I'm planning to start next week.
800-1000mg Test E
400mg Deca
Cjc 1293
Anavar after 6 weeks.
Gonna run this for 12 weeks, and try something different. You guys all know I generally don't run long esters, but, I've got time until my next competition (October, at the earliest) and I plan...
Well today i started what will be a 100 day cut cycle to prep for my annual trip to Myrtle beach
this cycle is fueled by the Joker and Drakon labs
tren A 50 mg per day
Mast E 200 mg 3 times a week (M/W/F)
Test E 200 mg a week, standard TRT Monday Evening / Friday Morning
Anadrol 50 mg per...
Brothers and Sisters...I wanna get some advice. I'm considering running my test E in the following cycle
Week 1 = 500
week 2 = 625
Week 3 = 750
week 4 = 875
Week 5 = 1000
week 6 = 875
Week 7 = 625
Week 8 = 500
Total would be 6500mg. If I run the same amount on a steady dose it would be a...
Primobolan Depot and all its glory
September 17, 2013 By John Doe
Primobolan depot, those two words almost give me an orgasm every time I hear them. There are a lot of mixed reviews on primo, most from newbies or guys who don’t realize the true benefits of primo.
But take it from...
Read this yrs ago and found it to be amazing info that ive personally had many use with great success.
I am posting this thread to help answer all of the questions regarding gyno prevention and reversal, the use of letrozole and other anti-e's. I will go over...
Nolvadex, Clomid and HCG in Post Cycle Therapy
By Bigfella & PartyBoy - MuscleTalk Moderators
Why Bodybuilders Use Clomid
Clomid is a generic name for Clomiphene Citrate and is a synthetic oestrogen. It is prescribed medically to aid ovulation in low fertility females. Another generic name is...
HCG to boost natural Testosterone levels – PCT latest research
Everything That’s Wrong With Your PCT by Eric M. Potratz
In the world of steroid users, it has become mandatory to follow post cycle therapy (PCT) upon cessation of steroid use. Many great PCT...
I have a question on TRT... So I'm thinking about hopping on trt and blast and cruising. However I remember reading all the time that receptors get overloaded, and this is the reason alot of people come off for a while. If this is true, wouldnt you constantly need to bump up your TRT dose...
25 years old
195 lbs
15 bf
Goal 9% bf then lean bulk
Test cyp 750 a week
Teen ace 150, Mon,Wed,Fri,Sat
T3 30mcg
Getting a vial of helios from red rihno can someone help me with a cycle of that
Now I went from 25 bf to 15 bf so far.
but does anyone have experience with helios I...
I supposedly got my wife pregnant. I was 14 weeks into 400mg Test E, 300mg Deca, 200mg Tren E, 300mg EQ E3D plus Tren base/TNE pre workout and winstrol.
She swears up and down that she only has been sleeping with me. We did have a problem with her cheating when we first got married (I know, I...
This is a protocol to use a burst cycle of peptides to illicit Muscle Growth and Fat Loss. Peptides work differently in your test subject than AAS but the same or better results can be achieved with the right combination. IMO testosterone should be run at a low dose (250mg/wk) unless you are...
I have had several requests to post some pics. Given the nature of my profession I have to be particularly careful so my apologies for the paint cover up. Biceps need work but I m proud of them ;-) I m working a power cycle at the moment trying to get my numbers up with the thought of...
Ok, after months and months of blasting, I have come to the conclusion that I need a cruise break. I'm 15 months back into bodybuilding, and have made excellent progress. Some of you have seen the before and after pics.
But my body is telling me that no matter how much more I blast it is a waste...
I need some advice on what i should have for mass cycle I got tudca that you guys suggested, i still have liver aid and milk thistle, should i still take those? Now that i have tudca? Also, i have creatine mono., bcaa's, folic acid, multi-vitamin, cholest off, magnesium, taurine and fish oil. I...
Would like some advice on the current cycle I am running. Wanting some opinions on frequency of pinning. I've never used EQ and after doing some research a lot of people who have ran the same cycle seem to split dosage into 2 shots E3d... This seems hard to believe since there all long...
okay guys 183 lbs 13% bf
test prop 50mgeod
tren ace 50mg eod for 2 weeks up to 75 for 2 weeks
anavar 50 mg ed
t3 50mcg
clomid for pct can someone help me with that i was thinking of adding hcg and i will be doing clen off cyclewith pct to
keep fat buring going 8)
So i moved in with my cousin ive missed injectiins because i have to hide my use lol. So my cousin has a 21 year old son we went to the gym i got a 7 day pass he asks me if ive done steroids i said no because i dont want to get kicked out. So after we worked out i said fuck it i ask what do u...