
  1. 01dragonslayer

    The Weightlifter’s Guide To Carb Cycling

    by Jacob Wilson, Ph.D., C.S.C.S.*D. Carbs can be a divisive topic—some people love them, some people hate them, and some people know that the answer’s not so black and white. One thing we can count on right now is the popularity of “carb cycling.” A lot of people are into it. And though we...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    What Are Net Carbs And What Do They Mean For Weight Loss?

    by Sarah Garone, N.D.T.R. Counting carbs can be a complicated affair. When tracking your macros for weight loss, you may feel like you need a calculator handy just to make lunch or dinner. So if you’ve heard about net carbs—a type of carbohydrates some people suggest don’t “count” on a low-carb...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    Insulin 101 for newbie’s

    Insulin 101 for newbie’s by RazorRipped This post is just a simple guide for first time insulin users to follow in a safe, and effective manner. The type of insulin I’m talking about is Humalog I urge you to invest in a glucometer. This will give you a close estimation of where your BG(Blood...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    What is the best meal before and after a workout?

    What do I eat before and after a workout? It is a question that every fitness lover has in mind when they are just starting out in their fitness journey. Before one hits the gym for a workout, their body requires an anabolic state. Anabolic state allows the body to keep the muscles already...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    Bodybuilding Nutrition Basics

    If you are into bodybuilding than you owe it to yourself to at learn the very basics of bodybuilding nutrition. Bodybuilding is not just about lifting weight! Learn the basics of how to feed your muscle and you will excel in the sport of bodybuilding. The following article should be a big help...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    The Real Ways to Lose Weight Fast

    If you're tired of struggling to lose weight and are impatient to see some results, we have good news: You have options. And here's better news: We're not talking about crash dieting, doing hours of cardio, or drastically cutting back on a crucial macronutrient like carbs or fats. Instead, try...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    Good Carbs vs Bad Carbs: Do You Know the Difference?

    Do you love carbs? Of course, you do! They’re delicious! Carbohydrates are a great source of energy when our body converts them into glycogen. However, when you look at many diets that people are following these days, the majority of them are low or no carb. Look at the Atkins Diet and...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    Keto Diet: The Biggest Mistakes and Side Effects

    The keto diet is becoming the ultimate "love it or hate it" diet in fitness. Its advocates rave about fat melting away from their physiques, skyrocketing energy levels, increased mental clarity, and a wide range of health benefits that scientists are only now starting to investigate more deeply...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    The 40 Best Low-Carb Foods

    If you're serious about dialing in your nutrition for your goals, you need a full arsenal of foods to choose from! Especially if you are practicing carb-cycling or tracking your macros, having lots of low-carb choices is extra important. And if you're doing the keto diet, they're essential...
  10. 01dragonslayer

    Bodybuilding Meal Plan for Muscle Gain

    Frustrated skinny guys looking to gain weight often feel like they are eating as much as they possibly can. When the scale doesn't go up, they throw up their hands in defeat. But the truth, more often than not, is that they simply need to embrace a new style of eating to grow: a meal plan...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    Bodybuilding Meal Plan: Clean Eating for Beginners

    No matter if your goal is to bulk up, lose weight, or just stay healthy, how you train is only one part of the plan. To produce the best results for your body, pair your training regimen with meal plans that power your toughest workouts and get you closer to your personal goals. Whether you're...
  12. 01dragonslayer

    Bodybuilding Meal Plan for Weight Loss

    When people are struggling to lose weight, they often don't realize how much of it is because of their diet plan—or lack of one. If you're trying to lose weight and aren't following a targeted weight-loss meal plan, you're making things harder than they need to be. Yes, you can lose weight by...
  13. 01dragonslayer

    Finding Balance

    If you can teach your mind and body that there is balance in all foods then you can hit your goals, and retain them, in an efficient, healthy, and sustainable way. And in the end, you will win the diet game! Look, we love to over-complicate things when it comes to nutrition. Between taking out...
  14. EG News

    The Spud is No Dud When it Comes to Losing Weight, Says Science

    If the thousands of fitness “influencer” accounts on social media are to be believed, the only way to shed those unwanted pounds is to ditch carbohydrates in favor of a heavy protein and plant-based diet. In recent years, the humble potato has been shunned, partly due to unsubstantiated fears...
  15. 01dragonslayer

    How to Fire up Your Metabolism

    Do not slack on H20 consumption in offseason (yes, it’s annoying but helps in all fatloss & muscle building processes) Do not shortchange on any particular macronutrient -- precontest, might come a sticking point where you need to deplete fats or carbs, but you are wise to include ALL from the...
  16. 01dragonslayer

    Low Carbs Big Muscles

    You can starve and build big muscles. You can starve your body of carbohydrates and make your body crave muscle building protein. I am sure most of you reading the title "Low Carbs Big Muscles" are scratching your heads thinking I have lost my mind. I mean, how can you possibly build massive...
  17. 01dragonslayer

    4 Protein Smoothie Recipes for Any Time of the Day

    Without it, your body won’t have the raw materials it needs to rebuild and improve after you hit the gym. However, if the thought of yet another watery mixture of protein powder makes you want to gag, it’s time for a better solution. It’s time to start experimenting to ensure that you enjoy...
  18. 01dragonslayer

    Fat Loss And Macronutrients: Eat What You Want And Still Lose Fat

    You’ve been there before, that point where you become fed up and decide to lose weight. You went on some diet that restricted your food consumption, limited your food options, and made you miserable. Then to add to it, you put endless hours into the gym for weeks on end, only to figure out that...
  19. 01dragonslayer

    How To Burn Fat Like A Bodybuilder (Without Muscle Loss!)

    Achieving low body fat levels takes hard work and discipline, but having an understanding on how to manage carbohydrate intake helps facilitate the process. The number of strategies to burn stubborn body fat stem far and wide. All kinds of fat loss workout plans, programs and the latest...
  20. 01dragonslayer

    Tips For Burning The Fat!

    So you've been muscle building, eating big and making gains. Great. Now it's time to get ripped and strip off those extra fat layers you've inherited! If you're an experienced bodybuilder you'll know that building muscle works in 2 basic cycles. First we have the growth cycle. While you're on...