
  1. 01dragonslayer


    If you think you're doing everything right in the gym and still not gaining muscle, chances are you might be at the wrong body fat percentage. Everyone has their own sweet spot where they grow optimally. For most, it's in the 8-15% range. If you're trying to stay at 6% body fat while attempting...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Embracing Selective Ignorance

    Pop Quiz: What’s the main difference between you and an Olympic athlete? Genetics? Drugs? Coaching? Facilities? Motivation? Certainly all of these and more factor into the equation, but I’m convinced that the most significant point of difference is consistency. Here’s a quick tutorial on human...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    9 Diet Plateau Hacks: Get Back On The Road To Lean

    It's time to get lean. Get your diet moving full steam ahead and reach your fat loss goals with these nine tips and eating plan tweaks from bodybuilder Brad Borland. Brad Borland is a strength & conditioning specialist, cancer survivor and the founder of WorkoutLab. The devil’s in the details as...
  4. EG News

    Former NFL quarterback Alex Smith Now Keeps His Focus on Fitness and Family

    Alex Smith no longer has to dodge All-Pro pass rushers coming at him on Sundays. Now, the heaviest pressure coming at the former NFL quarterback is the rush to getting his kids to soccer practice on time. It’s a role — soccer dad — Smith may have once taken for granted, as well as being able to...
  5. Thor

    Shirt #2 Up for Grabs (just pay $10 S&H)

    I will be doing this maybe a one or two times a month over time. I think you guys will really like this shirt. Forgive me if anything is slightly off, one of my laser guides went out and have to pick up another one this weekend. OK SINCE I WAS LATE GETTING DIRECTIONS UP THINGS WILL BE A LITTLE...
  6. EG News

    Like Father, Like Daughter, Kami Wilkens Is Following in Her Dad’s Footsteps

    Every member of the United States Armed Forces has his or her own story of the origins of their journey to service. Some feel it’s destiny while others pursue it as a goal. Kami Wilkins was the daughter of a Marine. Her father is men’s physique competitor and bodybuilding announcer Tim Wilkins...
  7. GRIM

    So same shit again!

    over sickness, dr thought covid but didnt get test as no local test My legs went out on me again today, had to leave gym early then got stuck in parking lot. 10 minutes of asking for help finally someone helped me. Stroke deficits coming back yet again FUCK
  8. jolter604

    Beach thread

    Man going to two kids parties at the beach today. It's that time of year again where I get to see what moms kicked ass at the gym this last year and did not sit on the couch eating ice cream lmao. In cali there are about 100 of these type of girls every 100 YARDS so enjoy the summer vibes...
  9. GRIM

    Im 80% back

    To my gimpy self. Still suffering spasms and relying on a quad cane mainly just in case. But Im back to the gym, even closing it again for owner. Driving again, etc Now to REBUILD!
  10. Inhuman2024

    Covid 19

    Well i got it again. Just got the results back this morning. Just gonna keep hydrated n keep moving like i did last time.
  11. 01dragonslayer

    The Man in the Arena

    "It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who...
  12. GRIM

    NFL Draft

    Any top picks? Watching?
  13. pooh6369

    Does anybody use NPP or Deca year long?

    I'm talking about real low dose maybe 100 or lil more a week for shoulders issues. I have some micro tears and calcium build up on left shoulder, Really acting up normally get a cortisone injection every 4 months. Dr said really don't need surgery yet. But now orthopedic place is closed due to...
  14. GRIM

    Immune system

    Looking for ways to boost immune system
  15. F.I.S.T.

    Tip: tap out to win

    Tip: Tap Out to Win by Chris Colucci | 03/30/18 Want to develop grit and resolve? Tap out, learn something, then get right back in there and fight again. The phrase "tap out" has slid into the mainstream over the last 25 years or so, but its original meaning has been forgotten, or at least...
  16. F.I.S.T.

    Anyone else hitting lats?

    Hadnt hit this for many years and actually just started again and im loving it.Very easy to get to,lots of muscle in that area to hit and no PIP.Just another in the rotation of spots to try.Because its such a meaty area,its very safe to use even up to 1 1/2 but have used 1 inch with same great...
  17. EG News

    Crank up your workout motivation

    CHRIS LUND It’s not enough to merely psych yourself up. There are proven techniques for cranking your workout motivation up to 11. From months in advance to when you set the barbell down, we present the 30 best steps to boost your drive to grow stronger, bigger, and better. 1. SEE A SHOW From...
  18. Dago

    What up peeps

    Just wanted to say hey I been out of the loop again. Going through a divorce few other things. Hope everyone is good here. Pm me
  19. A

    Back after taking 2yr vacation

    I just wanted to introduce myself once again nd hope this time around I don't get bashed or banned. I was a member here long ago and I honestly felt I got banned due to MANY thinking I was a TROLL. I belong to many other forums under a diff screen name and trying to get back into the game after...
  20. halfnatty

    Anyone know where I can get dnp with out a mimnum? And a AI question

    What is a better estrogen blocker than adex? I heard it can really raise your chorestrol levels and other stuff, so is their a better and a safer AI out there? And as for the dnp it's pretty much what I said up there. Thanks