
  1. 01dragonslayer

    The Scientific Reason Why You Should Be Doing Cardio Year-Round for Better Muscle Growth

    If you’re a bodybuilder or even just a casual gym-goer trying to pack on muscle, chances are you focus almost exclusively on resistance training (and correctly so). Nevertheless, cardiovascular training shouldn’t be overlooked even when muscle building is your primary goal, and there’s quite a...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    How can the Hard Gainer Jumpstart Their Appetites?

    As we continue to pack in food day in and day out, our brains quickly become “Ghrelin Resistant” as our brain-reward systems become desensitized from chronic food consumption. So the question is: How do we not become resistant to ghrelin production, and how do we keep leptin levels (hunger...
  3. EG News

    The (Updated) 10 Rules of Strength Training at the Gym

    The almighty didn’t etch these ten unofficial commandments in stone and send them down through the clouds to me. So, naturally, they’ll always be open for debate. But having been in gyms for over 30 years and coaching clients in the beauty of strength training for the past 13 years, I’ve picked...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Are You Wasting Your Time With "Cardio"?

    By Adam Bisek Whether you're a competitive physique athlete or just want to look the part, chances are you've done your fair share of "cardio." If you want to get really lean you're supposed to right? Or at the least, we're told it's healthy for us to dabble in the occasional mind-numbing...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    The Fasted Cardio Debate Settled

    By Adam Bisek Amongst the vast annals of bodybuilding folklore lies the theory of fasted aerobic activity; “fasted cardio.” The notion implies doing a bout of aerobics in the morning on an empty stomach will result in greater fat loss. Much like many long-standing hypotheses, this one went...
  6. EG News

    DM M&F: These Fitness Pros Share Tips for Reducing Your Leg Size

    For those gymgoers who never skip leg day, a strong and muscular pair of quads and hamstrings is usually one the top goals of any fitness list. But unless you’re one of the few who are competing on the bodybuilding stage, there can be such a thing as legs too large, especially if buying pants...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    Should You Be Using the Elliptical for Your Cardio Sessions?

    By: Matt Weik When it comes to pieces of cardio equipment, each style and piece seems to have its own set of positives and negatives. You have the bike which is great assuming you don’t have any lower back issues, you have the treadmill, which is great if you don’t have knee problems… the...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    Is This the Right Gym for YOU?

    By: Matt Weik This can become a loaded question. The gym you should join truly comes down to what you are comfortable with. My needs and wants might be different than your needs and wants. If I want to work out at a hardcore gym where loud music and heavy weights are being tossed around...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    Maximize Your Time in the Gym

    By: Matt Weik You have a hectic schedule. It could be due to work, kids, family life, social engagements, whatever. While we all know the benefits of exercise, there are times where we just don’t have enough time in the day to fit in everything and unfortunately, our workouts sometimes tend...
  10. 01dragonslayer

    73 Horrible Workout & Diet Tips

    Weed through all the bad advice and misguided information tossed around gyms and the Internet. These tips help you to remove the confusion and improve results. 1. Deep squats are bad for your knees. 2. Crunches and sit ups give you six pack abs. 3. You can only train each body part once a week...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    How to Use Complexes to Build Muscle & Burn Fat

    Complexes are the perfect tool for those looking to get more out of their workouts. Give these variations a try to maximize your muscle building & fat loss. No one has ever said building muscle and losing fat was easy. If you know anyone who has been successful at it, they’ll surely tell you it...
  12. 01dragonslayer

    The Cardio Question: What Type Of Cardio Is Best For Fat Loss?

    Unsure if steady state or high intensity cardio is better for the fat loss process? Bodybuilder Cliff Wilson explains the science behind fat loss and helps you to get shredded. The thought of doing cardio usually invokes strong feelings for most people. In my experience most people either love...
  13. 01dragonslayer

    The Best Cardio for Fat Loss: A Science Based Approach

    Cardio is necessary for fat loss, right? Let's see what scientific research suggests is the best type of cardio for burning fat while preserving muscle mass. So many gym goers are focused on fat loss. For some, that means adding cardio to boost calorie burn. But when you look around the gym...
  14. 01dragonslayer

    Low Intensity Cardio For Pre Contest Perfection?

    Is low intensity cardio the best for pre-contest preparation? A look at low intensity cardio vs high intensity cardio for pre-contest prep and fat loss! I was six weeks out from my contest. While not behind in prep, I certainly wouldn't have minded getting ahead. Thus, I decided to add in HIIT...
  15. 01dragonslayer

    Coconut Cardio: An Early Morning Strategy to Get Super Shredded

    Need a new and effective approach to your morning cardio? Check out Coach Dustin Myers' coconut cardio and get on the fast track to a shredded six pack! First thing in the morning. Post workout. Before you lift weights. After work. Only on every third Saturday of months that end in “Y”… Everyone...
  16. 01dragonslayer

    Losing Fat: What It Takes To Look Your Best

    ose fat, look great. Learn how to maximize calorie intake, high and low intensity cardio and training to shed fat, save time and get shredded. Some individuals like to look good so they can walk around without a shirt on, while others are trying to impress a significant other with a great body...
  17. 01dragonslayer

    3 Reasons Why You Should Sprint Your Way to Fat Loss

    Too many people adopt hours of steady-state cardio when going through a fat loss phase. Be different and use sprinting as a more efficient fat loss cardio! Fat loss is overwhelmingly the most sought after goal in the fitness game. This is evidenced by the vast number of training programs and...
  18. 01dragonslayer

    7 Articles to Help You Get Ripped This Summer

    Actually achieve your fat loss goals this year by learning about each individual element of fat loss with this curated list of Muscle & Strength articles! Summer is officially here. And if you’re looking to utilize this warmer weather and longer days to get absolutely shredded, you’ll want to...
  19. 01dragonslayer

    Prevent A Slowing Metabolism: Understanding Metabolic Slowdown And Adaptation

    How and why does your metabolism slow while losing fat? Bodybuilding coach Cliff Wilson provides 6 tips on how to maximize your fat loss efforts. I see it ALL…THE…TIME! Metabolic damage and serious metabolic issues are rampant in the sport of bodybuilding. Metabolic damage is essentially a...
  20. 01dragonslayer

    How To Approach Cardio While Building Muscle

    Can cardio hinder muscle mass gains? What type of cardio is best for your experience level? Find out how to best incorporate cardio while building muscle. There is much debate and controversy on the subject of doing cardio while building muscle. Once and for all I am going to set the record...