
  1. A

    2 bad gear experiences with on board vendors

    So this isn't my issue but a close friend of mine. He's never juiced prior to this so he asked me to guide him and he himself did his own homework. I placed a small order for him with a vendor here of Test E and Tbol (I have used this vendors juice and in my experience it was smooth). Beginning...
  2. Hanzo

    Random thoughts on DNP ....

    I really like DNP. Nothing beats it for fat loss. Try to make your cycle in cooler weather. I'm on right now and we're having a beautiful Indian Summer in my neck of the woods. 81 yesterday, so I'm sweating like a whore in church.All.Day.Long. DNP dose is weight dependent. Use 200-250 for a few...
  3. F.I.S.T.

    My Secrets to Clear Skin Part 2

    My Secrets to Clear Skin Part 2 October 17, 2015 By John Doe I place a lot of emphasis on my skin as well as my muscles. It sucks to have a large and muscular physique, just to be embarrassed to show it off because of shitty skin. Diet and cleansing play a role in clear skin, but most of the...
  4. RebelMachinist

    Advice on puffy nips

    Okay so I had developed gyno last year got rid of it using aromasin and nolva but I still have puffy nipples that won't go away, tey aren't itchy and I feel no signs of gyno at all. Was looking for suggestions as to what would be better if its possible to get rid of the puffy nipples. My only...
  5. Daredevil

    Advice for friend for TBOL only cycle

    A friend of mine wants to start using AAS and has been working out for about 3-4 years. He's 30, probably at 15% body fat at 190Lbs. He's afraid of needles and asked me for advice. I was considering telling him to try Turinabol for 8 weeks at 40mG a day. I've never use Tbol but from what I...
  6. Daredevil

    Bulk cycle plan

    Gents, nearing the end of my cutting cycle. Already dropped NPP & Tren A. Just running 800mG of test C for 3 more weeks along with T3 @ 70mcg a day. Going to do a run of Clen soon for 14 days and see how I react on that without the Tren. Since when I tried it with Tren A I was having rapid...
  7. LittleTom

    LT's Cut Log

    I'm not very good at keeping these things going but I'm gonna give it a shot. I want to try and keep a log of how things are going and figured no better place than here. So this is a cutter recomp. Tren is involved so that means I will go crazy about half way through this and damn near lose my...
  8. Gibbit

    Cycle advice

    I need some advice on my next cycle. been out of the gym for almost a yr now. What I'm looking for is to put on some size. I have worked a ton so my diet this past year was extremely poor and I have lost a lot of size plus not eating healthy, I'll be honest I look like shit. Lol. So wanted to...
  9. Daredevil

    T3 run question

    Gents, What's the longest yall have ran T3? Currently I'm running a cycle and I'm in week 12 and running T3 at 60mcg a day. Planning to run my cycle another 7-9 weeks. I'm considering stopping the T3 when my cycle ends and doing my Cruise dosage of 200mg a week for about 8-10 weeks before...
  10. Hanzo


    While most of our members are probably on B&C, I thought I'd add this post to bring attention to what to do after PCT for the younger gents who do PCT. My sources are Llewellyn, Roberts, Dr.Scally and anecdotal evidence from myself. Hope this helps someone. Off-Cycle Therapy and Steroid...
  11. Daredevil

    Cycle advice.

    Gentlemen, I'm considering if I should add tren, Winstrol, Mast, EQ or if I should not add anything more? My goal is to cut and drop my body fat percentage to 10%. Currently I'm running 500mG Test Cyp a week(250mG 2x/week) along with 350mG NPP a week(100mG EOD). *I love the NPP for my joints...
  12. A

    Hit a slump

    Here lately I've hit a slump. I'm getting towards the end of my cycle, but instead of finishing strong, I feel the opposite is true. Does anyone have any tricks or techniques to get them over a hump when they start slacking? I haven't changed anything. I do have some adds stress in my life, but...
  13. D

    some questions/problems on current run

    So i started a very low cycle 2 weeks ago, my natural test levels are shot and i was put on trt, I'm currently doing 1/2 cc test e, 1/2 cc tren e EOD... Also started doing injectable b12 at 1cc/day. Ive ran tren many times in the past In doses of 600mg to ~800 a week. I have never experienced...
  14. halfnatty

    cutting cycle advice

    Okay guys waiting on my npp and mast prop to come in As of not this is my cycle Test 400 a week of e/c Tbol 60 mg T3 50 mcg Clen 40 mcg And in 3 weeks will be trying dnp for the first time So what do you guys think on how to cycle mast and npp
  15. halfnatty

    dnp cycle need the vets here

    I been doing a lot of research on this shit and just wondering if anyone who has done it would think 125 for 5 days then 250 for 5 would have some good effect on fat loss with a mid carb diet lots of fruts also
  16. F.I.S.T.

    Keeping Muscle From a Steroid Cycle

    Keeping Muscle From a Steroid Cycle By NELSON MONTANA Why You Lose Most Of What You Gain It’s a vicious cycle. No , that’s not a reference to an awesome steroid cycle. It’s the ‘going around in circles’ process of using anabolics, losing the gains, using them again, and losing the gains...
  17. HulkSmashes

    1st cycle went great now on to my second

    Hey guys a few months ago I made a post about my 1st cycle. I mentioned that I was gyno prone from me getting some naturally going through puberty. I ended up using Test E 600mg/wk and for the 1st 8 wks I used Dbol to kick start my cycle. I started Dbol at a lower dose for the 1st week (20mg)...
  18. misterB

    primo cycle advice - feedback needed

    going to run Drakon primo e at 750 a week, questions I have its Enanthate ester so should i front load ? if so what dose ? double since its long ester im considering M/W/F injections of 2.5 mls plus test on Monday / Friday is this reasonable . just did 100 days of tren a everyday and im kind...
  19. halfnatty

    just orderd from paxton for the first time !

    Just order some test 400 and clen for me and got my buddy some cup and deca. Ima be doing a cut cycle Test 400 a week for 10 weeks Clen 20 up every 2 weeks T3 50 mcg for 5 then 75 for 5 then down to 25 for month on 2 weeks off. I think this is a good light cutting cycle ;)
  20. halfnatty

    okay think i got my cut cycle down

    Super test 400 a week Npp 300 a week Mon Wed Fri T3 50 a month on 2 weeks off Clen if needed 40 mcg up every 2 weeks This will be a 10 week cycle then I'll get back on my trt witch is about 250 test a week and might toss in some var for 4 weeka. But first ima go get blood work done on my...