It's all in the title of the thread. Not asking you which one is the best but which one you like doing.
Mine are
Chest -- vertical chest press
Back -- seated rows
Biceps -- spider curls
Triceps -- weighted dips
Shoulders -- kettlebell swings
Traps -- barbell shrugs
Calves -- seated...
WBFF Pro Ashley Nocera
Quick Stats:
Age: 20
Height: 5’0’’ – 152 cm
Weight: 108 lbs. – 49 kg
How did you get started?
I was always active as a child. I started swimming at the age of 4 and eventually swam competitively for over 10 years, but I never focused on my diet. I ate...
Here's a simple yet effective routine that you can do utilizing ONLY dumbbells.This type of workout is especially helpful for those that don't have access to a gym for whatever reason,but still want to get in a great workout.Dumbbells are great because you can bring them with you while traveling...
Here's a great read on this issue that many today find themselves in and too often look for time as their excuse for not making it to the gym.Just a different type of work out routine that I have personally used many times as my biz had me traveling a lot.
I decided to get rid of the other thread I was posting in and move it over here and make it an actual log. I'll be adding workouts and keeping you all updated. I am working on adding some more size at the moment, when that changes I'll update. I'll start with Thursdays workout in the next post...