
  1. B

    First cycle -any help would be appreciated

    Hello all, first post so might be a bit off. I joined at the recommendation of a friend and user of this forum and I appreciate all the information here. I have been reading non stop for a week and believe I have a good plan for my first Cycle. I just wanted to put it out here for everyone to...
  2. TSizemore


    Wife is getting some really itchy hands from Anavar. So much so, she's ready to drop it. She's on 10mg ed. She also takes progesterone and estradiol...both prescribed. Any one else ever run across this side effect?
  3. Andrew0409

    Cycle help

    So here are my stats. I'm about 89kg , or just under 200lbs no more than 12%bf. 10% +-1 if I had to guess. I fight in the 80kg weight class. I won't be taking a fight until the beginning of next year. So this is the first time in a long time where I can just run anything, at any dose and just...
  4. J

    Cycle Critique

    Needs some input for my next run. This what I have in mind. 13 weeks 1-13 Mast E 600mg per week 1-13 Tren E 600mg per week 1-13 Cyp 375mg per week 1-13 Primo E 600mg per week GH 5iu per day Mon-Fri T4 200mcg I ran something close to this last year (I didn't use primo) and to date...
  5. J

    What's Your New One

    My next cycle is 375mg cyp per week, 450mg tren a per week, and 500mg EQ per week. Weeks 1-15 cyp and EQ Weeks 5-15 tren a I do better lower test and higher tren
  6. GRIM

    Just started

    Sust 500-600 mg a week will switch to E NPP eod 100 mg Not hardcore, gonna see how Im doing in a few weeks and possibly change up
  7. J

    Test n00b - advice appreciated ----->

    Hey guys - Im about to place an order for my first test cycle and want to run the plan by everyone and get your feedback. The plan is a 12 week cycle of Test E at 250mg twice a week. What do you guys recommend for PCT? I already have some Aromasin from a year ago that i never used - is that...
  8. tunaman7

    How much have you ran?

    I thought this could be educational. Let's post your history of what you you have ran in the past. What ... What have you ran? Max Dose ... What is the max dose you have ran in a cycle? Lowest Effective Dose (LED) ... What is the lowest dose you have ran and still got results? How long ...
  9. R2D2

    My rat is starting a cycle Saturday

    He was going to do anadrol, but is worried about the aggression given his newish job and the sensitive/difficult population he works with. he wouldn't want to have any outbursts/aggression. then he thought of dbol, but doesn't want to look to puffy. he thinks he's settle on t-bol, but that could...
  10. lith56bigguy

    Considering NPP vs. Tren for a change

    I've run NPP in the past and have had good results. I haven't run it for a full cycle though. I'm a deca head by choice however my dick just don't like to work on deca. Tren has been my friend for awhile now. Been off cycle for a few months. I just started ramping up my training af ter...
  11. bmbs_away

    PCT for TRT users

    I See eg users say that you dont need PCT if you are going right back to TRT. Does anyone know why? Any different opinions out there? Talking about basic 12 wk test run.
  12. R2D2

    Going to start a bulk in a few weeks

    gonna be 500 mg of test c and maybe some npp too. what oral should i use to get things started? i'm thinking either dianabol or anadrol, or do you think i should just do 50 mg of each? that might be kinda hard on old liver tho. i also have some m1a, superdrol, and dmz/lmg mix. leaning towards...
  13. lith56bigguy

    where is everyone at during this time of year

    I'm tapering down to a cruise right now with test and eq. Dropped the tren about 3 weeks ago as it was about a 20 week tren run with no issues. I'll take Dec, Jan off and fire back up mid February to be stacked for the Arnold Classic in Columbus Ohio for March. Just a normal controlled bulk...
  14. G

    proviron and gyno

    Im curious as to the general opinion regarding proviron usage and gyno prevention. I had assumed it common knowledge that proviron is not a good choice for controlling estrogen, but perhaps I was wrong in assuming that. I know that I believe it to be a very poor choice, and I will be happy to...
  15. D

    Clenbuterol and albuterol

    So I was gonna run clen and albuterol in my next cycle. clen would be 2 on and 2 off. the 2 off for clen I was thinking of running albuterol. is there anyone with experience doing this while on cycle. I have experience with clen but not albuterol. 6-1 212 13% bf it will be ran prop, tren a...
  16. Troy

    How long before I can start another cycle?

    Super uber noob question here lol but I'm anxious to start asap. Just finished a test/eq/sd cycle that was 14 weeks long. Currently on pct. Do I really need to wait 3+ months to safely start another run?
  17. Titan88

    Mild cutting cycle opinions?

    So I have a bottle of Winny and some ephedrine and even a bottle of clen. Was thinking.. using winny+ephedrine and obviously cutting calories back to do a cut. Would this be dumb to use without a test base? I'm just using to drop some bf%. Or would I end up loosing too much of everything...
  18. Daredevil

    Women(wives) on steroids

    I knows there's a few guys on here who have had their wife or girlfriend on low levels of testosterone. What side effects did they experience & what cycles were they running? Sides like hair growth in which areas, clitoris, etc, etc. I'd like to hear the experiences. Girlfriend is considering...
  19. lil_vike

    Gear I've a woman, for women

    Or their men looking to help their women out. I've run some small (comparitivly speaking) cycles over the last 6 months or so. Here they are. Primo Enthanate: First cycle ever ran. Ran for 10 weeks. First two weeks were at 50mg, remaining 8 at 100. Sides: minimal. Some voice hoarseness the...
  20. T-bar


    So I've bumped up my levels now that I'm half way through my cycle, but my results have totally stalled out the last two weeks. I no longer get any type of a pump during my workout. I went from 185 up to 198, but now I've dropped back down to 190. My diet and sleep are spot on. Stress is not...