What supplements are safe for 17 year old to take?
My son drinks a whey protein shake post workout.
Is there any potential problems from that?
Is it safe for him to take a pre-workout for energy and stamina?
I wouldn't give him a full dose, I can't even take more than a quarter dose of...
How This Simple Juice Recipe Removes Uric Acid Crystallization In Joints?By Phyllis Bentley
Posted Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Uric acid is a substance that results from the breakdown of purines. A normal part of all human tissue, purines are found in many foods. Normally, uric acid is dissolved in...
I believe that you all may have the answer for this.
I have a close friend that used to drink wine 1-3 times a week for the last several years. But lately she has been drinking daily for the last 2 weeks. Usually it's a mixed cocktail daiquiri about 32oz. Last two days my friend has been adding...
How to Drink Baking Soda for Better Health in 3 Ways
By Beverly Entin
Posted Friday, November 13, 2015
You may know about lots of amazing ways we can use baking soda in home, from cleaning to making beauty products. This inexpensive while effective product has been used in so many ways in...
I really like DNP. Nothing beats it for fat loss.
Try to make your cycle in cooler weather. I'm on right now and we're having a beautiful Indian Summer in my neck of the woods. 81 yesterday, so I'm sweating like a whore in church.All.Day.Long.
DNP dose is weight dependent. Use 200-250 for a few...
8 Reasons Why Coffee Is Good for You
Written by Healthline Editorial Team | Published on June 29, 2015
Ask any coffee drinker and they’ll tell you: coffee has worthwhile benefits. Beyond the pleasant aroma and the morning pick-me-up, there is growing evidence that our coffee habits could...
An older gentleman(close to 80 now and goes like the Energizer Bunny) shared this with me about 10 years ago when I started having health issues.
I do this usually 2-3 time/yr, and this was a HUGE part of me getting well.
I was lazy and failed to do it this year before allergy season and my...
By Sasha Evolutionary
For most of today’s MMA fighters, cutting weight plays a huge part in the strategy of fighting in certain weight divisions. You see considerable size differential between fighters all the time and you usually wonder if the two fighters...
.... you can choose how much caffeine in a particular drink, or even food. Also, they took over the popular "Death by Caffeine" website and it's integrated here also.
didnt know how to change my info haha so i will just say it hear.
ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!! 24 years young. Alright lets get some drink suggestions guys. post em
Got these from a friend we trade stuff around back n forth. I know he'd never send me bunk shit I just never heard of this lab. Stuff on top the test suspension came from China.
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Ok, so we all know as bodybuilders that we should be at least taking in a gallon of water per day. But here is my question.
It really gets old drinking plain water like that all the time. Trust me, there are times when it is good tho.
So I have been buying the Gatorade powder sticks, and the...
I am absolutely sick of eggs ive had all I can eat. I just started buying cartons of whites mix with protein shake and take digestive enzymes since im drinking my breakfast.
Well i havent drank in probably 5 months and i typically never have been a big party animal but had a college buddy back in town this week and we went out last night. I didnt think we drank that much but fml do i feel like SHIT today bad. Im not running any orals only test atm, but i feel like...
If you are on steroids. Every once in a while some dip shit at the gym get up the balls to come up an ask me what I'm taking and if I'm on steroids. The standard answer is typically that I'm taking protein and creatine and such. Every so often (especially on tren) I rip into them and tell em if...