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Thread 'This 15-Minute Landmine Workout For Explosive Strength'
When life gets on top of you, one of the most common excuses for skipping a workout is “I don’t have time.” We’ve all been there, even me, a certified personal trainer and a freak for exercise. But what if you only need 15 minutes to build strength, burn calories, and feel sweaty and happy? Enter the 15-minute landmine workout! With just one piece of equipment, you’ll hit multiple muscle groups and walk away feeling stronger and ready to tackle the rest of your day. In this workout, you’ll...
Thread '12-Week Lower Body Strength Training Program To Add Mass'
In the world of strength training, there’s one day that stands out as both revered and feared: Leg Day. It’s the day that separates the dedicated from the indifferent, the strong from the weak. Too often, people skip leg day or go through the motions, avoiding the discomfort that comes with pushing their lower body to its limits. But if you’re serious about building strength, power, and a balanced physique, leg day is non-negotiable—and doing this 12-Week Lower Body Strength Training Program...
Thread 'The Ultimate Guide To Progressive Overload and Muscle Growth'
“Progressive overload” has been one of the core principles on resistance training to build muscle. I remember being taught about it in college 25 years ago and reading about it in the late, great Dr. Fred Hatfield’s must-read training bible, Hardcore Bodybuilding: A Scientific Approach. The term refers to gradually adding weight (or reps at the same weight) on an exercise as you are getting stronger. Progressive overload is nothing new. But despite the fact that it’s almost as old as...
Thread 'Use The Priming Training Method To Maximize Performance'
When it comes to maximizing your performance in the gym, there’s a strategy that can take your training to the next level: priming. Priming involves super setting activation drills and explosive movements before your main lifts, tapping into the powerful concept of Post-Activation Potentiation (PAP). What is Post-Activation Potentiation (PAP) Post-Activation Potentiation (PAP) is a physiological phenomenon where the force exerted by a muscle is temporarily enhanced following a previous...
Thread 'Master the Medium Sumo Deadlift To Prevent Recurring Injuries'
These days, the deadlift is a fan favorite among gymgoers, and that’s a good thing. It’s not broscience, either. The amount of reach a deadlift has compared to many other lifts is incomparable. It’s one of the most primitive movement patterns ever, but it’s responsible for training so many muscles at the same time. By practicing and strengthening the deadlift pattern, a lifter can prevent hip and knee issues, lower back pain, core weakness, poor posture, and develop an awesome looking pair...
Thread 'The Best Exercises For a Powerful and Precise Golf Swing'
Golf may seem like a sport that revolves around finesse and precision, but it’s a power game at its core. From driving the ball off the tee to maintaining control through your golf swing, building strength in the right areas of your body can make all the difference. That’s where the weight room comes in. Incorporating golf-specific exercises into your routine can add more distance to your shots, improve your swing consistency, and reduce the risk of injury. The right weightroom training can...
Thread 'The 15-Minute Density Training Workout To Build Max Muscle Fast'
Time is the number one excuse for not getting a workout, outside of laziness. But here’s the thing: your gains don’t care about excuses—they care about action. And that’s where this 15-minute density training workout comes in. It is designed for those who lack time but want serious results. This 15-minute strength workout is about maximizing muscle growth in the shortest time possible, and density training is one of the best ways to do this. Imagine cramming what feels like an hour’s worth...
Thread '4 Week Kettlebell Transformation Workout'
Whether you’re aiming to build muscle, burn fat, or improve overall fitness, kettlebells are designed to deliver a dynamic approach to full-body strength and conditioning. This 4 week kettlebell transformation workout utilizes a single piece of equipment that allows you to streamline your training and focus on efficiency, progress, and results. With this 4-week progressive kettlebell workout, you’ll experience a structured plan that balances strength and hypertrophy with conditioning and...
Thread '“Conditioning” Your Body: What You Need to Know – The Essentials'
Conditioning is the process of introducing, accustoming, training, and tolerating new physical characteristics or states; broadly speaking, conditioning is making those seeking to be more fit, BETTER! In this 3-part series, we review: Part 1: The Essentials of Good Conditioning Part 2: Getting Technical: Tying Fitness Goals to Conditioning Approaches & Metrics Part 3: Part 3: Drilldown on Strategies for Training Energy Systems PART #1: The Essentials of Good Conditioning By Leo Shveyd...
Thread 'Jokes and funny stuff....'
A blonde was late for work so she hopped in her car, popped it in reverse and quickly rolled out of the driveway. She wasn't looking and she hit another car. And the man in the car jumped out all furious yelling at the blonde. "OH MY GOD I CANT BELIEVE HOW STUPID YOU ARE! I'M GONNA MAKE SURE YOU NEVER DRIVE AGAIN!" Said that Man. "NOW YOU STAND ON THIS MAN-HOLE AND DONT MOVE UNTIL I TELL YOU!" He exclaimed. SO she did and he went over to her car and started beating the crap out of it...


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