
  1. Patriot1405

    Deca and tren

    Came off a Test/NPP cycle about 2 months ago. Joints are killing me again. In another 3 weeks will be starting a Test 200mg/Tren 4-500mg cycle. Thinking about running a low dose of NPP for joint relief. Has anyone done this? Thinking about 150mg a week might be sufficient. Any thoughts?
  2. Daredevil

    Next cycle thoughts

    Guys I've got about 13 weeks before my next doctor appointment to have my levels checked for my Testosterone replacement therapy. My past cycle was: Sustanon @ 700mg/week Proviron @ 50mg/day Tbol for first 6 weeks @ 80mg/day Arimadex @ 0.30mg 3x a week The last week I've been off cycle and...
  3. Chief swole

    PCT question

    I have a buddy on deca and test.. what would be a basic cheap pct?
  4. A

    Gyno related

    Hey everyone I am posting this in regards to my gyno I've been running anabolics now for a few years. Since then I've had my fare share of side affects and learned my lesson through trial and error. But one thing I cant figure out is why my gyno flares up bad I run ai's as far as on cycle and...
  5. T-bar


    I'm perplexed. I'm running a cycle that has worked incredibly well for me in the past; Test Cyp 250mg 2/wk EQ 200mg 2/wk Dbol 25mg/ed Arimidex 0.5mg/eod I received new product the first week of February. I'm starting my...
  6. Dago

    Eq and your kidneys /liver

    Anyone ever have elevated kidney or liver numbers on eq ? It's supposed to be a mild compound as far as this goes. Eq is very similar to dbol in nature. Anyone had blood work on eq or had problems with kidneys mainly is why im posting this. Thanks
  7. keyk240

    Looking for input

    I'm thinking of running my next cycle after a long time off. I want some lean gains for the spring months and i'll do a cut right before summer (July) I'm wanting to run a longer ester with E3D Pins Currently 185lbs 5'6" at about 20% bf Thinking Test E/ Tren E/ and EQ 200mg each E3D Dbol...
  8. 49ER

    Halo for power

    Any one here mess with halo? Im on 3rd day 15mg i have 19 days until competition i want to ramp it up last week before show. Whats the highest youve pushed it?
  9. I

    The Journey to cycle 2

    well hello EG fam, I'm on the drawing boards for what i want to do for my next cycle. My first cycle was test cyp 250 at 500mg for 16wks and var. I had solid results and was very very happy, i am new here so to fill you in when i was a little younger i experimented with some strong Pro...
  10. T-bar

    Headed to the doctors office

    Headed to the Dr's office tomorrow as a regular 3 month visit for my TRT program. The only thing I'm really interested in changing is my use of Anastrozole (Arimedex). I need to take one tab a day in order to keep my estrogen count from being sky high, but this stuff is bad for blood pressure...
  11. T-bar

    Next Cycle

    Loved my last cycle but thinking about changing it up some. I'm on TRT so the test is a given, as it should be anyway. Those that know me this is repetitive, but info one should have if you don't know me and you want to weigh in. * 50 years old, but still damn good looking * Been training...
  12. monster-ish

    Rate my cut blast!

    Hey fellas, I like to get as much feedback as possible. I've already posted this elsewhere but like I said I want all the opinions and feedback I can get. I will be starting this blast around Jan 10. Here it Cut cycle 2016 test e- 500mg/week 1-10 Test p- 100mg/eod 10-18 Masterone- 400mg/week...
  13. Hogslayer

    Pacific 13 NPP log

    What's going on guys. I have been given the opportunity to do a review on Pacific 13-NPP thanks to Juicedvenom. I'm at a terrific point in my current cycle to see the maximum benefits associated with a good product. I can assure you that I will not sugarcoat anything. Naturally everybody knows...
  14. LittleTom

    Priming and Short Vs Long Esters

    Most of us know what priming for a cycle is so I am not going to rehash the theory, I just want to pose a question. After the priming phase is complete and we have done the work necessary for our bodies to make the most of the next cycle, does it make sense to use a long ester? The window for...
  15. Hogslayer


    Hey guys should I add anything???? My Supplements D3 Saw Palmetto Probiotic 10 Iron B-complex Zinc & Copper complex Kelp Tumeric Opti-Men CoQ10 Iron labs cycle support Dhea-Mass Vit E. Tudca Fish oil Hair skin & nails C Milk thistle Prognenolone B-12 SQ
  16. Daredevil

    Need some advice

    Gents, I'm cruising for next 3 weeks then have a checkup with my doctor and then will do another blast. My last blast consisted of 800mg of Test Cyp, 400mg of NPP, worked up to 70mcg a day of T3 and down off, 50mg of Proviron/day and one 14 day run of Clen ramping up to 140mcg a day and down...
  17. LittleTom

    More on Tren

    I have posted my thoughts on A and E and how much I am enjoying my run with E. That being said I can't deny the difference between the two in terms of body composition. I think the main problem with Tren A was the highs and lows I would go through. I got these to subside for the most part by ED...
  18. Patriot1405


    Anyone have any experience with this? Reading up on some cycle protocols, and also supplementing with ghrp2 and 6
  19. krustus

    thinking about TRT only from here on out

    i weighed in at 217 at the doc visit the other day... feel certain i'm below 15% badyfat... and don't want to get bigger just leaner. figured i could do that on trt test only... would be healthier for me since i'm older (47). i got to thinking about this when i was considering draining my own...
  20. LittleTom

    Less sides with Tren E?

    I have alway been scared from people's horror stories with Tren E. This is my first run with Tren E and I am now done with week four. I have been running it at 400mgs. The first couple weeks aggression was up. Now sides are all but non existent. Strength is way up. I'm holding muscle while in a...