A frequently asked question we get is how do you create a bodybuilding diet? This article teaches bodybuilders how to build their own bodybuilding meal plan.
Ok, so you want to get huge?!
All you have to do is make it to the gym, crank out reps until you get a sick pump, head home and get on...
Hate counting calories? Here's an easier system that gives you foolproof tools you can't lose.
Counting calories can be a tedious, time-consuming, and potentially obsessive restraint on one’s life. Weighing foods, measuring a cup of this or a tablespoon of that, and updating calorie counting...
Grocery shopping for athletes has never been easier with this checklist. Read on to learn what food groups & options you should grab from the grocery store.
Food is the most anabolic thing you can put in your body. There is no questioning this.
The goal of weight training, taking supplements...
Football for the actual fans, superstar halftime performances for music lovers, and multi-million dollar commercials that rival anything opening in the box office that weekend.
I feel like I’m forgetting something…
Oh yea! Tons of food! Like enough food to get double the amount of calories in...
Sure, you know that cooking your food is best, but the occasional meal out is part of life. Check out the 10 best chain restaurant options for healthy eating!
The average person does not live a lifestyle that allows for perfect nutrition practices…and that’s ok!
Perfection is the enemy of...
This article clears up the dieting confusion and helps you to reach your goals. Learn simple rules that will help you build an effective muscle building or fat loss eating plan.
Brad Borland is a strength & conditioning specialist, cancer survivor and the founder of WorkoutLab.
Your diet is just as important to accomplishing your goals as training is. Learn exactly how to set up your diet to accomplish your current goals.
Training and diet are two sides of the same coin. Your training creates the potential for change and your diet will dictate if you reach that...
Major mass comes from a solid diet. David and Justin teach you how to calculate your calories and macros, and even provide a sample meal plan.
A training plan is only as strong as its diet. 80-90% of the results you see will come from dedication to nutrition, and that's why the Mass Performance...
Hitting the road towards a spring break destination? Read up on these 10 tips on successful dieting while traveling first and stay on track with your goals!
If you travel a lot, you know how hard it can be to stick to your diet.
Many restaurants have foods that are low in protein and high in fat...
Eddie Hall has dropped somewhere in the region of 100 pounds of bodyweight since winning the World’s Strongest Man in 2017, but “The Beast” loves to pump iron just as much as he ever did. In an exclusive interview with the man who once broke the deadlift world record at 1,019 pounds (462...
You might be sabotaging your progress without even knowing it. Avoid these foods and stay on the right track to obtaining the ultimate beach body.
Spring time is here and the summer is fast approaching. Soon it will be time for the masses to ditch their shirts and soak in the sun on the beach...
Everyone has made these dieting mistakes at least once. Catch them before they keep you from maximizing your muscle and strength gains!
Keeping hard-earned muscle on your frame is tough enough, but the process of building new muscle takes your efforts to a whole new level. Your training can be...
Want to pack on lean mass & lose body fat without lowering your daily calorie consumption? Check out the unlimited diet & learn the best fat loss approach!
Practically everybody knows the key importance of protein for boosting muscle growth and recovery.
While there are some common myths around...
How and why does your metabolism slow while losing fat? Bodybuilding coach Cliff Wilson provides 6 tips on how to maximize your fat loss efforts.
I see it ALL…THE…TIME! Metabolic damage and serious metabolic issues are rampant in the sport of bodybuilding. Metabolic damage is essentially a...
The ketogenic diet is built around the concept of removing dietary carbohydrates from your eating plan to the point that the brain and body are forced to utilize another fuel source - ketones.
Physicians introduced the ketogenic diet to the Western world in the 1920s as a treatment for epilepsy...
Adaptive thermogenesis is one of your body's natural reactions during fat loss phases. Learn a few techniques to counter it by reading the following article.
Participants of extreme weight loss challenges such as The Biggest Loser often gain back most or all of the weight they lost during the...
Body recomposition is difficult, but not impossible. In this article you'll learn several tips to help you simultaneously and successfully build muscle and lose fat.
Gaining muscle and losing fat simultaneously is the holy grail for most gym-goers. Doing both is known in the industry as...
Are you working hard but still not getting any bigger? Here are 5 secrets to gains that even fitness professionals aren't willing to share.
There’s a secret code in our DNA that's hardwired into all of us. We all want gains.
Ok, I made that up, there isn’t a secret code in your DNA. Here’s what...
Are you the scrawny guy in the weight room who can't gain a single pound no matter what you eat? This article contains 6 strategies for the “hardgainer”/ectomorph.
Ah, good ol’ “hardgainers”; the classic case of the scrawny guy in the weight room who complains that he can’t gain an ounce of...
Muscletech and powerlifting/bodybuilding phenom Matt Kroc presents a strength program designed to drive up gains by increasing intensity over a 16 week period.
Main Goal
Increase Strength
Workout Type
Training Level
Program Duration16 weeks
Days Per Week