it's not gonna feel good massaging it so go easy at first but do the best you can to massage the area some between the heating pad application. If u have anti inflammatory gel it may help also.. Sodium naproxen oral tabs will help quite a bit in reducing the pain and not gonna heal in one day but 2-3 you should heal and improve greatly just by taking the steps I mentioned
I used to bang myself up bad with quad injs. I moved higher and it all went away, even when pinning 3 ccs of oil. I still hit a nerve once in awhile. ITs bad enough that I have to go getthe pin off the floor lol. I just clean up and pin right next to the area that I hitthe nerve.
There is a stand of nerves that run along the outside of my quad I learned to avoid, go higher, about a hand width and a half down from your hip joint and 1" off center towards the top. I can pin up to 3ml of oil there without pip, but when I hit that nerve band even if I dont push through and inject I cant walk the next day.
Buck said:
I Know the oils gtg as I have done delt shots with the same bottle. But this shit is damn near crippling me. I can barely put weight on my right leg. I can say that I am done with quads shots now. Holy fuck batman!!!!!

By the way by no means was I saying it was bad heisenburg gear as I know its good shit for sure.
No I know Heisenberg oil quality is top notch no doubt. I was just saying that I was using questionable oils at the time. I still think that I just hit a bad spot. Shit hurt for sure. My old lady told me I could never do that again. I rarely hit quads anymore but will if I need to
I always pin the distance of my fingertip to my thumb (extended 90 deg. from the palm) above the knee. Opposite hand to knee, where the thumb stops, X marks the spot! No problems hardly ever!
TSizemore said:
I always pin the distance of my fingertip to my thumb (extended 90 deg. from the palm) above the knee. Opposite hand to knee, where the thumb stops, X marks the spot! No problems hardly ever!
Damn T I just checked that and where my thumb ended I have pin holes🙂 that's a great discription of the sweet spot.
misterB said:
did you inject closer than 4 inches above the knee ?
No I wasn't that close. Its getting better but still sore as a mother fucker to bend. no leg day this week for sure.
TSizemore said:
I always pin the distance of my fingertip to my thumb (extended 90 deg. from the palm) above the knee. Opposite hand to knee, where the thumb stops, X marks the spot! No problems hardly ever!
TSizemoreWow that seems low. May have to try it. I've been up higher than that like two hand width from the hip on the outside. Maybe that's my prob. Well I killed legs yesterday so today might just be the day to try it.
RockShawn said:
Wow that seems low. May have to try it. I've been up higher than that like two hand width from the hip on the outside. Maybe that's my prob. Well I killed legs yesterday so today might just be the day to try it.
RockShawnIt's virtually half way up the quad and to the outside....not low at all.

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