If you take a hefty portion of the amino acid L-citrulline just before going to sleep at night, it might help you to maintain muscle mass even though you're on a low-cal diet and are aiming to lose fat. At least, it might do so if you react in the same way as the rats did that researchers at the...
Whey Protein versus Amino Acids: What’s the Difference?
Whey protein is the highest quality protein known to man – it has the highest amounts of Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) and Essential Amino Acids, plus more Leucine than anything else on the market. So why can’t you just drink some...
One of the most popular (and completely unnecessary) food supplements in the fitness industry is whey protein powder. Commonly used to get more protein in your diet, directly after your training session to cover the post-workout “anabolic window” or used as a high-protein flavoring agent for...
Have you ever been reading a bodybuilding magazine or article and come across a term you have never heard of!? We've all been there. The M&S bodybuilding glossary, supplement glossary and acronym list explains what these terms mean.
Have you heard a term that doesn't appear on this list, or...
Being a hardgainer can be extremely frustrating. The hard work you put in at the gym and dinner table can at times seem to take forever to pay off. While there are many articles that talk about proper training and nutrition for hardgainers, the topic of supplementation is rarely addressed.
What Choices Do You Have?
There are many choices, but every type of powder has its own benefits.
Some people might find one type to be better than the other because of the difference in their needs.
To have a quick view of the common types of protein powder in the market, here is a list to...
Two of the most frequently thrown around words in bodybuilding subculture are “anabolic” and “catabolic”. However, I’m guessing that the majority of laypeople don’t actually know much about these terms beyond the fact that the former refers to building and the latter to breaking down.
What you consume pre- and post-workout is important. But to maximize your exercise performance, improve recovery, and decrease muscle damage, there’s another window of opportunity you may be missing.
Intra-workout supplementation.
Intra-workout supplementation is the scientific-sounding name...
Glutamine and creatine are two of the most common amino acid supplements in sports nutrition today. They have been talked about thousands of times for nearly two decades (there is research on glutamine that dates back as early as the 1970’s). Claim after claim has been made for these two...
Branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) are essential amino acids (meaning our body does not create them) that contain an aliphatic (branched) side-chain.
There are three BCAAs: leucine, isoleucine, and valine. These amino acids are key players in the regulation of muscle mass and must be consumed...
Two of the most frequently thrown around words in bodybuilding subculture are “anabolic” and “catabolic”. However, I’m guessing that the majority of laypeople don’t actually know much about these terms beyond the fact that the former refers to building and the latter to breaking down.
You see many people using many things. In fact, most people use far more supplements than they really need. With so many different products to choose from, and so many supplement companies bombarding us with “what you need”, it is no wonder that many people do not know what to use and why. They...
You've probably seen new gym-goers, gym bros, and advanced lifters adding powdered BCAAs into their shakers before, during, and after workouts. You've also probably seen amino acid jargon printed on the label of your go-to protein powder. Everyone has heard of them, but few people truly know the...
When it comes to supplements, timing is everything. You can research supplements until you’re blue in the face, but if you don’t now how and when to take them, you’re just flushing money down the drain. Proper supplement timing is an essential factor in maximizing your muscle and performance...
1. What is Whey Protein?
Whey protein is the term used to describe a group of milk proteins that are isolated from whey, which is the leftover product of milk after it is coagulated during the cheese-making process. Most people think that whey protein is just the typical amino acids we know...
One of the more heated debates in sports nutrition circles is whether you need to supplement with branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) to maximize muscle building, or if you get enough of them through whole foods and protein shakes.
The most often discussed aminos are the three branched-chain...
I said I would give a shout out to Amino Asylum the other day for their great legit products and here it is, only wish we had them on our site as a vendor :).
Keep in mind he has always been hyper and off the wall, had to get him to settle down in the house, lol.
Ok most brothers probably know...
Reasons You Need Amino Acids in Your Bodybuilding Stack
By Brendon I Boid
They may be present in your favorite protein powders and are found in most of the food you eat but believe it or not, most fitness enthusiasts and in particular, bodybuilders know very little about amino acids and the...
If you’re looking to burn fat and build muscle then you’ll obviously need to be training regularly and watching your diet. Losing fat is difficult enough, but losing fat and building muscle near simultaneously is extremely complex and is only something that only a select few individuals in the...
Proteins are the big guns necessary for the structure, function and regulation of all cells, tissues and organs in the body. The macronutrient is composed of 20 amino acids or building blocks. The body can make some amino acids itself, but there are nine essential ones you must obtain from food...