How many of us have seen Pumping Iron?
No doubt almost anyone who has been a fan of bodybuilding has watched it at least once.
It’s Bodybuilding 101, and if you’re new to bodybuilding or fitness, find a copy and watch it now. You’ll be glad you did.
For generations, Pumping Iron has inspired...
What is Actually Required for Success?
written by JAMES CLEAR
For over one year, I trained with the great folks at Columbus Weightlifting.
One of our lifters, Heather, joined the team and didn’t have a pair of weightlifting shoes. So, she borrowed a...
HIT VS VOLUME. Which style of working out is the better approach for bodybuilding?
It’s hard to discredit either style of weight training because there have been countless examples of people who have built incredible physiques using both.
So my stance on it is pretty simple; I’m partial to HIT...
Google "shoulder training mistakes," and the search engine will spit out articles featuring advise like "Don't use bad form," "Move a full range of motion," and "Never go too heavy."
Well...duh! You won't find that kind of overgeneralized silliness here. This is advice by lifters, for lifters...
If you’re looking to get in better shape or simply wanting to find another activity for your active rest days, look no further than the dirt path. Hiking builds lower-body strength, activates your core, improves cardiovascular fitness, stabilizes joints, improves balance, and encourages positive...
When I first started hitting the gym, the very first thing I’d do is hit arms. What a better way to start a workout than with an arm pump, right?
From there, it was whatever workout I found in a muscle magazine or online that day. There wasn’t a rhyme or reason to it and it didn’t matter... I...
MTV’s The Challenge legend and Celebrity Sleepover host, Johnny ‘Bananas’ Devenanzio recently opened up with Muscle & Fitness on his pet hates of the gym. After having seeing the extreme sports fan cooking up a storm over on Instagram, we felt urge to pick his brain once again, this time digging...
According to studies, marriage brings not only a happy life but also extra weight. The first five years of marriage are especially tough, as both spouses may gain up to 30 pounds.
So it’s not surprising why some people wonder how to motivate their loved ones to start watching what they eat...
The quest to maintain a well-balanced diet can be confusing — especially when labels are marketed as healthy (just take the KIND bar controversy, for example). Next time you’re trying to make the best choices at the grocery store, remember these eight foods, which can mask themselves as healthy...
Imagine you’re overloaded at work, dealing with family drama or in the middle of a major home renovation. It’s times like these when stress eating strikes and, eventually, it can ruin hard-earned weight loss or healthy eating progress. While that sleeve of cookies, jar of peanut butter or bag of...
If you insist that everything you consume must be interesting, delicious, and pleasing, then you will never feel, look, and perform the way that you want to unless you’re willing to change your diet.
I should probably say that again in a different way: if we want to create change, we must...
Just picked up some Glutathion 200 mg .Needing someone with insight On how to administer(Im or sub-Q) and frequency. I believe Roc said something about every other day at 100 mgs. Don't know how long on running it also.
FYI Packaging was stellar.
Looking to add speed and distance to your next run may require a run over to your grocery store’s vegetable aisle, a new study claims. According to research published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, a diet consisting of nitrate-rich foods, including vegetables such as leafy greens...
Lately I’ve been looking into gut intelligence, and it’s incredible! Has anyone here gotten there stool tested?? If so had positive results from changing diet??
Theres a handful of companies out there that offer it, I’ve been looking into Viome. They tell you what foods you can and can’t eat...
The holiday season means sugary sweets and holiday treats will be everywhere. So if you’re craving some classic festive cookies and desserts, but still want to keep your diet clean this winter, then the solution is simple: Whip up some better-for-you snacks of your own.
Not only are these...
Long ago were the days of cheap cycles with shit like Dbol. I know, I know, it's what all of the “golden era” bodybuilders used right?
But you have to understand that old school guys didn't use Dbol because it was the best oral available, they used stuff like Dbol because it was usually all...
I just started to take apart the motor I my Jeep getting ready to pull and rebuild it.
Any of you on here car Enthusiasts also??
I am going 010 over on the Main and Rod bearings and having the cylinders bored 040 over. Going to do a gasket match and port and polish on the heads. Doing...
Believe my ring finger the knuckle i thought was jammed. Well its been a month or 2, it's better but still definitely not right.
Trying to shrug even 225 I simply can't hold onto the bar as that finger wont let me.
Its really not effecting anything other than shrugs, rows, Im able to manage and...
Ok look man you guys have seen me post a lot of crazy shit about gangs and fighting and jail just a lot of bad stuff. I talked to a guy I've known all my life older im 43 he's 53 known him all my life I went asked could I come see him and talk and he said that was fine. He knows people I don't...