The Cycle
Typical AAS usage comes in pre-planned lengths of time that a person is taking any compounds. The idea is to achieve a set of goals and then allow the body to get back to stasis and ensure that there are no medical issues before doing it again. There is also some controversy about...
So I invited a friend to this board couple months ago. He’s not new to training or diet but using AAS is all new for him. He’s not competing just wants to add some extra muscle look feel good like we all do. I sent him to dyel for his gear explained as much as I could about different compounds...
I get blood pressure meds 40mgs lisinpril 40mg and clonodine .1 mg I rarely use any of them if my diet is right. My friend is playing w some gear and asked about blood pressure meds. Would lisinpril be better or the clonodine?
Ditch the set 7 day weekly split and start cycling your workouts during the week with this workout. You'll train each muscle more frequently & gain more mass.
Main Goal
Build Muscle
Workout Type
Training Level
Program Duration8 weeks
Days Per Week
Time Per...
Anyone has experience with NPP care to post or share about it please? I ran deca last summer with some liquid winstrol from dyel the whole cycle was dyel gear. I want to try some NPP
Ditch the set 7 day weekly split and start cycling your workouts during the week with this workout. You'll train each muscle more frequently & gain more mass.
Main Goal
Build Muscle
Workout Type
Training Level
Program Duration8 weeks
Days Per Week
Time Per...
Blast your body with this potent muscle building workout by Steve Shaw. This four day plan is an upper/lower training split which cycles intensity over a 3 week period.
Main Goal
Build Muscle
Workout Type
Training Level
Program Duration9 weeks
Days Per Week
Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate)
Equipoise (boldenone undecylenate) is historically a veterinary steroid but for some time has been available as an UGL human preparation as well.
In the past, the principal reason for Equipoise’s use was it’s easy availability as a Mexican veterinary product...
PCT Steve Smi Fact Checked by Dr. Chekanov Nikolai 1 Comment 24,673 views 11 likes 7 years ago
Fact Checked Editorial Process Medical Review Board Medical Disclaimer
What is TUDCA?
1 Introduction
2 History
3 Steroid Use
4 Side Effects
5 Diabetes and Weight loss
6 Prohormones
I am getting ready to run an 20 week cycle of 250 mgs Test C & 500 mgs of Primo weekly divided up twice weekly. I have had great results with that before. I love Primo and have a legit source. My question is can I run it indefinitely after the cycle? I have read mixed reviews like always...
Found this one another site....good for the newbs...,.
I. Always Cycle off of AS for at least 6 weeks.
The rule of thumb regarding how to cycle on and off of
steroids is that one should cycle off of the AS for the same
amount of time that they were on.
Most of us cheat at times though and do...
I hope everyone like this article on Post Cycle Therapy. I found it interesting.
Post Cycle Therapy For Idiots
By L. B. Sampson
Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on...
The effectiveness of creatine supplementation is well known. Creatine increases lean muscle mass, boosts strength, and provides you with more energy during intense workouts. Combine the effectiveness of creatine with the fact that it has no side effects, and you have a recipe for a best-selling...
Hey Brothas,
I need some help. first off all does this stuff work if you are higher percentage bodyfat. I tried it before when it came out but im not sure i was using enough. my diet sucks at most times.
Don't want to use hgh nor other peptides which i have used all of them.
Any suggestions...
Cycling Tren a @556 per wk Tp @ 525 per wk Mast P @ 350 per wk 1 Andro Topical @ 1500 per wk and 4 Andro Topical @ 2400 per wk Sermorelin 300mcgs per day with Hexarelin as of late 200 mcgs per day Anabolics from Snake and Honest. Aromasin or arimistane as needed. Using Rich Piania Organ...
For anyone that has never taken real primo it is definitely a treat and nice change. I have never tried to purchase it since it is one of if not the most faked steroid on the market but Snake has real primo and I hope he continues to be able to get the real powders.
It claims to be an...
Just finishing up a mild anavar run and thoroughly happy with my results. Ran 25mg per day for 10 weeks alongside 250 mg per week Test E. Nice solid strength and muscle gains. Weight gain on scale was minimal but body recomp on this cycle makes it appear I gained even more weight in all the...
Evening fellow EG brothers & sisters...Lets start with stats:
Age - 45
Height - 6'0
Weight - 180lbs
BF - 14%
Now for my planned cycle:
Wks 1-12 Test E 500mg/M,F
Wks 1-12 NPP 150mg/M,W,F
Wks 4-12 Anavar 100mg/D
Wks 1-12 Aromasin 12.5/E3D
What follows is the diet I have planned to start while on...
All the cycles that I will write in this section have not been invented by anyone and have been admitted by the athlete mentioned in the title of the post. WARNING! This cycle is very dangerous, no one should try it, the cycle lacks of any sense, so if you are a powerlifter just ask for a proper...
Alrighty fellow board members, im in need of a critique in a cycle my good friend DragonSlayer helped me plan out for in a couple of weeks & just wanted some other eyes to look at and provide me with some feedback, positive or negative...the following are my stats:
Age - 45
Height - 6'0
Weight -...