Youngtricep here


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Hello brothas

im youngtricep. 25years of age. 215lbs 5'8. weight will be dropping soon due to an injury that requires surgery. anyway, ive been lifting for about 8 years. 4 years seriously. started my first cycle young at the age of 21. basic test e for 12 weeks. i have experience in various compounds such as EQ,TREN,Deca,Dbol,Drol, winny and of course the test's.

im considered the go-to guy around my area as far as cycle advice and pct regimen. but i realized im not as knowledgable as id like to be...hopefully i can attain a vast amount of knowledge here and apply it to not only myself but the people i help too.

biggest weakness is diet. im not knowledable as id like to be in the diet thats my main concern here is to hone my skills in that area.

look forward to conversing with all you fellas. thank you
wows nice age 25 and try all those compounds?
living life in the fast lane uh lol.
j/k bro

I didn't mess with this shit till i was 34 had plenty of test in my blood before that.

Can you give an example of a good PCT from your point of view?
crazerico said:
wows nice age 25 and try all those compounds?
living life in the fast lane uh lol.
j/k bro

I didn't mess with this shit till i was 34 had plenty of test in my blood before that.

Can you give an example of a good PCT from your point of view?

i always use either a prop taper or test e for the final 2 weeks. and i like aromasin better than arimidex..but ill run it all the way through the cycle and through PCT

my PCT protocol would be

Aromasin 6.25mg ed all the way through
Clomid 100/100/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20

found it better at keeping gains. and avoids the shitty feeling you get when you post (or maybe thats just me)

and yes i was hasty in using tren. but ive found that test and eq are my fav compounds and when i hone my diet knowledge thats all ill probably use for at least a few years.
Test and EQ i love..

Chlomid not so much
GRIM said:
Test and EQ i love..

Chlomid not so much

i remember my first "post cycle"

took nothing but clomid..i take it at night due to what happend to me when i took it during the day

SPCA commercial came on and i saw all those poor animals and i started getting all teary eyed in front of my GF...needless to say i lost my man card for about a week
RockShawn said:
GRIM said:
RockShawn said:
Yeah Grim got pregnant on clomid.

Just kidding, I couldn't help myself. Don't smite me.
RockShawnIt was twins!
I thought it was sextuplets. Multiple briths is a side effect you know.

Problem is, they weren't born yet, have you seen his pics?lol. JK Gman. It's rock's fault. 😛

Oh yeah, welcome to the board youngtricepsman.
Welcome Young-in! This is a great place to gain knowledge. I personally feel there is no better aspect to your training regimen then diet! Gear is second! Read, ask, learn, and share......we're glad to have ya!
TSizemore said:
Welcome Young-in! This is a great place to gain knowledge. I personally feel there is no better aspect to your training regimen then diet! Gear is second! Read, ask, learn, and share......we're glad to have ya!
GRIM said:
TSizemore said:
Welcome Young-in! This is a great place to gain knowledge. I personally feel there is no better aspect to your training regimen then diet! Gear is second! Read, ask, learn, and share......we're glad to have ya!
I'm going
Diet/Training/Gear.........the training was implied
TSizemore said:
GRIM said:
TSizemore said:
Welcome Young-in! This is a great place to gain knowledge. I personally feel there is no better aspect to your training regimen then diet! Gear is second! Read, ask, learn, and share......we're glad to have ya!
I'm going
Diet/Training/Gear.........the training was implied
lol im split on which is more important tbh.
Both are ultra important, both can totally fuck you up if you slack off badly.
But some train as bad as some think Mcydy's is great diet

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