
  1. 01dragonslayer

    The Clean vs. Messy Desk Debate

    They say that the outside environment is a good indicator of the internal environment, but how much of that is true? New research finds that while it’s easy to say things are always off better organized and tidy, there’s hidden benefits to less organized spaces. When it comes to...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Micro Breaks for Mega Success

    The results are in, and breaks are now one of the best ways to ensure that you’re performing at your cognitive best. Reviewing 22 previous studies about breaks and productivity over the past thirty years, researchers discovered a pattern between taking frequent breaks and better...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    Top 7 Foods for Better Sleep

    You’ve learned the hard way how that after-dinner “snack” can keep you up at night (we’re looking at you Ben & Jerry!). Here are seven feel-good foods that can help you get some quality shut-eye. 1) Oats The complex carbs in oats act like a shuttle to get more of the sleep-inducing amino acid...
  4. HTFU


    I’m looking into healthier alternatives of muscle building/leaning… Being 32 juice has taken a toll over a decade.. My fav. has been on NPP and Winny stacks… I don’t know much about Sarms, looking for a similar stack that can give me the same effects if not better without the side effects.. Can...
  5. EG News

    Do Breakfast the Fit (and Flavorful) Way with These Ingredient Alternatives

    Not trying to throw shade at cereal, we’ve all enjoyed a big ole’ bowl with nice, cold milk but there are quicker and better breakfast options. Remember those bowls with built-in straws so you could sip the sugar-filled milk that the cereal created? I do. It might have done your tastebuds good...
  6. EG News

    Mastering These 4 Mobility Moves will Lead to Better Movement And Strength

    Did the chicken or the egg come first? Who cares? Both chicken and the egg are delicious—and you’re wondering what this has to do with mobility exercises. Stay with me for a moment. In the fitness universe, “experts” have often debated which exercise quality is more important to train...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    The Importance of Doing

    Foreword: Fitness Is for the Mind and Body The fitness industry has always been tainted by some unfortunate dogma--that anybody who frequents a gym and is lean and muscular inherently has the intellectual capacity of a rock. It’s quite sad to assume this about people who take care of their body...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    Respect Those Before You

    When I was coming up in this industry I had a handful of people that inspired me, influenced me, and helped me believe in my abilities. Many of these individuals had done something in the industry that was noteworthy, positive, impressive, or highly regarded. When someone whom you look up to...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    6 Creative Ways to Make Water Taste Better So You’ll Drink MORE of It

    By: Matt Weik I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not the biggest fan of water. At least from a flavor standpoint. Nothing against its importance – I simply don’t care for the taste. If you’re like me and many others I’ve spoken to, you may prefer beverages with a little more flavor. The...
  10. 01dragonslayer

    50 Reasons Not To Skip Your Workout Today

    Lost your motivation and need a good kick in the pants? This article gives you fifty quality reasons to drop the junk food, get off the couch and head to the gym. 1. Because no matter how tired or stressed you feel right now, you will feel better after a workout. 2. You know that you are what...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    Build More Muscle: Don't Do These 5 Time-Wasting Exercises

    Spending the time in the gym, but not reaping the benefits? You may be wasting your time with one of these five time wasting exercises. You’ve seen them at your gym. People who perform those crazy looking exercises or trendy moves that turn heads. The kinds of exercises you see in the magazines...
  12. EG News

    Pushing Physical Boundaries Helps Chadd Wright Push Others to Greatness

    With serving as a U.S. Navy Seal for 12 years, Chadd Wright operated on some of the highest performing teams in the world while battling the most extreme of conditions and situations. During that time, he became a SEAL instructor and a Master Training Specialist, where he discovered a passion of...
  13. 01dragonslayer

    The Easy Way to Reduce Respiratory Issues and Breathe Better

    by Matt Weik Not being able to breathe easily can be quite a scary situation. The shallow breaths and wheezing when you’re feeling under the weather can shake people to their core. And while this article is not meant to treat or diagnose any disease, there are a few things you can do to help...
  14. 01dragonslayer

    Stop Blaming Fructose

    Stop Blaming Fructose Should we really be panicking about fructose? Check out the latest science here. Whiplash Is your seat belt on? Is it tight? Head restraint in position? Good, because otherwise you're going to suffer an awful case of nutrition-science whiplash and have to get fitted for a...
  15. 01dragonslayer

    EZ Bar Vs Straight Bar Curl: Which is Better For Building Biceps?

    EZ Bar vs Straight Bar Curl Before determining which exercise is better, we have to understand what the biceps do. The biceps have 2 main functions. The one most people remember and acknowledge is the flexing/pulling of the forearm. But the other function of the biceps is to help supinate the...
  16. 01dragonslayer

    25 Workout Tips For Over 40 Lifters

    Father Time catches up to everyone. Even the best of us can only avoid his presence so long. It is a fact of life that as people age, their health and general lifestyle depreciate. The joints weaken, the muscle mass melts away, and the bones become brittle. For most people, blowing 40 candles...
  17. 01dragonslayer

    Lat Pulldowns vs. Pull Ups: Which Builds A Wider Back?

    The age-old debate of whether lat pulldowns or pull ups are superior for maximum back development has been going on for quite a while. With the new invasion of the functional philosophy quickly gaining its proverbial ground over the last few years, it would seem it is an easy choice. Of course...
  18. 01dragonslayer

    11 Lessons Learned From Watching Pumping Iron

    How many of us have seen Pumping Iron? No doubt almost anyone who has been a fan of bodybuilding has watched it at least once. It’s Bodybuilding 101, and if you’re new to bodybuilding or fitness, find a copy and watch it now. You’ll be glad you did. For generations, Pumping Iron has inspired...
  19. 01dragonslayer

    What is Actually Required for Success?

    What is Actually Required for Success? written by JAMES CLEAR MINIMALISM SELF-IMPROVEMENT STRENGTH TRAINING For over one year, I trained with the great folks at Columbus Weightlifting. One of our lifters, Heather, joined the team and didn’t have a pair of weightlifting shoes. So, she borrowed a...
  20. 01dragonslayer

    High Intensity Training vs. High Volume Training: Which is Better?

    HIT VS VOLUME. Which style of working out is the better approach for bodybuilding? It’s hard to discredit either style of weight training because there have been countless examples of people who have built incredible physiques using both. So my stance on it is pretty simple; I’m partial to HIT...