
  1. 01dragonslayer

    How To Increase Strength: Ultimate Guide To Getting Big And Strong Part 4

    Deadlift Form 101 It is rare to see beginning lifters practicing proper deadlift form. Far too many trainees perform the lift at a mechanical disadvantage, trying to lift the bar with their hips up. This resembles a Romanian deadlift or stiff-leg deadlift and is hard on the lower back. To...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Snatch Grip Deadlifts For Explosive Muscle Growth

    There’s no debate: deadlifts have a seat at the grown-up table. They are one of the best bang for your buck exercises. Compound full body movements that require total body tension and strength form the basis of any high-performance training program. I have a love/hate relationship with...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    Medicine for Mayhem: 20-Minute High Intensity The Ripper! Workout

    You aren’t the kind of person who spends hours on the treadmill each week hoping to cut weight. You’re not a hamster on a wheel, you’re a serious athlete. You want to get ripped and put on more size but unfortunately most of the training techniques for these goals can contradict each other...
  4. EG News

    Here’s How and When You Should be Doing Romanian Deadlifts

    The Romanian deadlift exercise was named after the Romanian weightlifter Nicu Vlad, an Olympic medalist in the ’80s and ’90s. Vlad performed this deadlift variation after finishing his Olympic lifting, and some fellow lifters asked him what he was doing. He said he did them to make his entire...
  5. EG News

    Every Rep Matters In this Deadlift Challenge

    A testament to the strength and power of the human spirit. The will to go deeper, a place within you have never been before. An unexplained spiritual force where you exceed your own expectations. Taking it to another level when it is not about you. Understanding the why and purpose of the...
  6. EG News

    Try These 3 Resistance Band Exercises To Help Improve Your Deadlift

    The biggest disadvantage with banded exercises is after a certain point, they stop getting you stronger. They only come so thick and stretch so far before the possibility of breaking. A breaking band might seem funny in a workout fail video, but when it’s coming at you — not so much. But when...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    Build A Thick & Wide Back With These 3 Back Exercises

    Learn which 3 exercises are the best for building a massive back. Each exercise includes the proper performance technique and rookie mistakes to avoid. If you’re really after size and a whole lot more strength, the truth is, you’ve got to take your focus off the "mirror muscles". Having well...
  8. EG News

    Here’s Why You Should Be Adding Deficit Deadlifts to Your Workout

    You’re reading this because you love to deadlift. You love the challenge of stepping over the bar and gripping and ripping heavy weight from the floor. When lifting heavier weights, little technical hitches can appear that are covered up while you’re working with submaximal weights. And the...
  9. EG News

    Fitness FYI: Check Out 3 New Lifting Records That You May Have Missed

    Here, Muscle & Fitness is your hook-up for some of the most captivating stories of strength during the past few days. Tamara Walcott sets new 641-pound elephant bar deadlift world record On Friday, March 6 at the Arnold Sports Festival held in Columbus Ohio, the “Plus Size Fitness Queen”...
  10. EG News

    ‘MOVEU and Fitness’: For Better Spinal Alignment, Try and ‘Whack Your Crack’

    Teaching people how to move and train safely or in other words, “Fix Yo S#!t,” is the driving desire behind Dr. Mike Wasilisin, the face and brains behind social media PT giants MoveU. Eliminating unnecessary injuries by sand the subsequent need for pills and insurance claims. Wherever a more...
  11. EG News

    5 Trainers Share Their Best Accessory Moves for a Stronger Deadlift

    To get better at the deadlift, you need to deadlift more because sometimes it pays to state the obvious. But lifting hard and heavy all the time in a bilateral stance is tough on the body and also weak points like lockout strength and strength imbalances between sides can creep up on you. That’s...
  12. 01dragonslayer

    4 Deadlift Form Mistakes You Might Be Making—And How To Fix Them

    by Lauren Bedosky No strength-training program would be complete without deadlifts, which recruit several major muscle groups, including the back, shoulders, arms, abdominals, glutes, and legs. “This makes them extremely time-efficient—and a great exercise to include in your strength-training...
  13. EG News

    Pull Yourself Together with These Tips to Get Your Deadlift Off the Ground

    Want to add some poundage to your deadlift? Making gains with the necessary form and strength required to pile on the plates can be a lengthy quest, but this process can be accelerated by paying attention to some key points and make the necessary deadlifting adjustments that will help put you on...
  14. 01dragonslayer

    Deadlifts vs. Barbell Rows: Which Builds A Thicker Back?

    Nothing signifies strength like a big, strong back. Thick, broad and detailed lats, rhomboids, teres minor and major and a thick, cable-like lumbar are all attributes sought after by many but achieved by few. Building said back requires toiling away with the right kind of tools and applying a...
  15. 01dragonslayer

    Snatch Grip Deadlifts For Explosive Muscle Growth

    There’s no debate: deadlifts have a seat at the grown-up table. They are one of the best bang for your buck exercises. Compound full body movements that require total body tension and strength form the basis of any high-performance training program. I have a love/hate relationship with...
  16. 01dragonslayer

    Deadlifts Hurt Your Back? Here Are 4 Pain Free Alternatives

    No one can deny the host of benefits from deadlifts in any muscle building program. However, the main issue which arises for many lifters is that the traditional barbell deadlift leaves their lower backs beat up to the point of chronic injury and fatigue, ultimately limiting the use of this...
  17. 01dragonslayer

    Why Women Should Deadlift

    Deadlifts. They are by far one of the best exercises for producing overall strength. But even more than that, they can even help you improve your physical appearance too. So, before we get into the meat of this article, I want to explain why women in particular should do deadlifts on a regular...
  18. 01dragonslayer

    5 Reasons You Can't Deadlift More Weight (And How To Fix Them)

    So, your deadlift has been stuck for the last few months and you can’t figure out what’s wrong? Well, truth be told, weight lifting is an acquired skill. You don’t just wake up one day with the ability to rip 500lbs off the floor. Sure, it would be cool if you could, but that would take all of...
  19. 01dragonslayer

    How to Choose the Best Deadlift Variation for Your Goals

    What is the Difference between Conventional & Sumo? There are a lot of questions centered around what’re the differences between a conventional and sumo deadlift. The first question you have to ask yourself is: What is the reason you’re performing deadlifts? If you’re looking for all around...
  20. EG News

    Try These 5 Upper Back Exercises for Improving Your ‘Big 3’ Lifts

    Most lifters know the importance upper-back strength plays when it comes to the “Big 3” lifts — bench press, squat, and deadlift — and for keeping the shoulders healthy. But those who just train chest and biceps don’t fully grasp the importance of the upper back until their shoulders hurt. It’s...