
  1. 01dragonslayer


    To get to the next level with your physique, you've got to amp up the training and tighten up the diet more than you've already been. Shocker, huh? More specifically, add just enough cardio to boost the weekly expenditure without interrupting recovery, and drop carbs enough to reignite fat loss...
  2. 01dragonslayer


    How much cardio is best for dieters? While some will advocate not performing cardio when dieting, lest it causes a loss of muscle and strength, it is undoubtedly true that for most people trying to get as lean as possible, some form of cardio will be necessary to reach their goals. The question...
  3. EG News

    The 5 Best Bodyweight Exercises for Improved Cardio

    Cardio machines like the treadmill, rowing, elliptical and stationary cycling are convenient and practical tools to enhance cardiovascular strength and endurance. You set the duration and intensity, and off you go. But they are not the only machines to get your heart rate up and work up a sweat...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    How to Train for an Obstacle Race and Not Die

    A Guide for Lifters Obstacle Races and People Who Hate Cardio Obstacle races are both fun and intimidating. Whichever one you choose – Spartan Race, Tough Mudder, Warrior Dash, etc. – will require you to be both strong and aerobically fit. But most people skew their training towards either...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    The Best Cardio For Your Goals: The 4 Top Forms of Cardio

    Cardio is important for all health and fitness goals, but not all types of cardio are equal. While there are a dizzying array of cardio options — from walking to rowing to sprinting and more — for you to choose from, the best form of cardio for you depends on your current fitness status, any...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    73 Horrible Workout & Diet Tips

    Weed through all the bad advice and misguided information tossed around gyms and the Internet. These tips help you to remove the confusion and improve results. 1. Deep squats are bad for your knees. 2. Crunches and sit ups give you six pack abs. 3. You can only train each body part once a week...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    Why Cardio isn’t the First Step to Losing Weight

    Although steady state cardio can be great for your overall health, it probably isn't the most effective way to lose weight. Here are four reasons why you should start your weight loss journey through diet and lifting weights instead of slaving away on a treadmill. Reason #1: Doing Cardio...
  8. EG News

    Remembering Industry Icon Tonya Knight

    The bodybuilding community mourns the loss of one of its legendary female bodybuilders who paved the way for others, Tonya Knight. Cardio was an event if it was going to be done outside. If she was doing her “serious” cardio, a typical session was on the stationary bike she had in her living...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    5 Myths About Your Metabolism—Busted

    by Kelsey Cannon, C.S.C.S. In the world of weight management, metabolism—the process of turning food into fuel—sometimes seems like a secret code that needs to be cracked. But just how complicated is it? Truth be told, there’s a lot of misinformation out there. We rounded up five of the biggest...
  10. 01dragonslayer

    Do you want to be a freak?

    Really? Want the girls dropping thier jaw when you walk in the room? Want the guys saying WTF when they see you? Want her down on her knees in front of you telling you how hot your abs look before she takes you in her mouth? Really? Yeah, most guys do but they don't want to work for it. Face...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    Don't forget the cardio!

    Too many of you bad ass bodybuilders totally skip the cardio! You are missing out! Listen to what the doctor says about cardio. This bodybuilding article is focused more on when to do cardio. Before or after training? Just fucking read it. There is great information to be had! Remember, do your...
  12. 01dragonslayer

    3 Tips For More Mass

    Athletes and fitness enthusiasts usually attempt to put on more mass for two fundamental reasons: to improve physical appearance or to enhance athletic performance. For weight gain in the form of muscle mass a combination of diet, progressive resistance training, and the right type of cardio is...
  13. 01dragonslayer

    Why Cardio isn’t the First Step to Losing Weight

    Although steady state cardio can be great for your overall health, it probably isn't the most effective way to lose weight. Here are four reasons why you should start your weight loss journey through diet and lifting weights instead of slaving away on a treadmill. Reason #1: Doing Cardio...
  14. 01dragonslayer

    How to Fire up Your Metabolism

    Do not slack on H20 consumption in offseason (yes, it’s annoying but helps in all fatloss & muscle building processes) Do not shortchange on any particular macronutrient -- precontest, might come a sticking point where you need to deplete fats or carbs, but you are wise to include ALL from the...
  15. 01dragonslayer

    Should you focus on Cardio or Weights for Body Composition Purposes?

    Cardiorespiratory exercise, known simply as cardio, is used to describe exercise that works your heart, since your heart is a (smooth) muscle after all. Simply put, cardio is movement that makes your circulatory system work harder. Performing exercises like brisk walking, running, swimming, and...
  16. 01dragonslayer

    Choosing the Best Gym for Your Goals

    Picking a gym is a big decision. That might even be an understatement for MPA readers, because not having an adequate place to workout can make or break your results. For dedicated fitness enthusiasts and bodybuilders alike, the gym is like a second home. You’re serious about your diet, your...
  17. Dago

    Am I wrong in my thinking fasted cardio..

    Going to the gym on days I don’t lift yes I take days off and rest but going in for cardio only with a bottle of water on empty stomach first thing in the morning trying to trick my body into using the fat I have stored for energy instead of whatever I put in my system before coming shake...
  18. 01dragonslayer

    The Best Nutrition and Cardio Strategies for Your Body Type

    Are you in the predicament of not knowing how to diet and implement cardio based on your somatotype (e.g. ectomorph, endomorph, etc.)? This comprehensive guide will describe actionable tips for maximizing your muscle building and fat burning potential, regardless your natural genetic tendencies...
  19. 01dragonslayer

    The SMALL things that turn into BIG things (Dieting Pitfalls)

    Wouldn’t it suck to spend a ton of money on preparing for a Bodybuilding or (insert division) competition only to scratch your head in wonderment after you don’t bring your best physique to the stage? How could this happen? You shopped at Whole Foods Market for the highest quality proteins and...
  20. 01dragonslayer

    Cardio: Does it hinder muscle growth?

    All right. Facebook Q and A. Troy Guillory asked a very good question. He was asking, doing steady state cardio around your weight training session if the adenosine monophosphate kinase the amp K promotion would defeat the mTOR response from your weight training or mechanical force resistance...