
  1. C

    Chrisotpherm is here.

    Hey again everyone. Good to be back around you all again!
  2. S

    Help me brotherhood run down a fellow brother....

    He had went through a rehab program and missed the shirt sign up. He relapsed and was extremely depressed. I wanted to give him a ray of hope so I got his contact and sent him a shirt he was very grateful and I felt good that I could give him some happiness. I believe his name was VINO or...
  3. tbonexl

    thanks EG

    What's crackalackin! Not sure what all happened this week but it looks like I moved into a new home. It will probably take me some time to get used to how things are but I'll get in where I fit in! Good to see the alumni! Didn't think I'd catch up to u guys again!
  4. Thesuperwallaby

    Another Bop refugee

    Not sure yet what happened over there but thanks to smoove for sending the invite and thanks to the admin for letting me in..... Stats 6'3 220 12% bf, rough estimate Current cycle Test c 600mg/wk Eq 900mg/wk Npp 120mg e3d And anadrol, dbol mix ed
  5. jshredz

    What's up everybody

    Glad to be here guys. For those of you that don't know me I'm a competitive amateur bodybuilder and I do my own prep and diet. I'm always willing to help brothers out whenever I can and share what I have learned thru years of experience and research. I have become more active in a few select...
  6. S

    Fellow Brother SMOOVE has entered

    Props to JDB3 for the invite, thanks Brutha! So glad to see familiar faces from BOP! Thanks GRIM for approval, the board looks cool. I already see an auction and I LOVE auctions :) Sucks having to start all over again but I look forward to making new brothers on here. Thanks again
  7. A


    So I was recently having a short discussion with TSizemore about cardio and bodyweight exercises which is mostly what I have been doing lately instead of lifting.... SO he suggested THE MURPH, let me tell you now - THE MURPH, Aint NO PUNK BITCH! Breakdown- Run one mile... complete 100 pullups...