
  1. EG News

    Lucy Underdown’s Strongman Deadlift Program

    When it comes to the deadlift, Lucy Underdown is in a class of her own. In 2021, she set a record by becoming the first woman to lift 300kg (661.4 pounds) in a contest setting During last year’s World Deadlift Championship, she became the first woman to deadlift 318kg (700 pounds). Making the...
  2. EG News

    Master the Medium Sumo Deadlift To Prevent Recurring Injuries

    These days, the deadlift is a fan favorite among gymgoers, and that’s a good thing. It’s not broscience, either. The amount of reach a deadlift has compared to many other lifts is incomparable. It’s one of the most primitive movement patterns ever, but it’s responsible for training so many...
  3. EG News

    Frequently Asked Questions About Deadlift Accessories

    It’s the biggest lift in the gym, and it only takes one step to complete. Who would have thought it had so many particulars to make your reps the most effective? Well, the truth is, it does. Using some of these directives on deadlift accessories will help you break a plateau you may not have...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    You're Still an Ego Lifter Newbies do it, and it can even sneak into an experienced lifter's workouts

    When you hear the term "ego lifting" you probably think of one-fourth squats, curls that use everything but biceps, and bench presses that double as the spotter's deadlift workout. As a T Nation reader, you know better. However, you can easily fall prey to a more subtle version of ego lifting...
  5. 01dragonslayer


    The deadlift is the most basic, obvious movement in barbell training, the one with the most carryover to everyday tasks and the easiest to learn of all the basic exercises. I can teach you how to perform a perfect deadlift in one (admittedly long) sentence: You just step up to the bar with a...
  6. 01dragonslayer


    The squat is the king of lifts and my all-time favorite exercise. If you told me I could only perform squats for the rest of my days I'd be perfectly content, though I doubt I'd find many training partners willing to join me. However, if the scenario changed to picking just one exercise to...
  7. 01dragonslayer


    Think of this as a hybrid exercise since it combines the movement pattern of a trap bar deadlift with the unilateral bias of a single-leg deadlift (SLDLs). The only thing separating it from the latter is that the non-working leg is on the ground. SPLIT-STANCE TRAP BAR DEADLIFT The small...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    Deadlift: Drop It Quickly or Lower Slowly? The Positive Side of the Negative

    THE DEADLIFT: DROP IT OR LOWER UNDER CONTROL? Fitness experts and even strength coaches normally recommend controlling or even accentuating the eccentric (lowering) phase of every exercise... except the deadlift. Many even recommend dropping the bar at the top, which completely leaves the...
  9. EG News

    The Best Methods to Squat and Deadlift For Short and Tall Lifters

    People aren’t quick to admit that like many competitive sports, there’s an “ideal body type” for weight training success. Anyone can get a training effect from lifting weights, but leverages and skeletal build can help (or hurt) an individual tremendously when it comes to having a mechanical...
  10. EG News

    This Deadlift Variation will Challenge Your Glutes in a New Way

    Some exercises never get easier no matter how often you do them, and exhibit A is the single-leg deadlift. The balance demands and tension on one leg make this challenging for all lifters the same goes for its variations such as the rack single-leg deadlift. There are various methods to make...
  11. EG News

    Pump Up Your Posterior With The Ukrainian Deadlift

    Exercises with Eastern European names not only sound cool but are also challenging to do. The Bulgarian split squat is exhibit A, the exercise everyone loves to hate. A few months back, I called it by its other name, The rear-foot-elevated split squat, and the internet lost its marbles. It...
  12. 01dragonslayer

    The 10 Best Lower Back Exercises for Muscle & Strength

    by Andreas Abelsson Your lower back takes center stage in almost everything you do. Think of it as the command center for power and movement. From running to jumping, lifting to twisting, a strong lower back helps you perform these actions safely and with as much power as possible. This article...
  13. 01dragonslayer

    Deadlift vs. Romanian Deadlift: Frequently Asked Questions

    FAQ #1: Stiff legged deadlift vs. Romanian deadlift: What’s the difference? The stiff-leg deadlift closely resembles the Romanian deadlift, the difference being the bar starts and finishes each rep on the floor and your legs remain straighter in the stiff leg deadlift vs. the Romanian deadlift...
  14. 01dragonslayer

    Deadlift vs. Romanian Deadlift: Differences & Common Mistakes

    Deadlift vs. Romanian Deadlift: What’s the Difference? There are five main differences between the deadlift and Romanian deadlift: Starting Position The starting positions of the conventional and Romanian deadlifts differ significantly. The deadlift begins with the bar on the floor, while the...
  15. 01dragonslayer

    9 Best Deadlift Tips

    HERE'S WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW... To build the deadlift, prioritize the squat for 6 weeks while not pulling heavy at all. Powerlifter Dan Green's number one deadlift tip is to regularly perform the stiff-leg deadlift. Mike Tuchscherer recommends building the deadlift by pausing at the bottom of...
  16. 01dragonslayer

    A Strong Case For the Rounded Back Deadlift

    The safest way to deadlift is with a neutral spine, right? Ask anyone with an ounce of sense who's spent time in the gym and they'll tell you that the incidence of lifters who injure themselves through rounded-back deadlifting grossly outnumber that of lifters who injure themselves with...
  17. 01dragonslayer

    10 Things Every Lifter Should Try

    YOU HAVE TO WORK TO KNOW WHAT WORKS Most lifters float aimlessly in and out of gyms without a plan, goal, or strategy. Most haven’t experimented nearly enough with their training in order to have the slightest clue as to what works best for them. They stick to the same routine year round...
  18. 01dragonslayer

    Rule Number One: Do What Works

    HERE'S WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW... There is no "best training program" for everyone. What works great for others in the gym may work terribly for you. Likewise, what has worked very well for you may not do jack for someone else. You must develop the confidence to abandon the training programs that...
  19. 01dragonslayer

    Why Do Sumo Deadlifts Seem Easier Than Conventional Deadlifts?

    This article is a follow-up to an older article on the site: Should you Deadlift Conventional or Sumo? If you haven’t read it already, you should at least give it a quick skim before reading this article – this article is written with the assumption that readers are already familiar with the...
  20. EG News

    3 Best Unilateral Exercises to Strengthen The Barbell Deadlift

    There are not many more satisfying things in the gym than pulling a heavy barbell deadlift from the floor. It’s you versus the barbell, and you win. The regular barbell deadlift is not the greatest exercise to build muscle due to a lack of eccentric contraction, but it sets the table for muscle...