
  1. 01dragonslayer

    How 5 Dietitians Eat Healthy On Vacation

    by Jenn Sinrich Vacation is a time many people look forward to all year long; an opportunity to finally relax and let loose. And for most people, this involves a little flexibility with certain aspects of their everyday routines—particularly in the food and exercise departments. Often, vacation...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    How to Warm Up Before Weight Training

    Today, we'll show you how to warm up properly before weight training with an emphasis on pre-workout stretches before lifting. Learning how to stretch correctly before lifting weights is crucial for preventing injury since there are certain efficient mobility activities before workouts and...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    Avoid These Foods Before Your Workout

    About to hit the gym? Working out on an empty stomach can be difficult for some people. So make sure to avoid these foods, or you might undo all your hard work! The Foods to Avoid Before Working Out If you're looking to get the most out of your next workout, it's essential to avoid eating...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    What is the best meal before and after a workout?

    What do I eat before and after a workout? It is a question that every fitness lover has in mind when they are just starting out in their fitness journey. Before one hits the gym for a workout, their body requires an anabolic state. Anabolic state allows the body to keep the muscles already...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    Why Do Bodybuilders Tan?

    If you've ever seen a bodybuilding event or images of bodybuilding competitors right before, during, or after a competition, you will know that they don't resemble the average person at all—in a positive way. They appear golden in the shade, more muscular, diced, and possibly dehydrated. The...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    Should I Lose Weight Before Building Muscle?

    This is quite a complicated question for some as there are nuances that help decide whether you should first lose weight before deciding on building muscles or the other vice versa. If you are a novice regarding fitness, it's mandatory that you seek advice from a fitness professional like a...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    6 Advanced Exercises to Build a Big and Wide Back

    Basics can be best when it comes to building muscle and getting stronger. My guess is that you are reading this article because you want to do both. When it comes to back training, you can stick with the same and simple movements such as pull ups, one-arm rows, pulldowns, and just try to add...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    Fueling for Endurance Training

    Endurance exercise is generally any aerobic exercise performed for an hour or more, like running, swimming, and cycling. Think marathoner or triathlete. But whether you’re competing or not, if you’re performing this type of physical activity, it’s important to know the difference in fueling for...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    How to Get Better Sleep

    If you’re having trouble sleeping, you’re certainly not alone. It’s estimated that as many as 70 million Americans suffer from sleep deprivation! If you make your rest a priority this year, you’ll start seeing changes within a few days and continue to feel better and better all year. First...
  10. 01dragonslayer

    Fueling for Endurance Training

    Endurance exercise is generally any aerobic exercise performed for an hour or more, like running, swimming, and cycling. Think marathoner or triathlete. But whether you’re competing or not, if you’re performing this type of physical activity, it’s important to know the difference in fueling for...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    3 Reasons to Start Your Gym Routine Before the New Year

    Starting a gym routine in the New Year can sometimes be a counterproductive resolution. You’ll be trying to learn the ropes when the gym is full of people with the same mindset. Not saying you should avoid the gym in January. Rather, being proactive about your fitness routine and starting it in...
  12. 01dragonslayer


    By: Matt Weik Thanksgiving is a holiday where many of us gobble until we wobble. While I like the nutrition plan of everything in moderation, it’s taken to the extreme on this particular day. Turkey, cranberry sauce, gravy, mashed potatoes, stuffing, pies, and all of the fixings associated...
  13. 01dragonslayer

    How to Make Muscle Gains Using Isometric Training

    When a muscle activation techniques practitioner contacted me in 2014, promoting his isometric training device, I was skeptical. Before I finish this story, let me backtrack. Thinking about the way we train, I notice something: 95% of the strength and conditioning world spends 95% of their time...
  14. Tyson13

    3 IUS of HGH Making Me Swole Up - Need Advice

    EG!!!! - I could really use advice. I have been running the following for a bit: 200 mgs Test C / 200 Mast / 300 Primo (Spilt up Monday / Thursday. I have also been running 50 MCGS of T3 and 200 MCGs of T4. Labs have been in check. My doctors know what's up and put me on medication for blood...
  15. 01dragonslayer

    5 Crazy But Effective Leg Building Exercises

    Get creative with the most dreaded day of the workout week with these 5 insane-yet-effective moves that will build leg-muscle mass in no time. Leg training isn’t easy and you may think your exercise arsenal is limited at best. You may be under the impression that when leg day rolls around you...
  16. EG News

    5 Expert Coaches Share Their Truths About Stretching

    Stretching is one of those things coaches and hardcore lifters never sit on the fence about. It’s either a complete waste of time or it’s curing cancer. There is no in-between. Usually, both sides will argue till they are blue in the face if it doesn’t come to fist-a-cuffs first. When coaches...
  17. EG News

    Billy Gunn Explains How (and Why) He Continues Wrestling at Age 58

    If you’re a fan of pro wrestling, then you may have been watching All Elite Wrestling lately. Their weekly show, Dynamite, features stars both who are both on the rise and legends who have been performing for many years — including Billy Gunn. At age 58, Billy Gunn, best known as one half of...
  18. EG News

    Kristina Mendoza Shares Her Leg Day Secrets

    IFBB Pro League women’s bodybuilder Kristina Mendoza has a physique worthy of standing on any stage, but what fans know her best for are her quads. Knowing a lot of people wonder what her keys are for building great legs, she shared her insights with Whitney Jones and Alina Popa on a recent...
  19. 01dragonslayer

    The Best Pre and Post Workout Meals You Can Possibly Eat

    There is no way you can build muscles mass if you’re not eating right before and after your workout. Many people don’t understand the fact that they break down muscle tissue in the gym and their muscles grow bigger and stronger while they’re outside the iron paradise. What you eat pre and...
  20. 01dragonslayer

    Crack Open the Bedtime Snacks Ladies!

    Crack Open the Bedtime Snacks Ladies! Physically active women who have foresworn bedtime snacks should feel no fear cracking open the cupboards after sundown for a protein-rich treat, according to new Florida State University-led research. In a study of women weight lifters, nutrition...