
  1. stonetag

    Got arms?

    Fucking Barbarian, as my wife calls me. I resemble that remark!lol [attachment deleted by admin]
  2. Dago

    Daddys girls

    I have one little girl recently turned 12. I am really having a hard time digesting this. Lately she isn't wanting to come over as much her mother and I haven't been together for a long time. I know its age she's got her friends she is hanging around with at school, sleep overs, facebook she's...
  3. Gunner16

    Just wanted to say hello

    Hello everyone Braw16 I see some familiar faces I've been on the boards for a bit now. I got on after being injured and out of the gym for almost 6 yrs. I realized I needed to catch back up I did my first physique show last and plan on doing a few more this year. I'm always looking to learn and...
  4. N.O.V.

    New guy

    Hey everyone, New to the board. Looking forward to contributing!
  5. stonetag

    New old guy and pic.

    Stonetag here, Hi to all you! Invited by a friend on another board, very new to boards this being my second, I may have to be spoon fed through a few things but I will learn quick. Little about myself, I'm 50 years young, been lifting for 26 years or so with no end in sight. I have been an AAS...
  6. The Milton Maniac

    just felt like being nice and wishing everyone a happy new year!

    may this one be better than the last
  7. C

    Sorry for being away

    Have been going through a lot lately. First work got crazy then went to train at a location and on the way back home got the call my father passed away. Still don't understand why as it happened out of no where but I know he is home with the father. He was an amazing man who met no stranger nor...
  8. J

    Shout out thank you to RockShawn

    Just wanted to give Rock a big thank you for hooking up a Brother. A week or so ago, I was looking to see if anyone had any of Monsters pre 126.5 Rock hit me up and told me that he had something that was very similar with just as much punch. It is Shock Therapy 125.750 I said, how much you want...
  9. tunaman7


    Tunaman here...I'm 50...5'11" and weigh 195. Currently carrying 6% bodyfat (jackson pollock 7 site with lange calipres). I have ran 3 cycles last calender year. This year beggining in May I have ran an tren a and test prop cycle (100 each every other day). Now I'm runnin 500 test e and 500...
  10. MuscleAddiction

    Hey brothers and sisters!!!

    Was invited to come over here...thanks FlyingFox! Going to see who I know around these parts ;).
  11. H

    Thanks for having me!

    Looks like a great forum you all have here. Thanks to 49er for the invite. I joined a week ago and this is the first chance ive had to stop by and say hi. We have a new baby in the family, so its been quite hectic for me. Im looking forward to getting to know you all. When things calm down, you...
  12. flyingfox

    Helped a brother cross over the dark side. My boys been natty his whole life with the exception of a run of S-Drol when it was sold OTC. This guy is one of the hardest training bros I know and has made impressive gains juice free. Anyway he said he was ready so I helped get all his AIs and post cycle stuff...
  13. krustus

    krustus trying to get jacked at 45

    been doing the strongest cycle for me yet... 50 tbol a day, 300 npp a week, 600 mast e a week, 150 test a week. happy with the results after 3 weeks... strength is going up and fat is going down... at 45 yrs old i'm pretty happy. [attachment deleted by admin]
  14. tkasch30

    new member looking for advice

    you might have seen my intro i just posted a few days ago. im 5'10 155lbs 8%bf 32 yo. im just starting a cycle with tren in it, i have used tren before, but question is do i need to eat a calorie surplus while on tren to gain muscle. i kind of hate to gain a bunch of fat bulking up but if thats...
  15. Troy

    New to the board here!

    What's up guys! Was invited over by my good bro Erik at chemical muscle. Thanks a lot Erik. Also thanks to the staff for approving my registration. This is an awesome looking site I definitely plan on making it my home. I look forward to getting to know everyone here!! Peace.


    Here i am at Jacked City AKA THE TORTURE CHAMBER on the cables. Cables are 1 of the best parts of the workout on chest day. I start from the top and work my way down right below the.waist. 3.sets of 15 a piece. Comment if you like bros! All comments welcome. Also any suggestions for your...
  17. B

    New Here

    Hello folks, New to this board and glad to be here. Got an invite great looking board! Hope to be an asset here and happy to be a part of this forum. Look forward to getting to know everyone. ;D
  18. 49ER

    Happy anniversary to me

    Actually im a few days early I was gonna share this with bop when the time came. I was a big time meth abuser for 10 years! I was sucked up looked like shit and commited just about every crime u can think of. I was in and out of jail more times than I can remember. Im proud to say its been 9...
  19. S

    SnW's intro

    Hello to all. I've been here for a little over a week but just getting around to my intro. I think many of you know me or at least know my name. I see a bunch of names I recognize from other boards here. So fare the board def seem great. I'm from know.......& S-F, GH-15, CM, PM...
  20. LatinoPR

    LatinoPR is here....

    Hi Guys,happy to be here.Let me know what can i do to help this board or any of our members !!!! LPR.