
  1. 01dragonslayer

    73 Horrible Workout & Diet Tips

    Weed through all the bad advice and misguided information tossed around gyms and the Internet. These tips help you to remove the confusion and improve results. 1. Deep squats are bad for your knees. 2. Crunches and sit ups give you six pack abs. 3. You can only train each body part once a week...
  2. EG News

    This 6-Move Cardio Sculpt Workout Can Be Crushed Anywhere

    NASM certified trainer and best-selling author Rebecca Louise is a big believer in overcoming the excuses that we create in order to put obstacles in the way of working out. Her book, It Takes Grit has been a go-to guide for many to rediscover fitness, and her podcast of the same name has been...
  3. EG News

    Try These 3 Crushing Cardio Finishers That Will Also Help Work Your Core

    To a lot of hardcore weightlifters, the word “cardio” can be considered as blasphemous as “toning up.” Even though research has shown that about 30 minutes a day of cardiovascular exercise has a multitude of benefits, including helping reduce LDL (aka “bad) cholesterol and blood pressure to...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    10 Tips to Look Good All Year Long

    If you are anything like me, you want to look good all year long. There are no few weeks where you want to look great, and then accept looking fat the rest of the year, nada. You want to look jacked all the time. If you had to take your shirt off then you could at any given time and feel proud...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    10 Tips to Get Shredded Fast!

    1) Don’t cut calories too far under maintenance Obviously there needs to be caloric deficit in order to lose body fat, but too many people are dropping down way too low. What does this mean? It means you become a smaller version of what you were before, but you don’t recomposition yourself like...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    10 Reasons to do Cardio

    TOP 10 BENEFITS OF CARDIOVASCULAR TRAINING #1) Your heart is the most important muscle of the body, without a healthy heart you have nothing! Cardiovascular training strengthens the heart. This is even more important to the guys who use performance enhancing drugs or even a lot of supplements...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    10 Real Deal Cardio Tips for Bodybuilders

    I see a lot of lazy fucks doing cardio the wrong way. I see them just strolling along while playing with their phones. I see girls wearing makeup that isn't even running down their face because they aren't sweating. When it comes to doing cardio, people just don't want to put in the work...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    7 Ways to Learn to Love Cardio

    Like it or not, cardio is a vital component of your healthy lifestyle. “Cardio exercise burns more calories than other forms of exercise and is important for long-term cardiovascular health,” says Jason Fitzgerald, a USATF-certified running coach in Denver, Colorado. In other words, doing...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    7 Ways to Change Your Workouts After You’ve Reached Your Weight-Loss Goal

    So, you’ve reached your weight loss goal. Now what? Well, maintaining your weight loss can be tricky. When it comes to changing your nutrition plan, it’s a good idea to add food back slowly. At the same time, experts recommend continuing an exercise routine for overall health and to help...
  10. 01dragonslayer

    7 Ways to Change Your Workouts After You’ve Reached Your Weight-Loss Goal

    So, you’ve reached your weight loss goal. Now what? Well, maintaining your weight loss can be tricky. When it comes to changing your nutrition plan, it’s a good idea to add food back slowly. At the same time, experts recommend continuing an exercise routine for overall health and to help...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    This is the Best Form of Cardio For Fat Loss

    Researchers have been debating this question for decades: When it comes to fat loss, are people better off doing HIIT or traditional cardio? There’s little doubt exercise is great for helping people lose and maintain their weight. “The most successful weight-loss maintainers — those who lose...
  12. 01dragonslayer

    3 Reasons Strength Training Helps You Lose Weight

    Cardio workouts definitely have their place when it comes to weight loss, since you can burn a nice amount of calories in high-energy classes, on long runs or crushing it on the elliptical. But if you’re focusing on only cardio for meeting your weight-loss goals, you may be missing out on a...
  13. EG News

    Military Monday: Become ‘Hard to Kill’ with this Leg and Cardio Workout

    Legs and cardio. Two workouts that many guys dread even thinking about, but two vital training elements that must be done — and done with conviction — to achieve any respectable level of fitness. The below routine, designed by one of Bravo Sierra’s military athletes, is as simple as it is...
  14. 01dragonslayer

    7 Ways to Learn to Love Cardio

    Like it or not, cardio is a vital component of your healthy lifestyle. “Cardio exercise burns more calories than other forms of exercise and is important for long-term cardiovascular health,” says Jason Fitzgerald, a USATF-certified running coach in Denver, Colorado. In other words, doing...
  15. EG News

    Back 2 Basics: When Should You Do Cardio

    Most people get into bodybuilding and weight training because lifting weights is fun. It’s also motivating to add more plates to the bar or creep up to the higher end of the dumbbell rack. When it comes to bodybuilding and physique development, another component isn’t considered as fun but is...
  16. Lancer55

    GW501516 (Cardarine) + SR9009 (Stenabolic)

    My cardio has always been crap, regardless of how often I would train. I get winded pretty easily, no asthma. I’ve had an ekg, stress test and lung test done; heart and lungs are fine. After years of wondering I think I’ve figured it out. My resting heart rate is over 100. I’m 29, not...
  17. 01dragonslayer

    3 Reasons Strength Training Helps You Lose Weight

    Cardio workouts definitely have their place when it comes to weight loss, since you can burn a nice amount of calories in high-energy classes, on long runs or crushing it on the elliptical. But if you’re focusing on only cardio for meeting your weight-loss goals, you may be missing out on a...
  18. EG News

    Everything You Need to Know About HIIT

    It’s been a while since high-intensity interval training (HIIT) stormed onto the fitness scene and began its dogged takeover of the cardio universe. One study at a time, HIIT knocked steady-state cardio off its long-held throne, becoming the most relied-upon method for burning unwanted body fat...
  19. EG News

    The Three-Month Total-Body Transformation Workout Plan

    Ready to jumpstart your own body transformation? Try this sample workout from Shannon Dey, M.S., founder and CEO of Bombshell Fitness, a competitive training and coaching group for female athletes. If this expert-grade routine seems intense, that’s because it is. But if you want to sculpt...
  20. 01dragonslayer

    Fasted Cardio Eats Muscle

    Fasted Cardio Eats Muscle Plus 6 More Fat Loss Mistakes by Christian Thibaudeau | 10/14/16 Here's what you need to know... Most people attempting to lose fat will use diet and exercise strategies that make it impossible to preserve muscle. Fasted cardio works, but only if you're on...