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  1. 01dragonslayer

    7 Insider Tips To Build Your Ultimate Forearms!

    If you're like most avid weight trainers, you've never given much thought to your forearms because you've been too busy focusing on big guns, thick pecs, cobra lats, or thunder thighs. That's cool. I get it. Just don't forget about your forearms. Thin, spindly forearms look weak and wimpy...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    8 Signature Exercises From Past And Present Bodybuilding Pros

    There are two schools of thought when it comes to taking training advice from the pros. Some insist that these men are, essentially, genetic mutants who respond so spectacularly to weight training that they have nothing of value to offer the rest of us mere mortals. Others agree that these men...
  3. EG News

    Larry Wheels Curls Two Human Beings Like It's Nothing

    Larry Wheels has made a name for himself by lifting impressive amounts of weight, and not always in the form of iron plates. The professional Strongman once easily lifted bodybuilder Zac Perna, and recently he upped the ante by curling not one, but two living, breathing humans. In the video...
  4. EG News

    The Two Basic Rules For Training Huge Hamstrings Routine

    ALL best fitness is HERE / Shutterstock As a hardgainer, hanging hamstrings are probably near the bottom of your wishlist. In a contest, vertical-blind lines in a rear shot or half-basketballs from the side can make the difference between first and fourth, but those not planning to pose in...
  5. BigKev

    Big kev finally runs a log

    I haven't run a log in a long damn time. Seeing as I'm running a new compound to me (bold) and I have some time to do a log I figured I'd include you guys. First a little background. Been into the weights since I was fifteen... I'm 37 now. I competed in the Arnold physique once just to say I did...
  6. T

    Short biceps question

    When I flex my biceps, I have a decent sized gap between where my bicep ends and my forearm. If I push on that area on either side it's not that muscular. Since my biceps aren't going to fill out that area, what should I be doing to make that area tighter/bigger? I've been doing hammer curls...
  7. EG News

    Phil Heath’s 50 Incredible Arm Training Tips

    Do you want an arm-training secret from Mr. O? How about two? Forget that. Go big or go home. We're going to give you 50. These 50 (yes, 50!) arm-training tips helped Heath bring home six Sandows, so far. And he used his own advice as he prepared for the last Mr. Olympia. 1 | Train biceps and...
  8. EG News

    Menacing Arms

    dennis-james-arms.jpg Photos by Ian Spanier “I pyramid up on each exercise. For the first set, I’ll do 12, then 10, then the last set I’ll pick a weight with which I’ll probably only be able to get eight. I train by myself most of the time, so I just go to the point where I feel there’s no...
  9. F.I.S.T.

    Four Strategies to Muscle Up Your Forearms

    Four Strategies to Muscle Up Your Forearms By Greg Merrit We regularly make the point to hardgainers that, since you’re not a pro bodybuilder, you shouldn’t train like one. Nowhere is the truth of this maxim more evident than in the flesh between the wrists and the elbows. Many Mr. Olympia...
  10. EG News

    Four Strategies to Muscle Up Your Forearms

    We regularly make the point to hardgainers that, since you’re not a pro bodybuilder, you shouldn’t train like one. Nowhere is the truth of this maxim more evident than in the flesh between the wrists and the elbows. Many Mr. Olympia competitors don’t directly train forearms; some never have...
  11. F.I.S.T.

    Training Biceps The Right Way

    Training Biceps The Right Way December 20, 2016 By John Doe It took me a long time to learn what really got results with training the biceps and what was just ego-lifting. You must be extremely careful to protect the bicep tendons as you get further along into training and especially as you...
  12. A

    Leg Day

    Would like to hear what you guys do on your average leg day workout? I always walk into the gym and start off with leg extensions than hit the leg press hard. Issue is I feel squats are a beyoitch after leg presses. Does everyone do squats? Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
  13. RebelMachinist

    Routine and Motivation ldeas?

    So I haven't had a solid workout in 4-5 weeks for a few reasons I've switched to a new job and I just bought a house which included looking for a house to buy and all the moving. I recently left an air conditioned job shop to an non air-conditioned aluminum extrusion facility for a much larger...
  14. F.I.S.T.


    Here's a simple yet effective routine that you can do utilizing ONLY dumbbells.This type of workout is especially helpful for those that don't have access to a gym for whatever reason,but still want to get in a great workout.Dumbbells are great because you can bring them with you while traveling...
  15. F.I.S.T.

    Top 10 strategies for maximizing strength training results

    Top 10 strategies for maximizing strength training results By Charles Staley 1) Never sacrifice quality for quantity. This is the first commandment for athletic success. Violate it and prepare to fail. 2) Target the weakest link. If you?re naturally strong, train for speed and/or...
  16. F.I.S.T.

    Todays Arm Workout.

    Hit arms today before opening my gym.Just a quickie but still a great burn. Incline Dumb Curls 1 set of 12 reps Rest 90 seconds Lying Triceps Extensions 1 set of 12 reps Rest 90 seconds Incline Dumb Curls 1 set of 15 reps Rest 90 seconds Lying Triceps Extensions 1 set of 15 reps Rest 90 seconds...
  17. V

    Forearm training

    No I'm not talking about yanking the ole chicken here. What do some of you do to train your forearms? My arms are long and my forearms are F'ing pitiful.
  18. P

    PJ's Training

    I figured I'll share my routine with you guys since we have this section. Two years ago I hit a plateau with my workouts, even though I changed my diet around. I decided to contact a Military Strength and Conditioning Coach that I still kept in touch with. After a few different workouts we set...