
  1. Troy

    600 test / 900 eq should I add in dbol?

    Currently on week 7 of 600 mg of test e and 900 mg of eq per week. Was doing 1.5 dex every week but recently bumped it to 1 mg eod. Thinking of adding in dbol at 40 mg ed for 6 weeks. Would that be too much estro? I'm at zero sides at this point besides backne. Gonna get bloods done next week.
  2. I

    Need some pointers

    Alright here we go, I am about to come off a long 20 week cycle of test cyp and primobolan, i wanted to cruise and stay on test low at 250 a week but im deciding to try and do the right thing and let my body recoup and let me receptors clear up a bit. I want to know since i have my peptides on...
  3. I


    I have read so many mixed reviews on taking accutane, I'm starting to experience acne on my shoulders, I hate the way it looks and I was thinking about getting myself some EGH accutane. I did some research and found that it can cause depression or even suicidal thoughts? Sometimes I heard it...
  4. A

    Dyel Concern from Friend

    Guys, Got a message from a friend that I helped out with some Dyel gear. He ran across the following from Elite Fitness about a year ago. He is understandably concerned. 03-Jul-2015, 06:10 AM I am currently on a dbol only cycle @50mg ED and aromasin 12.5mg EOD. I've already explained before...
  5. LittleTom

    EG Interview #1 Krustus.

    LT: Alright EG, it’s been a bit since I have done an interview here. I am really pleased to have the first one back be with a veteran member here who is well known to all of you and is well versed not only about EG but this lifestyle in general. He has recently gone through a fantastic...
  6. I

    Coming off advice

    I have been on cycle now for 19 weeks idk if I should be regretting it or not but here it goes, Test cyp 500 mgs a week for 19 weeks now Primo depot 600 to 800 mgs a week for 19 weeks And mast E 400 mgs a week for 5 weeks now I'm thinking I should come off completely because I never wanted...
  7. halfnatty

    light var cycle info and help

    Was thinking of doing it right anavar cycle what can I take to keep my cholesterol from rising and what would be a good dosage and cycle lenght, was gonna do a eca stack to help with my cut
  8. TSizemore


    Does/Has anybody gotten Heartburn from TRen? Specifically Enanthate. My buddy has been taking Tren with his Test E and getting the worst Heart burn. His diet is actually very clean right now, so it's not the food. This has happened before, and he's had to back off the Tren from 1cc 2x a week to...
  9. krustus

    using Lisinopril while on cycle... any tips ..advice

    seems like on this AEL tren my BP is creeping up a little... i got some Lisinopril coming from Kai... any tips or advice on how to use it... and once off cycle do i just taper off... i do give blood every 8 weeks as is... sometimes have gotten my wife to draw some every 4 weeks while...
  10. lith56bigguy

    New Cycle started today

    700 EGH Sust/400Dyel Tren E weekly(10-15 weeks) 50mg EGH Anadrol/ 40mg EGH D-bol daily(3-4 weeks) .5 EGH Arimidex daily/ Caber on hand Liv 52, Saw Palmetto, fish oil, and Hawthorne Berry Daily. 4-5 meals, high protein, balance of carbs, low fats Nothing big, just a summer cycle to have some...
  11. LittleTom

    Here is the plan

    After a pretty successful Tren run I have been cruising on 300mgs of Test E. I am sitting at 186-188 depending on the day and what ever BF you may think from the recent pic I posted. I have decided to take this entire week off from lifting and will resume with a new cycle this coming Monday...
  12. Daredevil

    Daredevil's Log

    I plan to start my cycle Sunday, June 5th. Currently just running 150mg test cyp. The cycle will be at least 14 weeks long. Week 1-14 - Test Cyp @ 400mg/week Week 1-14 - Deca @ 400mg/week Week 1-14 - Mast E @ 400mg/week Week 8-14 - Anavar @ 50mg/day Currently I'm 178.5 @ 12% body fat, maybe...
  13. Troy

    First time trying tren need as much help as possible!!

    So I decided to run a simple test prop and tren ace cycle to try tren. No idea how my body will react to tren but this is what I have in mind. Week 1-2 tren ace @ 420 mg per week (see how my body takes it) Week 3-12 tren ace @ 525 - 700 mg per week (adjust per tolerance/sides) Week 1-12 test...
  14. Kai1432

    Need Advice On Current Blood Work

    Last Friday have done blood work, Drawn bloods on Just couple of things. I'm on my 8th week of PCT '3 weeks blast on HCG at 30000iu and following the protocol of Aromasin - first two weeks, Clomid 100mg ed and Nolva 40mg ed. Just taper down the dosages on both Nolva and Clomid. Sunday where...
  15. Daredevil

    From Blast to TrT issue

    Guys I was running a blast cycle for quite some time using sustanon and Tren Ace and then switching to Test Prop in the last 6-7 weeks of a cycle. Upon completing the cycle I began using 200mg test cyp a week which I just took my 4th week injection. My sex drive is down and I get hard but it...
  16. Daredevil

    TRT dosage to PCT help

    Gents, a friend of mine has been pinning 250mg a week of Test Cyp. He's been running the cycle so far 11 weeks and has 5 more weeks left. First 6 weeks of the cycle he ran Tbol @ 60mg a day for 6 weeks. He's had amazing results. In 5 weeks he will be ending his cycle. What PCT measures would...
  17. krustus

    started a small all EGH cycle...

    i have been cutting for summer.. slowly dropped from 220 to 195... only running trt test (125-150mg a week).. used some hgh frag (not real impressed).. now i've started a NPP (300mg a week) and masteron ( 600mg a week) cycle on top of my trt... gonna run it for 8-10 weeks. looking to fill...
  18. Kai1432

    What'll be the best PCT after a huge cycle

    Basically I have run a 20 week plus huge cycle, have used multiple compounds and now on a first week of HCG My theory is to have a blast on HCG and then added clomid, nolva with aromasin which is been from the start to end. On first week HCG 2500iu Eod for 3 weeks Then 4 to 8 weeks...
  19. Bighekt

    Input on next cycle

    Im now on my third cycle and looking to put on some good quality muscle size. I am sitting at about 200 and trying to get up to 220 staying as lean as possible. This is what my cycle is going to look like will be running for 16 weeks Test E-500 weekly tapering up to 750 equipoise-300 a week...
  20. rboy101

    question bout the boys.

    I know most of you on here blast and cruise, but I'm still in my younger years and haven't felt the need to do that yet. So here's my question, in your earlier experiences when you would cycle on and off, how long would you wait in between? . I came off a test cycle running it at about 500...