okay guy 194 about i think 14 % bf im 5'9 so to start i was gonna do tren ace 50 mgs eod 200 a week and test prop 50 mgs eod 200 a week so 400 mgs aweek t3 50mcg when i wake up and clen 2 on 2 off starting seeing where i can handel it then one week on one week off i will be using caber 2 mgs a...
Can someone here helo lay me out a clen t3 cycle to help a brother out I was thinking of runing 50 prop 50 tren eod 200 mgs of each a week would that be okay?
1-15 Test E 400mgs (Then back to 150mg-200mg Cruise)
1-12 Tren E 400mgs
1-15 Deca 400mgs
Felt Strong as hell in the gym today! Bench And Incline DB press Went up about 15 pounds.. But im only on week 2 of this cycle??? The first week I was taking Tren A 400mgs. Then got tired of pinning EOD so...
So for my Spring cutter I will be running
Wk 1-4 Dbol @ 40mgs ED (Blue Hearts)
wk 1-7 Tren A @ 150mgs ED (Digital)
wk 1-8 Test P @ 100mgs ED (Digital)
wk 5-8 Winstrol @ 50mgs ED (Digital)
I know the DBol is not something really used for a cutter but I know I don't have the will power to...
anyone here who gets gyno do you like using mast with your cycle and a ai i heard it helps out alot and erik gear has said that to cause i wanna start back on a cycle soon and ima use 25 mg aro and 400 mgs of mast with whatever i take
As the title states I want to know your Blood Pressure and Heart Rate on and off cycle. Maintaining BP for some on cycle is hard and just want to see how AAS affects some of us. I will start..
Off and on BP never changes 118/68 give or take a few points
HR 50-60 depending if I have had...
Today i decided to add deca to my cycle. Yes i know the risks. I have caber on hand incase lactin happens. Have always wanted to try 2 19nors at once to see what its like.
Test E 1-16- 400mgs
Tren E 1-12 400mgs
Deca 1-16 400mgs
Obviously mixing orals 17aa steroids isn't a great idea due to liver kidneys etc...my question is this. Mixing dbol that brings on a lot of water retention or anadrol for that matter with say winny or tbol I've read guys doing this. This combo I don't understand as one is a dry cutting steroid...
Hey guys, so Im planning my summer cycle and wanted to bring it here and get some feedback.
I want this thread to be two fold, one how the cycle looks and two for a discussion on 1-Test Cyp (DHB). There is a thread on Draks forum about the PIP of it, But I figured Id bring it here for everyone...
For starters, if you don't know what training North of Vagina is.. you need to read 5/3/1. I don't care is you don't powerlift. The training principles in the ebook (that I have already provided all of you in the ebook section) are adaptable to any style or goal. Read it learn it, love it. It's...