As mentioned before after a lot of things thrown at me in life last couple years, I'm finally getting my life back in order and after going through what I have right now or may need to get this is what I thought about starting with ( but please feel free to give any feedback on whether I should...
Finally had my test levels checked still waiting on results
Debating sust, tren e and decca
With superdrol kick start
Doses probably around 700 mg sust
600 mg tren e and decca
Might go higher first have to see what my my stuff is lol
This should be decent for start of my back on bulk, will...
My last cut didn’t go as well as I wanted. Didn’t have enough size in certain areas. I’m currently 1 month in to my mass diet/cycle. I’m not going fancy this time. Gonna keep it old school and put the work in.
800 mg deca
1000mg test
1mg aremidex ed
10mg cialis ed
10iu growth ed
I’ve upped my...
My 16 week cycle. Currently on week 4.
100mg tren a ed
100mg mast p ed
100mg test p ed
First 4 weeks 100mg Anadrol ed
Last 4 weeks 40mg halo ed
8iu growth ed
Clen 80mcg ed
T3 100mcg ed
Bp157 sight injection
Loving the cycle, started off at 235lbs watery, I am now 223,getting very ripped an...
Calling all women: Do you ever notice how sometimes during the month you are absolutely crushing your workouts in the gym, but then other weeks, you can barely get out of bed to even make it to the gym? Did you know that a lot of your endurance, energy, motivation, and strength can be affected...
Aside from giving blood what are some ways to keep your bp down when running certain PED? Is there a peptide or otc I could take? Seems when I run tren or Anadrol I feel like total crap to the point I want to stop taking it. Makes me wanna just randomly slap someone for breathing to hard I know...
Gonna do a short dnp run. I'm lean ATM but no matter what my gut never goes. I have veins in it but no real abs. Part of this is genetics, loose skin and my inability to really do cardio.
My diet is clean as hell, dropped over 20 pounds but now regained almost 5 of which I believe is mostly...
All tjk
Anomass 400 and the 375 blend
Thinking 3 shots 1 ml each a week
May throw in tjk injectable dbol into the mix.
Not fully decided on 'extras' but definitely the anomass and 375 blend.
Several peptides as well, possible short dnp run as well. All will be tjk!
About 6'3" 216 pounds, definitely getting a lot leaner.
One of the lightest I've ever been, I feel so small!
Even though I lost about 20 pounds I'm adding muscle
The year was 1966, and after effortlessly defeating Helmut Riedmeier to gain the title "The Best Built Man in Europe," 19-year-old Arnold Schwarzenegger was anticipating yet another bodybuilding victory at the NABBA Mr. Universe Pageant.
Upon his arrival in London, the massive youth was swarmed...
Reviewed and Written by Dan Chaiet
Fact Checked Evidence Based
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) essentially holds only one valid major use within the anabolic steroid using community, and that is for the purpose of maintaining, increasing, or restoring proper endogenous Testosterone...
Note: I got this FAQ from a different x_moe
1)What is HCG ?
Hcg stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin .
2)Where does hcg come from?
It is extracted from the urine of pregnant women.
3)Is hcg a scheduled medication?
No, its similar to clomid and liquidex as far as US laws go...
first off i would like to say that people keep asking which PCT should i do for a sust cycle (this is an exapmle) PCT is the same no mater what you take there is no specific PCT set for different compounds. If you are having a long cycle then the PCT will be...
So you've done your research and you think you're ready for your first cycle. Let me first tell you that the chances of you being ready based on your research is slim to none. In this article I hope to deliver important information that is often missed or looked over during...
Keeping gains-
These tips are for the moderate user and not for the high dose or long term AAS user, these basic methods will help maintain a degree of muscularity while in the off period. If all procedures are carried out during cycle you would of maximise gains and will be carrying new muscle...
Currently running Anadrol, 50mg/day to bulk. Once I hit my I weeks I was planning on doing Anavar 50mg/day and Winstrol 50mg/day, kind of new to this and looking to shred weight after the Anadrol. Any help is appreciate. Should I shorten the Anadrol cycle so I don’t hurt my liver as much...
How is going EG hope everyone is good. I been looking around at some logs but I know some of you are on cycles and not logging. If you got some time add some input please .
Alright so I just finished a basic
Test c 500
Npp 300
Master p 300
Aromasin .5 e3d
Some 30 mg pre workout anavar first...